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Everything posted by Taketheshot

  1. Joseph d'Azor stepped within the cathedral within Providence, empty as was usual during the trying times of late, the Archchancellor stepped down the aisle speaking to the alter. "This is your idea of irony is it?" He queried simply towards the cross. "The one man in the church to truly care for the people of Oren, the one to not view them as pawns in some larger game... A man who unlike his clergy brethren wished to see Orenians safe and prosperous." The Archchancellor raised a shaking fist towards the cross, his voice booming out over the darkness and silence. "GOD why must you take your servant so cruel! You allowed Yaromir the one who took your name in vain to live for so so long, but for this most holy of men you took him too quickly...." Joseph d'Azor lowered his head clutching at Lorraine around his neck. "Yet we know you have your plan GOD, I only hope this is a bigger part of such..."
  2. The Duke of Azor sighed and grumbled as he read the missive clearly conflicted following the conversations between himself, his sister and his niece. Finally the Archchancellor relented calling out of his office to his assistant. "Bring the good parchment and pen! I've a letter to pen the Duke of Valwyck!" The assistant hurried off before Joseph d'Azor called after him. "And bring my good chainmail shirt! I'd like to survive any incidents..."
  3. Joseph d'Azor lowered himself from the walls into the city as Army Group Center strode forth, the man hurriedly followed the enemy with others firing crossbows into fleeing Sedanian scum. "Lets go boys! Six days in Haverlock!" The man shouted as they began fierce urban combat.
  4. Hey! Bro you alright there?? You hit your head on the thanium freezer pretty hard there. World team pastes? Swing timers? Discord? Look man I don't know what you're talking about but cracker just hit everyone up on Skype, narthoks coming to the palace let's go.
  5. You are a real OG now Kazoo, never forget. 07
  6. Joseph d'Azor sighed watching from the distance with his spyglass, unable to participate due to sky daemon law. "Its simply too easy...."
  7. Joseph d'Azor frowned, tears welling up in his eyes as he sobbed into his pillow "HOW COULD HE SAY SUCH MEAN THINGS!!!"
  8. Joseph d'Azor rubbed his chin as he read over the report with the Home Secretary. "I am sure we can send a team to reconstruct the tavern for Ser Jarad." The Duke mused before being cut off by the Baron Draskovic. "Well... Actually Your Grace, the damage was quite minor, repairs have already been completed" The Duke of Azor lofted a brow at such. "Huh... well, seems Haeseni cannot even burn down buildings right, one would have thought they would have chosen a relevant target, they really dont like Sir Jarads tavern..." @Chronics
  9. Joseph d'Azor blinked "What the **** is this?"
  10. Joseph d'Azor smiles as he looks at the unemployment numbers flashing the Princess a thumbs up, war was good for the economy!
  11. @Lionhz Is the checkers game over?

    1. wowj


      hes a 7/10 at checkers

  12. The Archchancellor shrugged lightly taking a puff of his cigarette as his eyes turned away from the Empress to the walls. "Oh, fine Your Imperial Majesty, I just wonder if the tripartite are as good at fighting as they are at making up stories...." He mused with a light smile tossing his own copy into the flames.
  13. Joseph d'Azor squints holding the missive back as he read it. "Hmmm the dwed need to write smaller, the font of this letter is much too large..." he commented to those around him.
  14. Discord: Taketheshot56#2728 Skin Name(s): Feathered Hunter Bid(s): 7
  15. The Duke of Azor scratches his head looking over the daily rollcall for the ISA. "Captain....second brigade.... Jarad Vuillerian... Present...." The man read the daily roll call sheet out loud with his friend the Emperor @Nectorist"Look sire, there is Captain Vuillerian now... seems he is very much alive." The pair spotted the ISA Captain at the daily address.
  16. "Who?" Joseph d'Azor muttered reading the missive from an office Yaromir desired so dear.
  17. I call the red checkers!

  18. Joseph d'Azor frowned as he read the missive in his office. "Hmmmm now I cannot be excommunicated like my Emperor and Empress, what a shame.... I will continue to serve the Anathema I suppose..."
  19. John Oakenhill spat a fat wad of tobacco out as he held the missive in his hands, his dwarven re-educator Goran Goldhand reading the words out for the illiterate peasant. "Well... we's call 'im teh great cause, 'e is pretteh great." John was quickly beaten by Goran Goldhand and a nearby gang of Tripartite soldiers. "Oi! Wha' 'ave ah gotten mehself intae!"
  20. Joseph d'Azor clasps his hands as he read the missive looking south across the Petra "And so the checkers move onwards...."
  21. Joseph d'Azor looked through the various libraries and archives in the Imperial quarters coming across a book "AH! Look at this Goran!" The Duke of Azor motioned a reformed dwed prisoner over. @Esterlen "It seems His Imperial Majesty is the senior line of Alstion anyhow...isnt that funny!"
  22. Joseph d'Azor pens a letter north to Haense with a demure frown spread across his face. "I'm sorry Eirik, we cannot have our bagpipe jam session. I am being excommunicated." The letter would fly north the Archchancellor on the verge of tears from his Fitzpeter nephew's evil attack! @Gusano
  23. Connect 4 is too hard, how about rock paper scissors? 

  24. Joseph d'Azor looks over Philip Aurelian's body in the Imperial crypts preserved within Ice, no wounds visible as he scratched his head.
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