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Posts posted by CaptainHaense

  1. The Cadets of St. Karl


    The military youth of Hanseti-Ruska.

    5 Jula and Piov, 345ES



    "Ve sonz ag daughterz i St. Karl.“

    “The sons and daughters of St. Karl.”


    The militarian, Haeseni culture of Haense has always led to generations upon generations of excellent soldiers and commanders. To properly facilitate the introduction of the Haeseni youth into the Haense Royal Army, the Lord Marshal and His Majesty, Josef I hereby announce the creation of the Cadets of St. Karl.


    Throughout a youth’s time in the Cadets of St. Karl, they will learn a plethora of skills and experience which will aid them throughout their adulthood, whether they decide to graduate into the Haense Royal Army as an official soldier or not.


    The Badges of St Karl

    To graduate as a Cadet of St Karl, a cadet must possess all of the following badges:


    The badge of Skill


    To earn the badge of occupation, a cadet MUST learn one of the following skills and be able to prove a reasonable level of fortitude in:



    Military tactics



    Healing, basic medical training.


    Each Cadet is able to choose one of the skills listed above to learn, if they are not able to find someone to be taught under regarding their skill, then the Lord Marshal will find them a suitable person to learn from. 


    The badge of Learning


    The badge of learning is achieved by a cadet through learning the history of the Brotherhood of St Karl. Cadets will need to learn about the life of St Karl Barbanov, the most influential Lord Marshals of the order and the important roles that the order has held throughout the years. The cadets shall also be taught the tenets of the order of St Karl along with the Othamnic doctrine.


    The badge of Arms


    To earn the badge of arms, each cadet must attend a series of training sessions hosted by an officer of the HRA. During  these training sessions they will learn the basics of how to use a sword, shield and crossbow. They will also learn the basics of weapon care and proper weapon etiquette.


    The badge of Brotherhood


    To earn the badge of Brotherhood the initiates must complete a hunt similar to that of the Oath hunt that initiates undertake to become full members of the brotherhood. This hunt however, focuses more on teamwork due to the requirement for cadets to stay in the Graiswald Forest for two days and nights. To complete the badge, cadets must return to the city after the two days in good condition, having completed the following tasks on their hunt: 


    Build a shelter

    Entertain themselves

    Forage and hunt for a food source


         One should approach Lord Marshal Manfred Barclay to look into enlisting with the Cadet Corps.



    His Grace, Manfred Barclay, the Lord Marshal of Haense, Duke of Reinmar, Count of Kretzen, Baron of Freising and Baron of Sigradz.


    His Royal Majesty, Josef, by the grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Dules, Ulgaard, Lahy, Sorbesborg and Slesvik, Duke of Carnatia and Vidaus, Margrave of Rothswald, Count of Graiswald, Karikhov, Baranya, Kvasz, Kavat, Karovia, Kovachgrad, Torun, Turov, Alban, Markev, Reza and Kaunas, Baron of Rytsburg, Venzia, Esenstadt, Krepost and Kralta, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector of the Highlanders, etcetera


  2. Royal Decree of 344ES

    Royal Banishment of Clan Raguk

    12 Vzmey and Hyff , 344ES


    Issued and confirmed by His Majesty, Koeng Josef I








    Following the hostile raids and acts of violence committed by the rebelling Clan Raguk of the so-called Crimson Horde, His Majesty deems it fit that they be forbidden from entering the domain of the Crown of Haense until further notice. This includes the Royal City of New Reza and all Haeseni vassals. 


    If any member of Clan Raguk or the Crimson Horde is found within the King’s territories, they are to be executed by the Haeseni Royal Army, and will be treated as a hostile invasion. Any orc belonging to a clan that does not swear allegiance to the rebellious Crimson Horde shall be allowed in Haense unbothered.





    His Royal Majesty, Josef I, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Ulgaard, Lahy, Sorbesborg and Slesvik, Duke of Carnatia and Vidaus, Margrave of Rothswald, Count of Graiswald, Karikhov, Baranya, Kvasz, Kavat, Karovia, Kovachgrad, Torun, Turov, Kaunas, Alban, Reza and Markev, Baron of Rytsburg, Venzia, Esenstadt, Krepost and Kralta, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector of the Highlanders, etcetera


  3. Royal Vassal Tour

    3rd Msitza and Dargund


    Distributed by the Office of the Palatine to all Haeseni Peers





    Following the coronation of His Majesty, it is requested that each landed peer of the Kingdom of Haense prepares their holdings to host the Royal Family. Each vassal will be visited, including a tour of the land and feast. It is encouraged that vassals feel open to expressing concerns to His Majesty, on topics such as the Inferi threat during his visit. The vassals will be toured in the following order;


    The Duchy of Reinmar and the House of Barclay 


    The Duchy of Valwyck and the House of Baruch


    The Margraviate of Korstadt and the House of Kortrevich


    The Margraviate of Vasiland and the House of Vanir


    The County of Alimar and the House of Alimar


    The County of Otistadt and the House of Ludovar


    The County of Metterden and the House of Ruthern


    The County of Nenzing and the House of Stafyr


    The Barony of Astfield and the House of Vyronov


    The Barony of Mondstadt and the House of Amador


    Specific dates and times for His Majesty’s arrival will be decided upon on a case-by-case basis with each house patriarch.





    His Royal Majesty, Josef I, by the grace of Godan , King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Ulgaard, Lahy, Sorbesborg and Slesvik, Duke of Carnatia and Vidaus, Margrave of Rothswald, Count of Graiswald, Karikhov, Baranya, Kvasz, Kavat, Karovia, Kovachgrad, Torun, Turov, and Kaunas, Alban, Markev and Reza,  Baron of Rytsburg, Venzia, Esenstadt, Krepost and Kralta, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector of the Highlanders, etcetera


  4. Sinking: Sunk





    A tired Petyr Baruch lounged at his desk chair within his chambers, eyes bloodshot and half shut. He didn’t understand his family’s sudden betrayal, with the majority of his children siding with his unfaithful wife over him, and his own father forcing him to abdicate on false claims of insanity. He certainly didn’t feel insane, it was his family who were overlooking reality! As he sat, he reminisced over memories, memories of a time when he truly loved his wife:


    The first memory he went to was one of his best; the birth of his first child. He walked into the feast hall, exhausted from a long day’s work in Reza. However, upon seeing Sofiya — and her notable lack of a baby bump — he immediately jumped up “Ah missed it?” He’d cry out with anguish, approaching his wife and swaddled baby with great haste. “Are ‘ey ‘ealthy?” He asked as he peered over her arms, gazing unto his newborn babe. “Da, he is. Would you like to hold him?” Sofiya suggested, a smile growing on his face as the gender of his child was revealed “He” He’d repeat, receiving the child in his arms. He’d speak in an excited whisper, as to not frighten his new son “Look a’ ‘im! Eja little Petyr'' He dubbed the child after himself.


    A faint smile spread across his lips as he recalled the day, surely there had never been a more joyous occasion in his entire life. But that smile soon faded, as he recalled the outright disobedience and spiteful attitude of who that babe grew to be. Never had he seen a child so dedicated to acting out against every word he said, so dedicated to sending him to an early stress-induced grave. Perhaps it wasn’t his best memory after all. Maybe it was actually a good thing he wasn’t there for the birth of such an unruly and ungrateful child. Instead, he moved on to the next memory, hoping to clear his mind.


    However his mind was led astray, not to a good memory, but another bad. “That is cruel of you… To try and turn my own children against me!” Sofiya screamed at him in the feast hall of Valstadt Castle. All he remembered was a feeling of indignant confusion. He hadn’t turned the kids against her. Perhaps to blame was her frequent carousing with so-called business partners Vorloin Sturmholm and John Pruvia. He saw the way they looked at her… With lust and hedonistic intent. And how was she to explain her current pregnancy? He didn’t remember anything ever being conceived, no, not by him. And yet every day she returned to Valwyck, pretending to be the ideal wife. Perhaps she thought he was stupid? “Ye did tha’ yerself! Ye don’ ge’ to abandon yer family and ‘en try to weasel yerself back into it!” He clutched his bottle of Carrion as tightly as he could in anger “Why are you so desperately trying to take away the one thing that brings me joy in life?” She spoke of their children, the ones she brainwashed against him, with the help of his eldest, Little Petyr. All he had done was try to enlighten them to the truth, telling them that their Mamej no longer had time to be with them, that she chose a new family over their own. That much — he was sure — was true. Though as he stood in thought, Sofiya violently and brazenly lunged towards him, planting the palms of her hands on his shoulders in a savage shove. He had to protect himself, who could tell for sure how far she intended to go with this attack? So he instinctively brought the bottle he clutched up to her head, knocking her onto the ground with it.


    Petyr grunted at his desk, jolting to his senses as the unpleasant thoughts flooded his mind. His relationship was fine until Little Petyr came along. The boy had corrupted his wife, turned her violent and rebellious. “Where did ah go wrong?” He pondered alone in his room. How could he have let his own child turn his wife against him, who in turn poisoned the rest of his kin with venomous rhetoric and accusations. Finally he forced himself to reminisce of a time before Little Petyr’s birth, when things were good:


    Naturally his thoughts drifted to his marriage counseling under the guidance of Bishop Benedict. He, Sofiya and the Bishop stood on the bank of the water outside Valstadt, the Bishop chanting “Spirit of the water, help us! Mother moon, help us! Children stars, guide us!” Followed by the dumping of holy water on their heads, cleansing them of their sins. This act had become an inside joke between him and his new bride. They both found the amount of water employed by the Bishop to be a bit exaggerated, suffering the same at their wedding, darkening and weighing down their clothes for the rest of the evening both times. They had been considering having a baby ever since their wedding night, but decided it would be best to wait until they were more bonded. They both respected each other and the boundaries they had set.


    Once more a faint smile appeared on his face as he sat at his desk. A tear of grief ran down his face, for the Sofiya in that memory was long dead. Little Petyr had killed her. He needed to avenge her. However, his reminiscing was soon cut short as he heard the screams of Isabel below. It was as if the stars had aligned, for when he ran down to see what had happened, a frantic Isabel announced that Sofiya was in fact dead literally as much as she was in his mind metaphorically; facedown in the water outside.


    He sat Isabel in the feast hall as he went out to investigate. Standing at the railing of the bluffs, he saw Sofiya’s body was battered. It seemed she had jumped from a high distance, her body crushed on impact and subsequently slapped against the cliffside repeatedly. He concluded she had probably jumped from the tower. “She always was weak, wasn’ she?” He asked spitefully, though deep inside he knew he only referred to the shell of Sofiya that he grew to hate after Little Petyr’s incessant poisoning. The Sofiya he knew before was strong, and would never have committed such an unholy act on herself.


    Nonetheless, Petyr quickly ordered the body to be retrieved from the water and buried near the memorial for their missing son Matyas. “Regardless, ah know who drove ‘er to ‘is fate” He’d declare to himself in his continuing internal monologue. He’d pat the pommel of his blade as it hung on his hip, turning to return inside Valstadt Castle, where the new Duke — Petyr II — resided. The time for vengeance was now. After all, he had nothing left to lose, his wife, titles and job having been torn from him.


    Upon entry to the castle, he passed by his frantic family and went straight up to his chambers. To his luck, he had never relinquished the set of armour he wore during his tenure as Lord Palatine, the transition of power had been too crazed, too chaotic. Slowly and meticulously, he strapped on the different pieces of the armour, and before soon he stood as a hunk of iron and leather plates. Affixing his scabbard to his belt, he began back towards the feast hall, where his family now mourned.


    “Why did she ‘ave to go?” A sniffling Little Petyr wept, embracing his sister Rozalina. Isabel still sat where he had left her; across the table from her siblings. Petyr crept around the corner of the stairwell, slowly pulling a combat knife from his side and holding it behind his back as he entered the feast hall. Luckily, the children sat facing the exit, and — although they may have heard him enter — could not see that he was dressed for war. 


    “Ah don’ know” Roza would try to console her brother, though it was clear she was just as shaken. Regardless, Petyr crept up behind his son — knife in hand — “It was ‘er time to go, son.” He prodded, feigning a tone of concern. With this, he’d raise his knife, hoping to strike his son when he turned around to look at him — he wanted Little Petyr to see himself be stabbed.


    Though Petyr’s plan quickly unrailed, for it was Rozalina who turned first! “Look ou’!” The young girl quickly sprung into action, instinctively swatting the knife away from a surprised Big Petyr, the blade freeing itself from his grasp and bouncing across the tabletop. By now, Little Petyr had also turned, wide-eyed and surprised by the attack.


    Petyr fumbled to reach for the sword at his side — but alas — he was much too close to Roza and Little Petyr to maneuver it out. Meanwhile, Little Petyr produced his own dagger, one that Sofiya had gifted him before she died. Petyr; now in a mild panic, drew back his fist to punch his son and disarm him, but his attempt was fruitless. 


    By the time Petyr reeled back his fist in preparation to strike, Little Petyr did so first, his dagger plunging deep into a crook in his Father’s breastplate near his shoulder, a deep red stream leaking from it. “AGH!” The man stepped back, the dagger yanked from his arm in the process, though it remained in Little Petyr’s grasp “Papej!” Isabel jumped from her bench, watching in horror at the conflict.


    Little Petyr briefly glanced to Isabel, and then to his bloodied dagger, standing frozen like a frightened animal. “Ye stabbed me!” Petyr snarled, lunging at his son one last time, who instinctively raised his dagger up to point at his Father, covering his eyes with his freehand. “STOP IT!” Isabel screamed, tears streaming down her face.


    Unfortunately for Isabel, a rough sound of tearing pursued. Her Father had run into the outward dagger, impaling it through his neck. Horrid gurgling sounds came next, and sounds of a brief struggle, before the man collapsed, hitting the table first and then the floor as he grasped at his neck.


    Little Petyr and Rozalina watched with mixed and unsure expressions, for ahead of them lay the man who had raised them, and yet brought them so much pain, both mental and physical. For a few more moments he struggled and writhed on the floor, blood sputtering from his impaled neck. 


    Petyr looked up at his son, his eyes screamed for help, but he knew none would come. His strength had already left him, his hands clawed at his neck, but to no avail, the dagger was lodged. His vision slowly blurred, and the sounds of his own struggle were overtaken by a droning ringing in his ears. Soon all he could see were the silhouettes of two of his relieved children, and all he could hear was ringing and his own gasping for air.


    Momentarily, the gasping stopped, and he could see nothing. In his last moment — as his consciousness left him — he thought of only one thing: Sofiya.



    Petyr Siegmund var Sigmar Baruch






  5. It was with great strain that the disillusioned Petyr brought himself outside to see his wife’s body floating in the water. His eyes were bloodshot and droopy as they so often were nowadays, devoid of any real emotion. He’d simply offer a grunt, ordering the body to be retrieved. ”She always was weak, wasn’ she?” He’d speak monotonously, gripping the railing planted at the cliffside. ”Regardless, ah know who drove ‘er to ‘is.” He’d declare to himself, oblivious in his mad mental state to the actuality of the situation, that it was him that caused this. He’d pat the pommel of his blade as it hung on his hip, turning to return inside Valstadt Castle, where the new Duke resided...

  6. [!] A small booklet containing various pieces of art using different artistic mediums


    Art Portfolio

    If Found, Return to: Grand Prince Josef



    Piece One

    Piece Name:Mamej          Year: 1772  




    Piece Two

    Piece Name: Isabel          Year:1775




    Piece Three

    Piece Name:Grapes lady made me draw    Year:1775




    Piece Four

    Piece Name:Mr Ruben          Year:1776




    Piece Five

    Piece Name: Happy Haense          Year: 1777




    ((OOC: This post is just for memes mostly, want to link these on signs anyways, might add more later i dunno, felt cute))

  7. Response from the Royal Ministry

    9th of Vzmey and Hyff, 327ES


    Penned and Issued by His Excellency, the Lord Palatine of Haense Petyr Baruch





    In an effort to adhere to newly instituted and practiced policies for the acquiring of new land, the Crown of Haense hereby dignifies:


    1. The newly reacquired region of Rubern is to be governed by the Crown of Haense and may be split up as they deem fit between the Count of Leuven and the House of Alimar, with the advisory opinion of the House of Lords. This region shall thus forth be referred to as the Midland Steppe. 


    1. The House of Alimar will retain the titular title Grand Prince of Muldav, as per the protection granted to them in the Titular Title Creation Prohibition Act of 1728, which states “The cadets of the royal houses of those kingdoms within the Holy Orenian Empire” can be “styled as deemed fit by the patriarch”.

             A. Titular title refers to a title that has no land or territory associated with it, therefore there may be no land named or referred to as Muldav.


    1. The Baruch Ministry reaffirms the Royal Decree of 322ES and the Oren Revised Code, the latter of which states within CH 702.02 that “The privilege to hold landed secular peerage appertaining to their estates within the Imperial State, the created nature of peerage conveyed through Imperial Letters, issued singularly by the discretion of the sovereign”, but that “deeds of [land] which are entitled to a peerage shall not be granted or altered so as to cause a loss to the owner” — in this case the King  — unless consented to, as according to the Peerage and Property Edict of 1768.


    1. The Baruch Ministry recognizes the recommendation of the House of Lords for the distribution of land within the Midland Steppe. It shall be taken into account when distributing the land in the region. His Majesty deems it fit that the majority of the region will be made into a national park and memorial to honor the lives lost during the AIS War of Aggression. 


    1. The Lord Palatine Petyr Baruch does hereby personally apologize to the Imperial Administration for the attempted landing of Muldav without utilizing the processes set in place according to the Edict of Reform.  More specifically, he apologizes for the inappropriate public and distasteful denouncement of the House of Lords at Haeseni court, which indirectly also besmirched the honour of His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor. The Office of the Palatine recognizes the mistakes made by the administration and is prepared to take full responsibility for the consequences of said actions committed by the Crown.





    His Excellency, Petyr Baruch, the Lord Palatine of Hanseti-Ruska

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