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Everything posted by Taketheshot

  1. I agree 100% with this, no ******* circle jerks, if someone can competently create one on their own let them.
  2. The only thing I am not liking so far is the rarity aspect, people tossing out firearm lore want it to be this rare thing, gunsmith apps where you have to RP it out, much nicer than having it on the nexus. Nexus is **** we all know that, if you make the guns nexus based rather than have someone rply craft it it will lead to groups of players who grind having firearms and everyone else getting slapped by them. I would very much like it to be an RP based craft, IE the player spends some time roleplaying to produce the item either under watch of an LT/GM or taking screenshots which can then be shown to staff, enabling the nexus grind will just turn these into another thing like carbarum armor. This as well.
  3. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2140 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ ((no RP this post folks, I literally have had RP for the past 40 years I'm gonna miss it this one time. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________ ACTIONS 8AP into Project Infallible 1AP is sent to the Han dominion to be used on whatever the deem fit 0AP for the establishment of the Han-Arcturan Friendship and cooperation center in the Han system and USA system alike. 4AP is sent to H.E. for the purchase of 15,000 Defender Droids The US Border and Customs Services controlling gateway station would ensure all trade goods inbound to the milky way are properly inspected to ensure no dangerous virus/superbug/anything else that could harm the milky way unintentionally or otherwise. ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -Han Dominion -Malta -GTFO -Asgard republic -Silver Knights -Libellan -Confederation Of Xaplonius - H.E. ___________________________ 20AP on PSDI SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 169,750 humans 5,000 Skellar 4,250 Libellan 3,000 Da’nor 1000 Human-tijeran Total pop = 183,000 10k neanderthals _______________________________ Industry 25AP=1Ap ____________________________________ Military -50,000 US Navy sailors -20,000 US Marines -1,000 US Army soldiers -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots ______________________________________ Arcturus System Valentum-1 _____________________________ _______________________________________
  4. Attacking the person in defiance truly shows how triggered you really are, I simply pointed out how your "opinion" and "Well constructed diagram" offers nothing to the discussion and it doesn't, it merely is more evidence of your salt towards an idea you dont like, sorry mate, you aint makin much sense.
  5. Hi! So on pretty much any lore post having anything to do with cannons/guns/really anything YOU dont approve of, you either post a stale meme such as this or leave a rude comment such as "**** NO." What this is doing is not offering any form criticism or opinions that the author of the lore could possibly work on. All it is, is a quick one liner that offers nothing to the discussion taking place and instead just choosing to mock and belittle the piece of lore written.
  6. I very much like this idea, but the same thing bothers me and that was the fact you want it extremely hard to make via multi skill system, all this does is put it into the hands of grinders and pvp focused groups which and I am telling you now, will cause a massive ******* uproar when people start raiding settlements with guns because no one else has them. The whole idea of matchlock rifles and other weaponry of similiar nature was that it was easier to make than a crossbow, the industrial revolution sparked this but I still firmly believe it should be a relatively easy to obtain weapon just due to its simple nature, akin to the crossbow we compare it to. What I do NOT agree with, is preloading. No preloads, same as a crossbow either way +1
  7. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2138 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ “Francis Scott key went ashore, and immediately went into Fort Henry to see what had happened. And what he found had happened was that that flagpole and that flag had suffered repetitious direct hits, and that it had fallen. But men, fathers, who knew what it meant for that flag to be on the ground – although knowing that all of the British guns were trained on it – walked over and held it up, humanly, until they died. Their bodies were removed and others took their place. Francis Scott Key said what held that flagpole in place at that unusual angle were patriots bodies.” Newly elected President Cuthos, sat at his desk as he looked beyond the camera to in the oval office to the man behind it counting down on his hand, the ruins of New Plymouth, the capital evident in the background. “My Fellow Americans, for too long have been beseeched at the head of a restrictive, and hostile overlord. That time is over, and unfortunately many many lives were given in the pursuit of that most noblest goal, I could attempt to justify it, I could attempt to convince you, that our choice was the right one, but deep down we all feel that what was done was right, We have persevered, we have done battle and we have won. But the war my fellow citizens is very far from over. We have driven the keerim back and took away one of their most used outposts with not only our blood and sweat but the blood of the LC who worked to protect us. A new age is dawning, an age where we will have to work harder than ever before in our society, but we will rebuild, we will prosper, and we will win. It is with great disdain that I had to follow my orders to attack the Solarin Federation but such is the nature of armed conflict, our attack was much the same as the attack on the Han Dominion by the forces of SATO led by the Solarin Federation. They paid the reparations price as did we. But the cost of human lives cannot be redeemed. Regardless the actions of former President Hughes caused an end to many lives both within the federation as well as here at home, a costly price, paid for by the common people for a presumptuous and traitorous man, the forces of the United States are currently engaged in finding and capturing this traitor to humanity. My fellow Americans I plead with you to have faith, I have led the US fleet in many victories, and at the head of this fine nation, I will lead this too, to victory, goodnight, may god bless you and may god bless, the United States Of Arcturus” __________________________________________ Several soldiers of the United States Army stood at the entrance to the Capitol war room. President Cuthos gave the slightest of salutes to return theirs as he walked into the room, the general hullabaloo and commotion came to a close as high ranking officers stopped their talking and came to attention “At ease Gentlemen, at ease. No time for small talk let's leap right into it.” President Cuthos slid into his seat as the other officers took their seats, many were empty. The bloody battle that had occurred dealt a savage blow to the populace and left many government positions vacant, former President Hughes had not been heard from since he boarded his private yacht two days after the attack and departed the system of Arcturus, without a proper line of succession a snap election was called, John Cuthos had no interest in leading the nation at his ripe old age of 74, however the officers under his command as well as the few surviving politicians nominated him and with no competition he ran unopposed and was sworn in as the 79th President of the United States that afternoon. “Well it's very simple Admir-” The General corrected himself with a grunt “Mr President, the Keerim have been driven back across the sector lines here, here and here.” The General pointed to several glowing red spots on the holoscreen “The Skellar and the Libellan’s have once again become free and are assisting in the main axis of advance along the parallel here.” The General ran his finger through the hologram tracing a red line into keerim space. “Overall sir if I were to give my complete untainted and grim analysis, the deaths of 400,000 humans of our nation, were not for nothing Mr President, our ‘victory’ has led to a complete collapse of the keerim offensive and they are now on the retreat.” President Cuthos leaned back in his chair running a hand through his gray hair with a sigh “And what of former President Hughes? That idiot needs to pay for what he has done, throwing away so many lives for his own personal gain, did you gents know he emptied his accounts and sold his stock shares?” The General nodded “At this time sir we are not entirely privy to his location but I am sure we will find him.” _______________________________________________ Janus City, financial district, GTFO “Right there you see him?” Walters young protege nodded as he took Walter’s spot at the rangefinder “That's the guy?” A middle aged man stepped out of the large town car onto the sidewalk, with two men in suits next to him Walter keyed his radio “Okay folks, nice and easy bag and tag.” Former President Hughes walked inside the bank clutching a large leather envelope he stood in line. Outside a small commotion disrupted the regular flow of traffic three black panel vans pulled up along the sidewalk as seven men jumped out the back of each, wielding M-92A Assault rifles and clad in unmarked black utility gear they rushed into the bank, with several quick pops the men guarding Hughes slumped to the floor, several more ran up to the former President tackling him as a sack was thrown over his head and tightened, the plastic grip of zap straps went around his hands and feet, people looked in awe as the small force of men withdrew from the bank and back outside, quickly as they had come Mr Hughes was tossed inside the back of the van as the small force hopped inside, closing the doors they sped off in the black of night. Walter and James packed up their rangefinder as they left their spot on the rooftop and sulked into the crowded alleyways, of Janus city. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________ ACTIONS 3AP on three corvettes 8AP on project Infallible 0AP the mastermind and “Fool” known as former Preisdent Howard Hughes, who caused the deaths of so many Arcturans and Solarins, is delivered to the Solarin Federation for them to do as they please. ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -Han Dominion -Malta -GTFO -Asgard republic -Silver Knights -Libellan -Confederation Of Xaplonius -Britain ___________________________ 20AP on PSDI SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 160,500 humans 3,500 Skellar 2,500 Libellan 1,750 Da’nor 500 Human-tijeran Total pop = 168,750 10k neanderthals _______________________________ Industry 25AP=1Ap ____________________________________ Military -50,000 US Navy sailors -20,000 US Marines -1,000 US Army soldiers -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots ______________________________________ Arcturus System Valentum-1 _____________________________ ________________________________________
  8. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2138 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ “Fear, fear the coming of the light, for it so proudly heralds, the fissures of destruction.” The sunrise was barely visible as the began to peek through the jagged cliffs and steppes on the horizon, HD-019481b was a calm planet, the desert heat prevented aggressive wildlife and the dune seas stretched across the horizon as far as the eyes could see. This part of the continent was chosen for its unique vast open desert, free of any obstacles. Across a small pond, they were 4000 kilometers from ground zero. This remote planet in the outer edge of the galaxy was perfect for the first test. Project Angel was underway… “Attention all personnel, attention all personnel. Please lower your goggles and make your way behind a blast shield, any personnel without goggles are reminded to look away until 30 seconds, after first light.” The loudspeaker blared throughout the small compound. Doctor Inshuaiga, a man of korean background lowered his goggles as he stepped behind the blast shield with the rest of his team “Gentlemen, today we join an elite group of nations.” The loudspeaker blared once more as men and women took up their positions “T-minus 60 seconds to zero hour.” the long drone of a siren began to wail throughout the morning quiet. The loudspeaker came on once more “T-minus 30 seconds to zero hour, all personnel lower goggles and proceed behind blast shields.” The men looked at their watches as they held their breaths, the loudspeaker announced once more “T-minus 10 seconds to zero hour….9…..8….7….6….5….4….3…..2….1…..” In a brilliant flash of light the weapon exploded, in a massive radius the orbitally launched weapon slammed into the surface as rocks and debris from the planet were thrown into orbit by the sheer amount of energy released after almost a minute the first shock wave slammed into the blast shields shearing the bolts off some as the windows were instantly sandblasted by the intense wind. The shock wave passed around the planet a total of eight times slowly getting weaker but the effects were obvious. The scientists stood up at the massive cloud reaching to the edge of the atmosphere towered over them, untold in size it was massive. Nobody spoke, everyone stood quietly in awe of what they had just done. In the words of J Robert Oppenheimer upon the trinity test, ‘I am become death, the destroyer of worlds’ of course, J. Robert Oppenheimer, had no idea the weapon he created in 1949 was of so little power, compared to this… ________________________________ “Admiral sir, priority message over fleet main sir, you should take a look at this” Admiral Cuthos set down his coffee as he took the red folder in his hands opening it to read. PRIORITY TRANSMISSION DESIGNATE HOTEL-1-9-6-GDLF-TANGO-6-5-2 MESSAGE AS FOLLOWS FLEET TO MOVE IMMEDIATELY TO STAGING POINT IRONWILL FOR OPERATION [SOLARIS FINEM] Authorization code 6-4-7-6-2-2-2-H-J-G-5-P END MESSAGE Admiral Cuthos let out a large sigh “Solaris Finem, the time has finally come.” He looked to the young sailor who brought him the folder before waving him away Admiral Cuthos pulled on his sidearm as he made his way out of his stateroom and into the hallway he keyed the microphone in his datapad “Bridge this the CO, sound General Quarters.” ____________________________ 0AP the colony ship is sent directly south of the home system to recolonize the sector 4AP Spent rebuilding the ruined cities, cleanups and other worthwhile expenditures in the hopes of salvaging and reusing pieces to get the nation rolling again. As well as ads for migration 4AP in Solarin relief aid ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -Han Dominion -Malta -GTFO -Asgard republic -Silver Knights ___________________________ 20AP on PSDI SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 360,500 humans 102,000 Keerim 11,500 Skellar 10,000 Libellan 8,500 Da’nor 1500 Human-tijeran Total pop = 494,000 10k neanderthals _______________________________ Industry 25AP=1Ap ____________________________________ Military -50,000 US Navy sailors -30,000 US Marines -10,000 US Army soldiers -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots ______________________________________ Arcturus System Valentum-1 _____________________________ ________________________________________
  9. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2137 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ “There comes the time when we sail so far, our homeland dips beneath the horizon, and we will have no choice but to press onwards to the destination.” “Captain, ship nav systems reporting linked, quantum jump drives are spun up and warp transition is standing by, estimated time to destination three hundred and eighty nine days from first jump. All compartments are reporting in readiness status, the expedition is reporting go for jump.” Captain Jyne took hold of the ship's intercom, as he switched some knobs relaying the information to the other ships. “Sailors, scientists, engineers, ladies and gentlemen, today, we embark on one of mankind's greatest journeys, together we will go down in history as explorers and those who reached our hands into the unknown. It will be a long road, and when we arrive we will be so unimaginably far from home, I will not lie, should a system fail in the void, we will be doomed to forever roam the stars as but passengers aboard a derelict vessel, but that is the payment, that is the risk we must be willing to take for our reward, and what is our reward, to be exact our reward is nothing material nothing of possessive value, our reward will be that of advancing our species, and ensuring that, not the united states, no nation, but we. As a species shall live on. No matter the outcome, this species which originated in a small, sliver of land on a savannah, of a backwater world. Will be forever ingrained among the stars, today as we set forth. We make history for all mankind.” A lone man without a spacesuit leaned against the back of the quantum anchor station, he raised a wrinkled hand with a white suited collar in a wave, as the expedition raced off. ____________________________ ACTIONS 4Ap for a colonial freighter In a WHOPPING show of construction and engineering know how the USA devotes over half of its labor budget towards PSDI, with the focus on completely converting the home world into a fortress. The main focus would be put into armaments such as heavy batteries, missile silos and hidden rail gun emplacements. 6AP An Offer on Union is sent to the nation of Aegis, with the massive US fleet and trade opportunities it would be quite beneficial for them to Union with the United States which would be able to protect the smaller nation. 0AP for establishing a cultural center and a museum within the GTC 0AP for the recovery of the voyager probes 1AP for the beginning of another expedition, 1 frigate and two freighters are dispatched to the Carina galaxy to begin preparations for the first colony. The following nation's supply teams of scientists and engineers to take part Peoples Agrarian Republic The Han Dominion Hephaestus Enterprises Imperium Of Man Galactic Trade Federation of Orimon ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -Libellan -Keerim ___________________________ 14AP on PSDI SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 334,750 humans 80,000 Keerim 9750 Skellar 9,000 Libellan 8,000 Da’nor 1250 Human-tijeran Total pop = 442,750 10k neanderthals _______________________________ Industry 25AP=1Ap ____________________________________ Military -32,000 US Navy sailors -12,000 US Marines -10,000 US Army soldiers -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots ______________________________________ Arcturus System Valentum-1 _____________________________ ________________________________________
  10. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2136 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ “Boldly They rode and well, Into the Jaws of death, Into the mouth of hell” September 8th 2087 - Wilhelmshaven Inlet - Germany At first it was dark, the interior of the well deck was silent, the large metal doors slid open, allowing the slightly overcast sun to bathe the US Marines in light, The craft began to putt its engine as it bobbed in the water, slowly but surely it made its way out of the assault ships rear and joined the haphazard line of landing craft, looking forward, Private First Class Cuthos, stood at the front, he grasped his M-21 rifle tightly, before them stood a beach of fortification, the new ‘Atlantic wall’ as it was being called, Three A-18 Thunderstrike’s soared overhead, breaking off to the side they lined up with the beach, the familiar BRTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT breaking the silence of what was only the waves lapping against the hull of the landing craft, The platoon commander turned and Private Cuthos shuffled to the side as much as he could “LISTEN UP DEVIL DOGS, WE ARE GOING IN ON THE FIRST WAVE! LAST TIME IT WAS THE ARMIES TURN, WELL GUESS WHAT TOJO SAT ******* QUIET THIS TIME, SO NO PACIFIC FOR US!” Some nervous laughter and chuckles came from men as the commander continued “MEN, I CANNOT PROMISE TO BRING EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU HOME, BUT IF YOU REMEMBER YOUR TRAINING, AND STAY FOCUSED, WE WILL TAKE THAT BEACH AND SHOW THE MOTHERFUCKERS THAT THERE WILL NOT! BE A FIFTH REICH! IT ENDS HERE, IT ENDS DOWN, SEMPER FI!” The Platoon commander finished his speech as a shell tore through the landing craft to their left, utterly obliterating it, from here merely 100m off shore they could hear the chaos, tomahawk missiles shot overhead as the buzzing of German heavy machine guns penetrated their ears as the lead bullets began tearing into landing craft up and down the beach. The Platoon commander turned to Cuthos as he went to speak “Keep your head down kid and you will be alr-” The lieutenants sentence was cut off as a bullet tore through his helmet and he collapsed to the deck, the blood mixing with the salt water. As private Cuthos knelt down to tend to him a large crash shook the landing craft as it slammed into the beach, the pilot at the rear pulled on a lever and the ramp dropped, from his position Cuthos saw nothing but chaos and blood, the beach ahead of him lay strewn in bodies and barricades as the German soldiers in their bunkers cut down the combined force of Britain the USNA and the South American Commonwealth. A wall of fire erupted in front of the young marine as a landmine detonated at the front of the craft taking out half of the platoon, Private Cuthos threw his rifle over the side as he dove in after it, contrary to the chaos above Cuthos heard only bubbling and the faint zip of machine gun bullets as he sunk to the bottom of the water, grasping his rifle once more he struggled forward saltwater burning in his nose as he made his way onto the beach. Kneeling down he got his first true glimpse of, what could only be described as hell. From his position he could see APCs and other light vehicles make it onto the beach, in the distance a sea of fire burned brightly on the nearby mountain. Private Cuthos peered around him awestruck as the ringing in his ears took over his senses, to the left of him three men sprinted from the ocean, covered in burning gasoline. To his right he saw a 40mm auto cannon round slam into the face of a navy Seabee, as he hobbled over he turned the man over to find the entire skull caved in, nothing remaining but smoking gibs in a helmet. Though his senses were overwhelmed one thing remained as men were cut down around him, the smell of death. Several corporals and a sergeant pulled Cuthos to the ground as a machine gun bullet ricocheted off his helmet, a narrow miss as he hunkered in a shallow crater. Cuthos continued to look around wide eyed until one of his fellow marines slapped him hard in the face and suddenly he regained his hearing as he snapped to “WAKE THE **** UP PRIVATE! WE ARE GOING TO MOVE FROM THIS CRATER TO THAT SEAWALL, IT'S THE ONLY WAY OFF THE BEACH!” The Sergeant screamed at the young marine over the sounds of battle around them. Rallying the men the ragtag group of marines sprinted from whatever sliver of cover they once had, it seemed like slow motion almost as they ran as fast as they could to get to the seawall, nothing between them and the almighty. And they reached it, machine gun bullets tore up the beach behind them as they made it within the MGs firing arc, wielding his rifle and fixing bayonets the group of marines charged into the pillbox, and the MG trained on H-sector fell quiet. As Private Cuthos sat on the burnt grass looking out over the captured beach he heard President whitestone speaking on today's battle “The debt was demanded, the price, it was paid.” As Admiral Cuthos sat up in his bed, he thought once more back on that day nearly fifty years ago, As he once again sat his sights back on the task at hand, once more, there was a debt to be settled... ____________________________ ACTIONS An expeditionary force of two corvettes, and two freighters is sent to follow the probes path to the Carina Galaxy 0AP 8AP for the redevelopment of Project Infallible in attempt to further its stealth capabilities. 3AP for PSDI Once again Operation Lentus continues 0AP 0AP a message is sent to the Aurora colony looking to meet regarding the unification. "Greetings fellow humans, friends, perhaps future countrymen. Your colony roots date back to the old countries of great Britain, Japan and Germany, these three nations were close allies and friends of the United States on Earth, and while times might have changed as do the populace. But the remaining stance has not changed, we welcome with open arms a union, your nation with ours, At the current time, the United States has the largest military fleet within the human colonies, this allows us to protect a vast swath of space, and more importantly protect your colonies should you enter the union, the US has always been the foremost in human rights advocacy as well as living conditions, even now when many nations turn to dictatorship and hereditary governments, the United States still holds elections every four years, this freedom to choose, this freedom of democracy is one of great value to your people we know. Our recent successful journey to the Carina Galaxy means our nation will continue to the be foremost in exploration and advancement, we will travel to new heights and we wish for you to join us on that journey." ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -Libellan -Keerim ___________________________ SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 333,000 humans 80,000 Keerim 9000 Skellar 8,750 Libellan 7,750 Da’nor 1000 Human-tijeran Total pop = 439,500 10k neanderthals ____________________________________ Military -32,000 US Navy sailors -12,000 US Marines -10,000 US Army soldiers -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots ______________________________________ Arcturus System Valentum-1 _____________________________ ________________________________________
  11. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2135 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ “The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday” The rain of the jungle world poured down, though the canopy blocked most of the direct fall, water trickled through the leaves on the grass below. Only it wasn't all grass and brush. The three snipers stalked through the trees and jungle, the sun glistening a few rays to the jungle floor, reaching the edge of the cliff they went to prone and crawled into their vantage point, indistinguishable from the brush around them. The three men watched the army below before the middle one keyed his headset quietly talking into it. “Sunray 1-1, this is spectre actual, message over.” The three snipers took the time to set up the bipods on their rifles as they ensured each one was loaded with osmium tipped bullets, a crackly voice followed, “Sunray 1-1, send traffic spectre we read 5 by 5, over” The snipers waited as the apparent leader keyed his mic once more “Spectre Actual. Be advised, we have eyes and the drop on fifty plus, enemy foot mobiles, they seem to be crowding around a two wheeled object, over.” A pause was heard, evident via the static before the voice responded, “Sunray 1-1, copy your last fifty plus enemy foot mobiles, the ROE remains the same, engage at your will. Over.” The lead sniper patted the backs of his fireteam before responding “Spectre actual, copy that, engaging enemy forces, Spectre Actual, out.” The three snipers slowly spread out leaving a three metre gap between each other on the cliffside as they toggled the safeties off their rifles “Distance to target, 2000 plus metres, accounting for the wind and coriolis effect, travel time 1.35 seconds.” The sniper with the range finder sat it aside as he picked up his own rifle. “Let's make this quick, they are spreading out, target the ones away from the main group, let's pick them off.” The fireteam leader said quietly as he took up aim on a lone target. “Fire at will” And with that, he along with his partners each fired their shots, the bullet arc was almost visible if you looked closely enough, cutting through the mist. The bullets hit their mark as the three targets fell, the enemy never even saw them drop, the silenced rifles barely making any noise. “Keep it up, forty seven to go.” And with that the snipers began cleanly picking off targets, at around the 36 kill mark one of the targets noticed one of his comrades drop, the rest scattered from the two wheeled vehicle. It took a little longer but in ten minutes all the targets were gone, the clearing lay covered with bodies, satisfied the three snipers collected their brass and readjusted the brush so that if anyone came looking, they were never there. “Much easier than last time, and a surprise attack once more.” They then slowly stalked back into the thick jungle, silent as they had come. ____________________________ ACTIONS 0AP for the continuation of Operation Lentus 3 AP for PSDI including the new Karass Surface to space cannon design 2AP for the construction of a quantum beacon. 4AP for two frigates Undeterred in their efforts the United States dispatches yet another probe, with the andromeda mission hitting a wall at roughly the ⅔ mark of the journey, approx 1.7 million light years, the US launches a probe to one of the much smaller satellite galaxies of the milky way, less than a quarter of the distance traveled to Andromeda and therefore would have been passed, long before hitting the wall, the target is chosen as the Carina Dwarf Galaxy, 300,000 light years away. 0AP their intentions revealed the US fleet with US and Han doctors set up orbital field hospitals around Zeta Prime for the casualties of the battle of Tassera 0AP Joining the GTC ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -Libellan -Keerim ___________________________ SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 321,000 humans 40,000 Keerim 8,250 Skellar 8,500 Libellan 7,500 Da’nor 750 Human-tijeran Total pop = 386,000 10k neanderthals ____________________________________ Military -20,000 US Navy sailors -12,000 US Marines -10,000 US Army soldiers -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots ______________________________________ Arcturus System Valentum-1 _____________________________ ________________________________________
  12. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2134 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ In God we trust….all others we track. Deathly silent in the black abyss, the USS Baltimore drifted along its course, no engine running. The black painted ship coated in stealth panels continued on its course forward. The boat was rigged for ultra quiet, minimum movement, crews at battle stations or in their racks, the ship continued forward, the NAV officer looked over his screen, a detailed profile of the surrounding space using passive sensors. Above the console printed on a faded sticker was the ship's motto and mission. The space around the ship was empty, not a thing for half a million miles, Captain Ross Looked through his viewscreen. “Nothing here, Chief Of The Boat prepare the jump to warp, this game preserve is bone dry.” The COB nodded “Aye aye Captain, lee helm bring us to warp, helm set course for the next plot” The COB reached up to the one MC sounding the Warp alarm twice “All hands this is the con, warp….warp….warp.” The Ship's engine ignited in a large rush of blue, the ship shot forward for a few kilometres before hurrying off into warp. The navigator kept his eyes on the tracking table it was only to be a short haul to the next point “Captain thirty seconds till warp dropout.” Captain Ross nodded “XO! Standby to rig the boat for ultra quiet!” The stars flying by came to a stop as the ship exited warp. The captain quietly walked towards the nav officer in a low voice “Course?” The Nav officer nodded “Parabolic orbit of a nearby class G star, orbit period is 30,000 years, no sign of external gravitational forces, tracking si- holy mother of Mary, Captain, tracking sixty plus freighters and liners, we just dropped into a shipping lane.” The captain smirked as he sipped his now cold covfeve. He picked up the ships talking comms keying it “Weapons this is the con, load torpedoes in tubes one through eight.” A crackly voice responded about sixty seconds later “Con this is the weapons room, torpedoes loaded tubes one through eight.” The captain paced around the con “FCO give me something to shoot at.” The FCO nodded “Sir transponders show two Triathalon freighters, 30,000 tonnes and 10,000 tonnes respectively.” The ship continued on its course undetected “Get me firing solutions on each of them” Captain Ross said with another sip of covfeve, the fire control officer spent a minute pressing buttons and selecting menus. “Sir firing solutions found.” The captain nodded picking up the comm mic the eyes of everyone in the con looked to him, with a heavy sigh he looked up to the two portraits above the con in plain view, one of the Keerim Emperor and another of President Hayes, crossing his heart he signing the cross he keyed the mic “Weapons, two solutions found, fire torpedos one and two at solution one. Fire three and four at solution two.” The FCO studied his screen, the torpedos also coated in stealth panels streaked away from the ship towards their targets “Captain we have fish in the water, TOT three minutes.” the Triathalon ships continued to amble through the shipping lane, unknown to them their deaths were moments away as four rods of pain streaked across open space, undetected. “Captain, good hits on both targets.” Two bright flashes lit up the space around the shipping lane as freighters all around went to warp. The wreckage of the two freighters began to spread out, nothing more than a centimetre big. “COB, push to warp and take us home.” The Captain went to take a sip but found his cup empty, was it a metaphor for their luck? ____________________________ ACTIONS 5AP for the construction of a Wasp Class Support Carrier 3AP for P.S.D.I Assisting the PAR In their shield research 1AP 0AP In response to the destruction of several US freighters specifically the Ice freighter Manchester. The US takes efforts to sink some Trialithion freighters to equal the amount of tonnage the US has lost. 0AP for the beginning of Operation Lentus 0AP for the sending of an unmanned warp probe to the Triangulum galaxy, only a fraction of a million light years further than Andromeda, the probe would be sent to hopefully proceed without the hindrance of invisible galactic walls. ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skeller -Libellan -Keerim ___________________________ SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 310,500 humans 16,000 Keerim 7,750 Skellar 8,250 Libellan 7,250 Da’nor 750 Human-tijeran Total pop = 350,500 10k neanderthals ____________________________________ Military -20,000 US Navy sailors -12,000 US Marines -10,000 US Army soldiers -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots ______________________________________ Arcturus System Valentum-1 ______________________________ ________________________________________
  13. Ser Phillip passes a flyer to the Emperor @Tsuyose "I wonder if this has anything to do with the shady folks pretending we didnt see them outside the palace..." Phillip nods at the cunning and constantly stealthy thieves.
  14. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2132 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ Fleet Week “Passing by the stands now is the USS Wasp, the USS Wasp was originally constructed as a colony ship by the remnants, it was converted to a light carrier and eventually transferred to the Solarin fleet, captured by the United States Navy it was then pressed into service, if you look closely you can still see the original colony cargo racks on the under belly.” The announcer's voice boomed as the almost kilometre long support carrier gracefully floated by. The crowd cheered as the large white letters of USS WASP floated by the main balcony, the next ship a much smaller and faster one lined up to pass the stands, it slowly engages its thrusters moving to pass by the concourse “Coming up now the USS Baltimore, the lead ship in her class the USS Baltimore was built in 2129 as a guided missile corvette for fleet screening.” The crowd cheered as the ship zoomed by clearly more agile than the rest of the fleet, small but proud. The next ship lurched closer at almost 2km long it slowly picked up speed “And now the show most of us have been waiting to see, the USS South Dakota, lead in her class of the South Dakota class battleships. Constructed in 2131 by Zryka Engineering the South Dakota is the most powerful ship in commision today, and it looks like she is gonna show us her guns…” The announcer's voice was absorbed by the screaming crowd waving small paper flags, the massive 1m railguns of the battleship turned to face a large target. “Complete with deflector shields and armor, this target is based with the same specifics as a Solarin destroyer…” The two 1m railguns began tracking before they each fired one round at the deflector enveloped target. The shells pierced the deflectors immediately and the ship exploded in a brilliant flash of light as the 1m tungsten shells hit true. The battleship fired another salvo of smaller tracer rounds into the black abyss of space. “And coming over now, carrier air wing-1 tactical bomber squadron six, flying VC-9 bombers they are matched out on their wings by escort F-92’s out of the territorial defense air corps based on Artemis.” The small fighters and bombers streaked across the top of the concourse, white blue and red smoke trailed behind them, shimmering in the sunlight. “Sir the 1m are loaded and ready to fire again, another salvo?” Admiral Cuthos looked out the front of the bridge “No FCO, that's enough show for one day, rotate guns to standby position.” The sailor nodded “Aye aye sir.” and keyed a few buttons. A sailor in camouflage quickly rushed up to the admiral offering a snappy salute which the admiral returned “Morning sir, Admiral Benjamin sends his regards sir, he is passing the word for you.” The sailor handed a sealed envelope to the three star admiral. Admiral Cuthos read it with a nod “Sweet mother of Mary, have the flight deck prepare a shuttle for transport.” ________________________________________ With the recent bolstering of the fleet the US government finally decided it was time to strengthen the forces at home, seeing the success of the Hans defenses the US decided it was time to employ P.S.D.I. Otherwise known as planetary surface defense initiative. P.S.D.I consists of five defense modules. __________________________________________________________ The first module of the defense initiative is ground based missile silos, deployed in heavily armored silo bunkers the Surface to space missiles are equipped with various warheads to be used against an enemy. _____________________________________________________ The second module is a fleet of TEL1A1 Tomahawk mobile launch platforms, these mobile trucks are designed to change locations on a weekly basis being able to go from driving to firing the TEL surface to space missile in six minutes. ______________________________________________________________ The third module is T.A.A.W.P AKA Top. The transportable anti aircraft weapons platforms are a mix of mobile anti aircraft missiles and flak cannons designed to be employed around key structures and areas to intercept enemy strike craft. ____________________________________________________________ The fourth module is ground railgun emplacements. These emplacements are designed to be fired directly at enemy ships in orbit and range in size from 500cm to 2m projectiles. Existing in both armored bunkers and hidden emplacements these are mounted around the moon in extremely large numbers. ___________________________________________________ The fifth module is a fleet of MAV-1 vehicles, these massive trucks are mounted with dual 400mm railguns. The trucks constantly change locations and are designed to fire directly at ships in orbit before moving away to avoid return fire. ____________________________ ACTIONS 5AP for P.S.D.I 1AP for 100 strike craft 5AP For a Los Angeles Class Cruiser ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Free Human technocracy -Imperium Of man -Silver Knights -Hephaestus Industries -Ceri Collective -Tijeran Principate -Ascardian Principate -New Sephora -Grand Alliance ___________________________ SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 300,250 humans 8,000 Keerim 67,500 Skellar 8250 Libellan 7000 Da’nor 625 Human-tijeran Total pop = 391,625 10k neanderthals ____________________________________ Military -20,000 US Navy sailors -12,000 US Marines -10,000 US Army soldiers -500 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots ______________________________________ Arcturus System Valentum-1 ______________________________ ________________________________________
  15. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2132 IN GOD WE TRUST ______________________ The drills and machinery hummed throughout the Arcturus system, the newly discovered sources of Itoron and xyrolite were mined away The belt of the Arcturus system was now abuzz, the recent discovery of Itoron, common throughout the belt meant something new for the United States, coupled with the discovery of Xyrolite on the icy moon of Iris, they would no longer have to rely on outside sources for their rare minerals, this boon was one that would surely profit and further US interests. __________________________________ Several catapult operators made their way through the hanger as the sounds of hustle and bustle filled the massive hangar of the USS Valley Forge, seven pilots and their group commander stood in line, they were all apart of carrier air wing one, sixth strike fighter squadron, also known as the ‘Falling Falcons’ in front of the captain they were there for one reason and one reason only “Who in gods name do you think you people are?” The captain boomed, the CAG stood next to him peering down at his shoes. Several machines hummed as they performed diagnostics on the eight F-92c’s behind the pilots. “Sir if I-” the CAG was cut off by the captain “No you may not, you are air group commander, not THE commander.” The pilots of the Falling Falcons stood at attention not answering the captain questions, their ‘buzzing’ of the aircraft control tower was one of great controversy. The captain pointed to two pilots “Beatnik, Gosling on me.” The captain began walking away as the two pilots followed him. They went through a small hatch as they strode down the corridor, several enlisted sailors stood to the side and saluted as the trio continued forth, coming to an elevator they boarded and rode it up, stopping at the captain's office they walked in. The captain sat down as he eyed the two pilots, “Mountain Lion was my first choice, but the last flight messed him up real good.” The Captain looked between the two of them as he read off the record. “Five tower flybys, six incident reports, striking a superior officer” Beatnik interrupted “He deserved it.” The Captain glared as he continued “and one Admiral's daughter” The captain placed the file on the desk. “Penny Benjamin?” Gosling asked, Beatnik shrugged. The Captain stood up “Don't screw around with me Beatnik. You're a hell of an instinctive pilot. Maybe too good. I'd like to bust your butt but I can't. I got another problem here. I gotta send somebody from this squadron to Iris. I gotta do something here, I still can't believe it. I gotta give you your dream shot! I'm gonna send you up against the best. You two characters are going to Top Gun.” ____________________________ ACTIONS 0AP for colonizing the garden sector to the east. Great care is given to not disturb the future middle class neanderthals. 3AP for the construction of a destroyer 1AP for construction of 100 strike fighter craft 6AP for project T.A.R.P. -The development of camouflage netting that masks ground troops from sensors and sight. 0AP for the establishment of The United States Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor program on Iris, also known as TOPGUN ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Free Human technocracy -Imperium Of man -Silver Knights -Hephaestus Industries -Ceri Collective -Tijeran Principate -Ascardian Principate -New Sephora -Grand Alliance ___________________________ SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 290,000 humans 8,000 Keerim 5,550 Skellar 7000 Libellan 6250 Da’nor 550 Human-tijeran Total pop = 317,350 10k neanderthals ____________________________________ Military -20,000 US Navy sailors -12,000 US Marines -10,000 US Army soldiers -400 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots ______________________________________ Arcturus System Valentum-1 ______________________________ ________________________________________
  16. ((Do you have any screenshots of previous builds?
  17. A neatly penned letter would hang throughout most civilized towns and cities [!] "Calling all builders, and architects, I am in need of someone to design and build a small keep for myself and my family, if you feel up to the task please send a letter in reply, for your work you will be compensated a large sum of 2500 Imperial crowns. (mina) If you are interested please rely with a letter including some of your previous designs." ((very simple, LC will be available for the build, the region will be 50x50, nothing too fancy just a simple keep with perhaps a small courtyard.))
  18. does the server have some ******* mental limitations, its gotta be the fiftieth crash today....

    1. LeoRabbit99


      Me as well


      Keep getting a message when I do say something like "Retreated to Fallback Server"

  19. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2131 ______________________ A lone bus painted olive drab drove down the long dusty road the men and women inside had their hands between their knees clutching duffle bags and backpacks. They were specifically told not to look up. The shocks of the bus, which was clearly one of the first made on the new planet some twenty years ago squeaked and screeched as the bus moved along. With the hissing of brakes and a sudden jolt the bus came to a stop, engine idling and then the sound of the ignition turning over and an eerie quiet filled the bus, no one spoke a word. Footsteps could be heard coming into the bus and in a commanding voice a large man with a brown campaign hat, began screaming “OPEN YOUR ******* EYES AND LOOK AT ME NOW! MOVE!” The young men and women promptly did as they were told looking up at the man. In a less loud but still demanding and controlling voice the man began to speak quickly. “You are now aboard Marine Corps Recruit Depot Harris Island, fifth battalion, receiving company! From now on, the only words out of your mouth will be yes sir, no sir when asked a question, or aye aye sir when given a command! Do you understand!” The recruits in the bus at the top of their lungs screamed “YES SIR!” The drill instructor repeated his question to which the recruits replied “YES SIR!” The man continued “When I tell you to and only when I tell you to! You will gather all your belongings, stand up and exit my bus! DO YOU UNDERSTAND! Once outside my bus you will file up on the yellow footprints painted there, front to back, left to right, NOTHING WILL COME OUT OF YOUR POCKETS! I repeat NOTHING will come out of your pockets! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!” The recruits screamed “YES SIR!” The man nodded before giving his command “GET THE **** OFF MY BUS!” The men and women on the bus yelled “AYE AYE SIR!” As they quickly filed off the bus onto the yellow footprints. Their journey was just beginning, it was gonna be a tough few months… sixty recruits, a full platoon stood at attention on the blue line, the blue line was approximately three feet, from the fifteen bunks that lined each side of the squad bay. The recruits spoke not a word as they stood there in their brand new universal marine pattern, a light gray digital style pattern that had adapted from the green of the outside when they walked indoors. A man in a green service uniform with a wide brimmed hat strode down the center of the room eyeing each recruit, he got to the end of the squad bay before turning on his heel and beginning to speak in a loud booming voice. “I am Gunnery Sergeant Philson, your senior drill instructor from this point forward you will not speak unless spoken to… Do you understand?” In a moderate tone the group replied “Sir yes sir.” The man growled as his voice boomed once more as he began to stride down the length of the squadbay once more “Bullshit! Sound off like you got a pair!” The group sucked in their collective chests as they yelled “SIR YES SIR!” The man grinned “If you ladies leave my island, if you survive recruit training, you will be a weapon. You will be a minister of death praying for war. But until that day you are pukes. You are the lowest form of life in the galaxy. You are not even human ******* beings. You are nothing but unorganized grabastic pieces of amphibian ****! Because I am hard, you will not like me. But the more you hate me, the more you will learn. I am hard but I am fair. There is no racial bigotry here. I do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops or greasers. Here you are all equally worthless. And my orders are to weed out all non-hackers who do not pack the gear to serve in my beloved Corps. Do you maggots understand that?” The recruits responded “SIR YES SIR!” The drill instructor continued his pace before coming to an african american man. “What is your name!?!” The recruit responded “SIR PRIVATE JONES SIR!” Drill instructor Philson growled “Not anymore, your new name is private watermelon! Do you like your new name private watermelon?” The newly dubbed private watermelon responded “SIR YES SIR!” Philson replied “Good, however I am sad to say that my mess hall does not serve grape juice and fried chicken on a daily basis!” It was clear that although Gunnery Sergeant Philson had specified there would be no racism, he intended to put the recruits through every form on insult imaginable. All cards were on the table. The Colt M41A4 rifle, It was week 7 of 12 each recruit lay prone along a grassy knoll, pressed against their shoulder each recruit was in the process of emptying their magazine on their own time. In opposite from Gunnery Sergeant Philson’s tone while the recruits were in the barracks he calmly walked along behind them, every once in awhile bending down next to a recruit in a quiet tone giving him or her tips to improve their accuracy, platoon 3435 was a special one, they were very good shots. Better than most recruits really, a buy product of the hostile nature of the new colonies the first generation was quite acquainted with firearms. The M41A4 was quite the firearm, chambered in 7.62mm the M41A4 features an adjustable stock, a select fire that includes, three round burst, semi, and full auto. The M41 has 50 rounds with a convenient ammo counter. The rifle features an adjustable red dot scope as well as an infrared laser pointer for designating targets. Itoron bullets were a widespread thing throughout the galaxy. However due to the required time and effort to create these bullets a substitute had to be found, the densest material that was ever found on earth, and in significant quantities elsewhere, Osmium tipped bullets. Further and further the recruits marched up, now down to 52 out of 60 and the final challenge of Marine Corps bootcamp, the crucible, a grueling one week journey, starting at the bottom of an extensive range of mountains each platoon of recruits marches over 36 Km per day in full combat vacsuit complete with a full rucksack. At the end of each marching day at approximately 2200 hours the platoon takes part in grueling and exhaustive physical training as a platoon to build cohesion, the entirety of the crucible is done in vacsuit, food being taken in the form of liquid and water being taken through the masks hydration system, it's designed to give the marines the training and feel of fighting in a zero atmos environment for a full week. The final day consists of the scaling of Mount Hailer. The rugged peak also the largest on Artemis is widely considered a death trap, nevertheless, it is required for all recruits to reach the summit, upon a platoon reaching the summit they are returned to Harris Island via dropship, to receive their eagle globe and anchor, from there they are assigned to either a land base or are sent to the fleet. Ready to kill, ready to crush, ready to end all who might oppose, the United States Of Arcturus __________________________________ It was finally finished, the mighty South Dakota the elevator doors opened as newly promoted, full Admiral Cuthos stepped onto his new flagship. The battleship South Dakota, featuring the largest mounted naval guns in human history, 1m projectile railguns, truly a force to be reckoned with... ____________________________ ACTIONS 0AP the frigate is returned to the PAR thanks to their continued agreeance of peace terms. 4AP for colonial freighter 5AP for a Los Angeles Class Light Cruiser 1AP for drilling and prospecting the Arcturus asteroid belts for Itoron, and other valuable minerals 0AP for scanning the eastern sector from Arcturus for a suitable colony, particularly one with shiny materials, or some other cool ****. 0AP for reaching out to the intergalactic Ar'gakari colony from Andromeda asking for their assistance regarding the matter of the lost US exploration ship ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Free Human technocracy -Imperium Of man -Silver Knights -Hephaestus Industries -Ceri Collective -Tijeran Principate -Ascardian Principate -New Sephora -Grand Alliance ___________________________ SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 282,250 humans 8,000 Keerim 4,750 Skellar 6500 Libellan 3000 Da’nor 500 Human-tijeran Total pop = 305,000 ____________________________________ Military -12,000 US Navy sailors -6000 US Marines -15,000 US Army soldiers -400 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots ______________________________________ Arcturus System Valentum-1 ______________________________
  20. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2130 ______________________ President Haynes, just beginning his first term and still having color in his hair nodded “Very well General, please enlighten us on the situation at hand.” Chairman of the Joint chiefs of staff, General Edward Wullow stood as he cleared his throat, taking a sip of water from the crystal glass on the table in front of him he motioned to dim the lights, the projector on the ceiling beamed a bright light onto the wall and within a few seconds the light from the projector dimmed showing a vast galactic map. “As you can see Mr President, the recent expedition to the northern half of the galaxy was a complete success both from an economic as well as military standpoint.” President Haynes nodded as he stroked his chin, “I see I see… And what of the recent naval procurement?” General Wullow nodded switching to the next slide, “In agreement with engineering firms, we will have the first South Dakota Class Battleship rolling out of the drydock by the beginning of next year. Regarding that it will bolster our already large fleet and give us the most powerful warship in all of the human colonies, a feat in of itself.” Haynes nodded “Good work General, good work, now onto our next slide yes?” General Wullow keyed the remote showing a rather military looking map detailing possible ship movements as well as the Terran staging area in their home system. “As you can see here sir, the SATO alliance is not as secure or tightknit as they like to think, thanks to the intel from a current SATO member who has been leaking information to us, we have received word of an attack against our friends at the Han Dominion, current estimates put the staging terran fleet two destroyers, their support carrier and two freighters almost certainly carrying troops.” President Haynes nodded as he rapped his fingers on the desk, “Good good, and what of the other SATO nations?” The General nodded “At this time we are working to receive information on those, as it happens.” President Haynes stood up “Very well, assemble the joint chiefs, let's organize our response to this attack.” Admiral Cuthos sat asleep in his cabin aboard the USS Valley Forge, in orbit around the port of Arcturus the fleet was silent, the crew in their racks as only the night watch manned the bridge. Ensign Johnston, fire control officer was the current officer on watch, he sat eyes dreary as he looked down at his consoles the three other sailors barely staying awake, as he pondered the things one ponders at 3am, a shrill beeping filled the bridge, standing up the Ensign strode over to the quantum comms console as a paper was being printed in long style, he tore it from the top rubbing his eyes as he read. PRIORITY TRANSMISSION DESIGNATE SIERRA-1-5-6-GDLF-JULIET-6-3-2 MESSAGE AS FOLLOWS Attack being planned by SATO forces to take place against the peaceful and friendly nation of the Han Dominion, fleet movements as follows, direct US task force, designation FURY to staging point 34568-J Prepare for hostile action, further information to follow. Authorization code 6-4-5-6-2-2-2-H-F-G-5-6 END MESSAGE The Ensigns eyes lit up as he read it “Bosun, wake the Admiral, sound hands to reveille, helm begin course program to staging point, helm-lee direct warp coordinates to the rest of the fleet.” The few sailors on the deck jumped into action, Switching the dim red lights of the warship back to daytime white the Bosun picked up the 1MC, sounds three klaxons he keyed the mic “All hands, all hands, reveille, reveille. All hands to duty stations, Admiral to the bridge, make the ship ready for underway.” With the course plotted the massive US fleet, warped away from port, its eyes set on the horizon to defend freedom. Arriving at the staging point, the US fleet went to general quarters, setting condition yolk, and then condition zebra all hatches were closed and weapon systems powered, the massive naval force waited for its signal, receiving a relayed transmission from home the message was from the Han consulate, detailing enemy formations, tactics and weapon systems, the CIC of each ship began plotting possible fire solutions against each ship. They waited, SATO would no longer attack small nations for their own material possessions, the galaxy would know peace, but not at the price of the Han, or any other colonies demise. The cavalry arrives….. With weapons powered and targets locked thanks to the Hans relaying target data to the fleet. One carrier, two light cruisers, two destroyers, four frigates and two corvettes warp into the system. A video feed would be broadcasted from the US Fleet, a stern looking man in his early fifties appears, dressed in the navy combat uniform, complete with flak jacket and combat helmet. The two silver stars and an anchor are visible upon his uniform. “Hostile warships this is Rear Admiral Cuthos of the United States Navy. We do not wish to destroy you, as it stands you have one heavily damaged support carrier carrying three strike craft onboard, one frigate, three freighters, one destroyer and one corvette. The odds are very much not in your favor Captain Kotch. We also have knowledge of the Xyrolite weaponry carried by your remaining frigate of the PAR, If we detect a launch of the WMDs against either my fleet or the planet below all of your home planets will suffer the same fate, unlike yourself Mr Kotch I am not a fickle man, You have once chance, and once chance only to power down your shields, weapon systems and engines, and surrender. I will not ask again, should you fail to immediately surrender your ships will be destroyed. Should you attempt combat maneuvers or begin firing weapons your ships will be destroyed. Once again I do wish to stress, we do not want to kill you, but if we have to I will not hesitate, choose carefully, Captain Kotch.” And one by one, the SATO forces, no match for US and Han might surrendered, turning control of their ships and laying down their weapons. In the end One support carrier, one destroyer, one frigate, one corvette and four freighters were captured that day along with 100 hunter 2 bots. _________________________________ The massive rocket sat atop the launchpad, the red lattice service tower looming above it as both reflected light of the hot, morning sun. A lone silver van tracked up clouds of dust as it drove down the road towards the rocket, as it pulled to a stop the door slid open, miles away tv stations focused their cameras, three men stepped down from the van, in bulky white suits complete with fishbowl helmets carrying large suitcases with hoses attached to their suits, raising their oversized gloves the three men turned to face the camera giving a final wave, the nametape of the three men, a black background and white thread seemed to jump out at the cameras, Armstrong, Aldrin, Collins. Followed by men in white caps and jumpsuits the group boarded the elevator, a quiet calm overtook the group as they gathered their collective thoughts on the twenty second elevator ride up. As the door opened the bright florida sunlight shone upon them, like gods illuminated the men strode three abreast across the gantry. With a hiss and the hoses of the craft flexing a man in a white jumpsuit held the door open, Collins and Aldrin entered first, strapping in they reconnected their hoses to the command modules onboard air supply, climbing in and being strapped in, Neil Armstrong outstretched his right arm, bulky in a suit his hand was clasped by Launch Pad Leader Günter Wendt. The last man usually seen by astronauts Günter sealed the hatch locking it in place before proceeding down the elevator, Neil looked through the forward porthole at the blue sky as the countdown progressed, first to fifty minutes then to t minus 30 minutes, then 20, then 10. At t minus 33 seconds to launch as Aldrin and Collins fiddled with switches Armstrong took a break from his launch plan and looked out the hatch, expecting to see nothing it took him by surprise, when he saw an older man with gray hair, adorned in a white suit, standing on the gantry with a smile, he raised his hand in greeting, Neil Armstrong closed his eyes opening them again and the man was still there, he shouldn't be there, no one was supposed to be there, was he some sort of launch technician? Neil knew he had to abort the launch to save the man's life, however stupid he must have been to get himself stuck there, still not getting the attention of his crewmates he kept his eyes on the man, reaching up he placed his left hand on the abort toggle, just as he was about to twist the handle, the man in the white suit shook his head, giving a reassuring gesture with his hands. Neil paused hand on the abort lever, for some odd reason the man gave him an overwhelming sense of calm. The man gave him a nod as Neil lowered his arm from the abort switch, he turned to his crewmates who had noticed nothing before looking out at gantry, where he found it empty. At 32 minutes past 9AM Apollo 11 launched, three days later the United States flag sat atop the moon. The USS Rhode Island's warp generator began warming up, Chief Engineer Dawson knew he needed to keep it in perfect condition for the first warp that would take it out of the Galaxy, as he continued to level pressures and adjust valves and gauges. As the ship began to activate the drive Chief Dawson noticed a fatal error, the cooling rod inside the reactor had lowered, the error would rip the ship apart when it entered warp, frantically working CE Dawson tried to raise it to no avail, too late to cancel warp he tried one last time to raise it. He looked into the reactor housing through the small porthole, to his horror someone was INSIDE the activated fusion reactor, he looked the figure up and down, clad in a white suit, the pants drenched in reactor cooling water, an old man gripped the cooling rod manually raising the rod out of the reactor core and into the up position, Dawson’s eyes lit up as he prepared to hit the emergency reactor shut off, in a futile attempt to save the man's life. However when he looked back into the porthole, the man in the white suit was gone... ____________________________ ACTIONS 6AP for construction of two destroyers 0AP for trading of the various materials to Zyrka Engineering for the South Dakota Class Battleship. 2AP for mining on the moon of Iris, looking for rare and valuable minerals, particularly xyrolite... 0AP for the launch of the first intergalactic mission Andromeda, utilizing the Rhode Island class exploration vessel, a large and specially designed vessel built for long range journeys from home, and supplies. 0AP for reaching out to the Solarin Federation to discuss the return of their captured soldiers 0AP for once again contacting the lost colonies to inquire about the referendum that was held. ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Free Human technocracy -PAR -Silver Knights -Hephaestus Industries -Ceri Collective -Tijeran Principate -Ascardian Principate -New Sephora -Grand Alliance ___________________________ SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 268,500 humans 8,000 Keerim 4,250 Skellar 5500 Libellan 2500 Da’nor Total pop = 288,750 ____________________________________ Military -12,000 US Navy sailors -6000 US Marines -15,000 US Army soldiers -400 fighter craft -100 Hunter-2 bots ______________________________________ Arcturus System Valentum-1 ______________________________ _________________________________________
  21. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2129 ______________________ Mad world… Some cried, others stood simply ajar, there was nothing that could be done, the US fleet, mighty as it was could not withstand and assault of six thousand ships, no matter the tactics… t’was an unwinnable battle, for the second time in history, the United States was no more, a vassal beneath an Empire, servants to a royal and on the edge of the known territory, As the news came in, several congressmen couldn't take it, fifty congressmen and women, put pistols in their mouths that day, the nation was in disarray. There was no final salvation, no rescue. Their fate was sealed and there was nothing they could do. Regardless of their new overlord they had to continue their plans, the United States may not be independent anymore but they still had their goals. The fleet must be built up further, for they were still independent to a degree. As the Keerim freighters and garrison arrived, the people of the US wondered how long until they might one day be free... But things must press on as normal, nearly 20 years after the construction of the USS Rhode Island it was constructed for one purpose, long term exploration far from support, 3d printers, hyrdoponics labs, vehicles and dropships, the USS Rhode Island had not seen a mission in 15 years, but for now, the US people needed a task and there was a task at hand, it lay across the great expanse, the unexplored northern galactic area The journey would last almost two months in continuous warp. They would find whats out there.... _________________________ ACTIONS 5AP for construction of a Los Angeles Class Cruiser 2AP for two Baltimore Class Corvettes 0AP for Project New Dawn 0AP searching the southern areas of the galaxy where no large nations lay looking for planets with certain parameters…. 1AP for some secret stuff ________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing ________________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Free Human technocracy -Peoples Agrarian Republic -Silver Knights -Hephaestus Industries -Ceri Collective -Tijeran Principate -Ascardian Pricipate -New Sephoria -Grand Alliance ___________________________ SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 250,000 humans 8000 Keerim 6,000 Skellar 5000 Libellan 2000 Da’nor Total pop = 271,000 ____________________________________ Military -7000 US Navy sailors -2500 US Marines -12,000 US Army soldiers -400 fighter craft ______________________________________ Arcturus System Valentum-1 ______________________________ _________________________________________
  22. United States Of Arcturus Arcturus system 2128 ______________________ The US fleet was spaced out in full formation, each ship facing a new direction. It was not limited to warships, but exploration ship, and freighters alike. They had promised before they left, that they would return, that they would indeed. Recover those who were lost, with the framework in place. With everything set, now was the time. Each ship began accelerating on its own, speeding out in one direction, with a brilliant pulse of flashing lights each ship engaged its warp drive and sped off, into the vast abyss that lay before them. With the successful raid on the Keerim Mining base the Keerim prisoners would join the 1 pilot prisoner captured in the battle of iris bringing the total number of POWs to 168, The Captured freighter is offloaded of Itoron and pressed into service, the captured Keerim Corvette is also offloaded and granted a commission although it is sent to the orbital shipyard to be dry docked and repaired. ____________________________ ACTIONS 3AP, searching for the lost ones 2AP for Project Infallible 0AP for gifting 100tons of Itoron to the Technocracy ________________________ TRADE PARTNERS -Skellar Kingdom -Libellan Union -Free Human technocracy -Imperium Of man -Silver Knights -Hephaestus Industries -Ceri Collective -Tijeran Principate -Ascardian Pricipate __________________________ Naval Registry https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pwr9qUoWTKhFiMbZzH0ee9C8GvHJimcAqQz50a0t9wE/edit?usp=sharing SHIPYARD LEVEL 4 Population 239,000 humans 11,500 Skellar 8500 Libellan 1500 Da’nor 168 Keerim POWs Total pop = 243,750 ____________________________________ Military -7000 US Navy sailors -2500 US Marines -12,000 US Army soldiers -400 fighter craft ______________________________________ Arcturus System Valentum-1 ______________________________ _________________________________________
  23. I believe the whole rule of warning points for GOT spoilers still applies, dont be a ******* ****


    1. Chaw


      oh boy i cant wait to post some **** :D

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