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Everything posted by Taketheshot

  1. Name: Phillip Rohde Age: 16 Race: Human Prior Relevant Experience: "One time some roadman tried to rob me so I shot him in the head with my crossbow."
  2. ((This needs to be the wiki map like RN
  3. Territory of New Charleston _______________________________________________________________ 2278 The years had gone by and had very much proved that the 5th Marines needed to adapt to survive, despite the claims of many within the ranks it would not be possible to maintain military leadership forever nor would it be practical or moral to do so. Freeing up the beleaguered General Tannevega from his civilian interests to a Governor's office proved fruitful, finally and for the first time the General had his charts brought from the tactical room to his office where behind closed doors with his most trusted officers, the 5th Marines began to plot their next steps into the wasteland, and their next actions against the cruel dwellers of The Mud City. Chinese to the north, Raiders to the south, a raging war to the west and pirates to the east. In the words of General Anthony McAullife the 5th marines were surrounded and that means they were given the greatest opportunity in military history, they could advance in any direction... _________________________________________________________ Actions: After much discussion a decision is made, in order to gather more information, Lieutenant Fitzgerald is dispatched, the rising star of an officer was entrusted with a special mission. After being dressed in rags and other scavver clothing his fellow marines assist him in appearing the part by making some small cuts and plenty of bruises, Taking just a pipe pistol he departs south of the block and takes the long way around to come to the eastern borders of Wilhelms band, it is here he will approach as a simple scavver seeking employment, given special permission by General Tannevega to immerse himself, he would gather information on faction troop numbers, equipment, and other information that might be gained before eventually slipping out of wilhelms territory to return to New Charleston many months later before the next year to report on his findings. ((Fitzgerald S1 P12 E1 C4.5)) {{MOD}} Civilian Trader Paige Dorsey ((C6 I1))a representative from the governor's office meets with the barge captain during the landfall made at the beginning of the year, in a risky move, 2000 caps are passed to the captain of the barge promising him fair prices if something certain could be acquired. ((MOD)) As 375c is spent the 5th Marines within the Territory of New Charleston proudly become one of the few all regular forces of the wasteland. One Argihouse is built 2b 5000c. One level of fortification is installed along the coastal block. 1b 500c. Another research lab is constructed 2b 10000c Another 50 T3 armor sets roll off the production line gleaming as they pass to marine armories 8m. A set of t2 firearms are produced 3m. 9RP are spent on t3 melee weapons.
  4. 5th Marine Regiment _______________________________________________________________ 2277 _________________________________________________________ Actions: With the cooperation of Civilian and Military leadership General Tannevega together with civilian administrator Hank Woolworth declare their little place of civilization as the Territory of New Charleston. With that the concrete bunker in the rosehill park which had served as headquarters had its staff and administrative circles moved to the Helen C. Pierce School which would become the new capitol building for the territory. With this under the careful observation of the 5th Marines, elections are held with each man and woman above the age of 16 voting based on block for 8 representatives and a single Governor to manage the newly proclaimed territory [MOD] The presence of an unknown party to the south worried General Tannevega, with careful movement a small team of 4 men ((Regulars t2 weapons)) led by Lieutenant Fitzgerald ((S1 P9 E1 C4.5)) moves into place along the no man's land between the 5ths blocks and the unknown raiders to their south. Laying in wait in bombed out buildings the group aims to carefully assess and gather information upon them. ((MOD)) A research lab is constructed for providing much needed research abilities to the growing expedition. 2b 10000c Pallets of metal are set to the production of 50 sets of t3 armor. 8M 3 metal is spent on t1 artillery. 3 metal is spent on 15 t1 heavy weapons. 17625 is spent training all remaining 141 soldiers to regulars 3RP on T2 melee 3RP on T3 melee
  5. 5th Marine Regiment _______________________________________________________________ 2276 ((Stat post this time.)) _________________________________________________________ Actions: 3 metal is set aside for 15 heavy weapons. 6b and 22500c are spent on three scrap yards in Andersonville. 1b and 5000c is spent on a market in Winnemac East. 2 metal is spent producing the HIGHEST quality pipe rifles for a certain….customer... 2 metal is saved The lack of radio communications had proved recruitment to be difficult over the past few years. General Tannevega realizing there must be plenty of people out there looking for refuge decides on a new course of action to draw in more bodies to the growing nation. As such at the beginning of the year the Entirety of 2nd platoon moves out. Under the guidance of Lieutenant Fitzgerald. The experienced officer takes his force in a patrol west of Andersonville before heading south and snaking back up to their home territory. Carefully moving the group seeks out wayward souls, small settlements and other groups of people, offering safe shelter, employment and civilization in the 5th. This would not be a full fledged clearing of each block, but more a patrol in attempts to recruit folk. Lieutenant Fitzgerald with his great experience so far leads the force ((S1, P9, E1, C4.5,)) 50 Regulars armed with 47 t2 firearms and 3 t1 heavy weapons. ((MOD)) Third Platoon also proceeds to clear another block for expansion in the next year, 50 regulars with 47 t2 firearms and 3 t1 heavy weapons carefully move through the block clearing it for use. Led by Robert Hawthorne ((S2 P3 E1)) ((MOD 4RP into molotovs 2RP into T2 melee
  6. Sir Henry shook his head as he read the missive in his office. "A shame a true shame." Looking to the several cadets around him he remarked. "Whereas we use a fine scalpel to remove dangers in the empire, King Josef resorts to swinging a sledgehammer across the room shattering all manner of kneecaps and ankles hoping to hit someone guilty, judging from this it seems he has failed...."
  7. 5th Marine Regiment _______________________________________________________________ 2275 “Look at those boys! That's what citizens said today as brave fighting men once again departed NORTH into the unknown! Set on securing the surrounding areas of their new homes from any and all hazards these men are sharper than Huey Lewis that's for sure! Armed with the finest weaponry produced by citizens like YOU! Fed by fields of democracy, tatos razorgrain and carrots! Your hard work carries these men ever forward in their duties!” “And to our south, MORE and MORE men continue to come from across the wastes to join in our civilization, from the assembly lines in scrap facilities to basic training in Winnemac everyone knows their duty, their purpose and executes it flawlessly. It is clear to many that the only way is forward, there will be no retreat for the men of the 5th, they are in Chicago to stay! Infrastructure continues to grow as year FIVE approaches for the regiment and its civilian contingent, what the future holds is uncertain but if General Tannevega has any say in it, it WILL be BRIGHT!” _________________________________________________________ Actions: Another year and another success for the regiment, several hundred civilians under armed guard proceed north into the already cleared block of west Edgewater to cement the new block into their rapidly growing piece of civilization. 10000c 5b ((MOD)) Setting off from the two already cleared blocks of Edgewater 1st platoon ((50 regulars, 15 t3 firearms 35 t2 firearms and one m2 machine gun: t3 heavy)), under the command of Lieutenant James Macelroy ((2S 6P 1.5C 1L)) And 2nd platoon ((50 regulars 50 t2 firearms and one m2 machine gun: t3 heavy)), under the command of Lieutenant Robert Hawthorne ((2S 3P 1E)) move north to clear the surrounding blocks of their borders from any wildlife and other hazards. ((MOD)) Recalling Lieutenant Fitzgerald ((S1 P9 E2 C1.5)) from the field, General Tannevega ((S1 P3 I2)) has the young man detail his findings from the north block and begin notarizing procedures to follow in the future, The old General could perhaps still learn new tricks. ((MOD)) While the 5th Marines were not the best equipped, or the largest force in the Mud City wasteland, they had one thing in greater numbers than anyone else in the wasteland, spirit. Organizing with a local metalsmith in the blocks, Major Conway has a batch of Eagle, globe and anchor badges produced for every single fighting man in the 5th. Whereas before the group would suffer through with ragged cloth badges, they would finally have their badges of metal, proving their own worth and dedication to the cause. 1m 800c ((MOD)) Two construction yards are readily built in the rapidly growing territory. Finally netting the 5th Marines enough material to fund a new expansion every year. 15,000c 17 new Marine recruits are trained 850c Production begins on a set of heavy weapons for the 5th, The first production run of these heavy weapons consists of 5 light machine guns, 5 sniper rifles and 5 anti tank rifles 3m. 5rp into tier 3 armor, 1rp into molotovs
  8. 5th Marine Regiment _______________________________________________________________ 2274 -5th Marines overlook the wooded lakefront of Mud city 2274- The soft snowy powder gently fell upon the blocks of Mud City owned by the 5th marines. For most marines and civilian families this was the first snowfall they had ever seen. Leaning carefully on the fortifications of West Winnemac sentries stared out into the darkness, gripping their rifles tight as the cold blanketed around them Lance Corporal Roberts and Private First Class Werther shared a smoke as they continued to stare out into the darkness, flashes of light continued to burst through the darkness in the far distance, thundering bangs and pop accompanying the lights and barely being carried over the snow. Taking a drag Roberts spoke plainly “Is this what the trenches were like?” Werther raised an eyebrow as he snatched the cigarette taking a puff and asking quizzically “What trenches, you mean the first world war?” Roberts shook his head “No dumbass the 3rd world war, yes the first one, they would just sit in their trenches smoking watching the horizon and wondering when they would be next.” Werther nodded “Sure I gues-” The ranking soldier interrupted the younger sentry as he continues “Think about it, whatever is over that horizon, is ******* bad news bears, Jesus Werther, do you know how rare explosives are out here, look at whoever the **** that is in the distance, its an explosion every thirty seconds!” Werther cleared his throat as he warmed his hands over the lit barrel next to them “You think they might be friendly? Maybe they want to do what the General wants?” Roberts shook his head taking the last puff and stamping out the cigarette. “Not a ******* chance, we need to be focussing all efforts on waging war not, ******* civilization!” Werther shook his head “I don't know Roberts, the long term plan outweighs the near in this case but who knows…” _________________________________________________________ Actions: With the new year comes a new block, the 5th Marines having previously cleared the block push in and secure it for good setting up temporary shelters and other functionaries. 5b, 10000c for block expansion. ((MOD)) 4 metal is spent producing 100 of the highest quality pipe rifles ((t1)) 6rp spent on t3 armor ((20/25)) 100 trained marines are turned into regulars, 12500c 24 green recruits are trained to trained 1200c As the work continues throughout all three blocks now, the construction halts this year as another year of planning takes place, marine engineers and civilian contractors spend the year going from home to home taking measurements and various other information in preparation for construction to route piping into each house. It is clear that slowly but surely civilization will return. 3300c spent ((1b 8300c so far MOD)) With radios disabled due to unknown issues the 5th and their patch of civilization decide on another course of recruitment, already acting as a safe rest stop for many who moved about the wastelands around them the 5th Marines encourage various traders and wanderers to carry word of their settlement to the wasteland, safe harbour for all in the north. And afterall, a larger population means better business for those trading caravans, and more customers for the great way of capitalism. ((MOD)) The needs for expansion required materials, not content with the materials the group could produce within the year General Tannevega orders two detachments to move into two blocks north of Winnemac in order to clear them, secure them and search for any salvage or items that might be of use. Each detachment consists of 50 Regulars armed with 15 t3 rifles, 85 t2 rifles and 2 m2 machine guns each (t3 heavies). Lieutenant Shawn Fitzgerald S 1 P 4 E 2, leads team one. Lieutenant James Macelroy S 2 P 2 L 1, leads the other. It is hoped the two young officers with their greater than normal perception will be able to uncover metal or other items. ((MOD))
  9. 5th Marine Regiment _______________________________________________________________ 2273 The last few years had been good for the expedition, although the sense of frontierism had died down many began to think of the neighbourhood of edgewater as home, the winds were much calmer in mud city. Although the years spirits were significantly jolted watching another skyscraper in the distance explode into flames, it was then that many were glad not to be in the downtown sector as originally planned. Throughout the block however was another story, along the streets of the blocks men and women dug long trenches, working in the heat of the chicago summer sun hammers and picks rang out, pipes were beginning laid, although crude and cumbersome they would still carry clean water throughout the block into every home, that was the promise given that year, and thus valuable building materials had been funneled into this project. Civilization was the goal promised and it would be the goal delivered. A safe, stable community would be carved out of the harsh city welcoming all who would do their part. General Tannevega looked out from his office in the crude concrete and metal bunker that had been erected in the capital block, serving as headquarters for the expedition as well as barracks noise was to be expected, but the excess noise of crude machinery and men laboring in the streets truly set the bar. Looking up from the papers on his desk and several others in the meeting he drew his eyes to the window where he watched civilization slowly rebuilding. “The debris from that tower explosion last month are finally gone, Major Conway spoke as the General returned from his momentary daydream as he responded “Very good Conway, at this rate I don't think there will be any buildings downtown when we finally expand into those sectors, this city is certainly not as quiet as preliminary reports had suggested. “All is on track however General, we expect block expansion to be ready by next year, the takeover of the cemetery will provide much needed arable land, though you must admit the prospect is rather…..creepy.” The General nodded chewing his already gnawed cigar “I wont disagree there, we will make arrangement for work parties to remove the bodies, coffins and headstones and fill in the grave prior to moving the civilians in, we can burn it all en masse outside the block but I don't want anything getting in the way of our expansion, least of all stories of hauntings and ghosts.” Conway shuddered a bit “Not to question sir but is it not disrespectful?” The General shook his head as he sighed “I'm sure they wouldn't mind, if they knew the circumstances.” _________________________________________________________ Actions: 6 metal is spent producing 50 tier 2 firearms 7500 caps are spent on a new construction yard 1865 caps are deposited into the treasury this year. Around the Capital Block the beginnings of fortifications are erected 1b 750c General Tannevega satisfies one of the major requests of the civilian contingent of their expedition, seeking to renormalize life and provide creature comforts, laborers spend time and resources on a plumbing system. Whereas before open outhouses were used and showers had to be manually refilled, true plumbing would come, water pumped and treated from the great lakes and waste drained back into the sewers beneath the block. 1b 5000c ((mod)) Throughout the nearby blocks a signal is transmitted to those who would receive it. “For those seeking a cause it is here you will find it, for those seeking shelter, it is HERE you will find it, for those who believe that civilization can be carved into the wasteland through blood sweat and tears it is here you will find it, whether you a wield a hammer, a trowel, or a rifle it is here you will find us rebuilding civilization one block at a time.” *A radio signal is transmitted afterward and the message repeats* ((MOD)) After several weeks of careful preparation 1st platoon and 2nd platoon departed across the border at dawn to sweep and clear the block to the north west. Lieutenant Fitzgerald leads this operation ((S 1, P 2, E 2)). The force consists of 100 Regulars armed with 15 t3 firearms, 50 t2 firearms, 33 tier 1 firearms, and 2 m2 machine guns ((t3 heavy weapons)) in order to secure it for further expansion next year ((MOD)) also 6 RP into tier 3 armor
  10. 5th Marine Regiment _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2272 Lieutenant Fitzgerald and his men carefully navigated the bombed out building they had rested in that night, patrolling the two blocks the regiment had claimed required constant patrols and careful care in their observations. Tapping the handheld radio that broadcasts the latest prewar hits from Recovery Radio, the music's choppiness buzzed away, the radio was old that much was clear. As the group arrived at the north east corner of their territory they stopped once more and the young man took his radio and shut off the music, switching modes he keyed the radio and spoke “3rd platoon at 0600 hours reporting in from checkpoint yankee, nothing to report.” The silence buzzed for a few seconds until a response was heard “3rd platoon, copy, continue patrol, be advised civilians will be working up to the perimeter today, out.” So it would seem the Lieutenant thought to himself watching the civilians and several marines alike beginning to empty into the streets from the mess hall. It was very clear from the year they had spent in Chicago that the dusty ruins and remains lingered in the blocks casting a gloomy mood through most of the expedition's men and women. They had been chosen primarily for their ancestors' connection to the Illinois area but it was made evidently clear that Chicago was not the same as it once was, in the distance the burning of the Illinois was a strict reminder of that. But Gloomy moods and dark thoughts were not what they had been sent there to do, their task was to carve out a significant section of the city that could be used to rebuild Chicagoan infrastructure and provide a forward point for settlers in the hurricane-wracked southern east coast. General Tannevega thus instituted a “Field Year” with some surplus caps offered as work incentives the civilians of the expedition under the watchful eye of their stout protectors set to work across the two blocks, pack brahmin helped drag ruined vehicles off the street to scrap yards and human chains were formed to dispose of rubble, brush and...the unfortunate remains of those killed centuries ago, while they had not yet made contact with the other factions of the Mud City, that time would surely come, but for now the 5th Marines would focus on their own and improving their own blocks before they looked outward... _________________________________________________________ Actions: 4m for 100 t1 firearms 4 research points are spent on finishing t2 armor. 2 research points spent on furthering that research to t3 armor. 5000 caps spent on training the remaining green marines into fully trained jarheads. 5000+2b is spent on an agrihouse. 12,500 is spent training 100 trained marines into regulars. 3000 caps are spent on cleanup. Civilians and Marines of the expedition spend several weeks clearing their own blocks of rubble, scrap, trash, brush and other such items in hopes of helping to make a cleaner more attractive settlement as well as hopefully gain some materials for usage in the coming year. ((MOD)) ((this is an internal operation, inside borders))
  11. 5th Marine Regiment _______________________________________________________________ ((Just a stat post I will require some time to DUTIFULLY expand my roleplay chars and situation)) Actions: 6m for 50 t2 firearms 15000 caps are spent on two construction yards 10,000 caps are spent training 200 marines to trained. 6 research points are spent on t2 armor.
  12. Chicago Police Department The Young Rockislander joked with his friends as they laughed, advancing into the strip mall he thought of his girl back home and the stories he would tell her and his children one day, the young blue eyed boy of barely 18 turned to smile at his friend when his young life was cut short. A rusty piece of sharp metal covered in fecal matter plowed through the young boys brains splattering the rest of the patrol as savage men in blue police uniforms fell upon the ambushed group “STOP RESISTING!” a few cried “GET ON THE ******* GROUND!” Cried another but such battle calls were merely that battle calls, there would be no arrests, no detainments no “non lethal force” The invaders who sought to take their territory would be slaughtered with no regard for their lives… Commissioner Byrne limped down the road as the survivors of the bloody battle withdrew silently into residential buildings and offices as they moved south, they could still hear the faint crying of Rock Islanders with shattered bones, infected wounds and disemboweled organs screaming for their mothers, the dead Chicagoans swiftly ended with gunfire lay silent their own struggle ended. Sergeant Sweet caught up with the elder man limping along a bandage wrapped around his own arm where a t52 had tried and failed to snap his arm. Offering a quick salute the sergeant spoke half out of breath “S- Sir. Final count is 150 dead. Mostly newer officers, mostly unarmed. Enemy lost about 80 men, and that's with half our population sir, two armor sets wholly destroyed. We expected to lose the block sir, but we expected to lose it a lot sooner, this may have been a defeat but our enemy has been dealt a grave blow today.” Commissioner Byrne nodded the wounded men walking side by side as they entered the barricades of the friendly block. “We came here seeking peace from the bandits on the plains Sergeant… But now… We face the hostile streets our forefathers faced against the mob. Except this mob dresses itself in green and calls themselves soldiers… Make no mistake Sergeant, the Islanders have paid a great price today, and they will pay an even greater one soon enough...” _________________________________________________ Actions: 4 metal is spent producing 100 t1 firearms. 1B and 500 caps are spent fortifying the new block. 15,000 caps is spent producing two construction yards. 80 cadets go through the police academy to promote them to full time officers. (TRAINED) 8000 caps Research into T2 Armor is begun by: Asian American Lieutenant Takanora Kaiido +1P +3I Beneath the new block the sewers are scouted for potential weakpoints and general usage. (MOD) 25 green soldiers are sent to patrol the southern block south of the home block.
  13. ahhh the true jewel of the empire.
  14. United States Space Force _____________________________________ ________________________________________ 2092 ((Just a stat post this week)) ___________________________________________________________________ ACTIONS A corvette is made for the USSF through their two shipyards. 8m 4s 12000c. Two gunships are sent to guard the Harvest Expedition system to ensure their security -2f. The rest of the colony is set to stockpile its goods and resources awaiting more people from earth before being able to expand further.
  15. Faction Name: Chicago Police Department Civilization Type: Civilized Starting Points: 1 stack of pop 3 points for 3 tiers of research into scrap cars 1 production of equipment 1 credit bonus Faction Backstory: When the bombs fell on that fateful day it was surprise to many, the warnings which the US had tried to perfect over a century failed and many national warnings failed to go out, for most the first indications something was wrong on that crisp autumn day was a double flash and mushroom cloud rising in the distance. For some however they received that warning, an emergency bulletin was put over dispatch on that October morning wishing all officers good luck and Godspeed and directing all to help evacuation to shelters, while a noble few did just that and carried out their duty until they were but shadows on the concrete walls of downtown many fled, officers raced home using lights and sirens to bypass traffic as ICBMs streaked towards the united states in the atmosphere of the earth. Throwing their spouses and children into their cars with whatever supplies they could muster in minutes they fled south into Indiana as the bombs fell on the city behind them. Coordinating by radio roughly 500 officers and their families settled in the fields of Indiana forming a secure farming community hoping to keep bandits and raiders away, keeping faded uniforms and other equipment the “Chicago Police” became the default protectors and one of the more organized factions in the prairies of Indiana. As years went by many nearby communities paid tribute so the police would protect them from the more bloodthirsty raiders and super mutants. In 2270 radio traffic had been picked up talking about the rediscovery of mud city. The group saw an opportunity to capitalize on what would be an influx of people going into the city for a new life. With that the “Chicago Police” marched away from their camp in Indiana to take back their headquarters in the Windy City. Characters: Commissioner Charles Byrne: Leader of the faction and a direct descendant from Captain Byrne, he has led the faction for near twenty years and through his leadership he has promised a better standard of living for his men by all means nessacary and to retaking their homes in Chicago, a callous but fair man he carries a copy of the 2077 Chicago Police Handbook and follows, albeit rather ruthlessly, to the letter. Sergeant Garret Sweet: Shift sergeant and overall one of the most senior officers he functions as an advisor to Commissioner Byrnes hoping to alleviate and bring about a more grounded way of thinking in the services the group provides. Discord: no
  16. Some of the best rp I ever did was as a gobbo In the sewers capturing high elves to ransom and enslave.
  17. United States Space Force _____________________________________ ________________________________________ 2091 The year of the colony had already seen several events, many children had been born as the population of the moon of Pandora began to slowly grow. Above Pandora had been another story. The Gunship USS Kidd lazily drifted along its trajectory as it danced between the many minor moons of Artemis at orbital velocity, like a ballet dancer the nimble gunship slingshot its way around the gas giants gravity well darting all the way out to the tiny meteors it had collected at its edge before diving in once more to the smaller balls of rock and to the vessels new homeworld of Pandora. Major Jonathon Fletcher, captain of the small vessel crossed his arms as he flexed his neck. As they came into range of Pandora once more the comms console flashed in the CIC where the young Major floated in zero gravity, hitting the button the holographic image of Edward Cole appeared on the holo table that stood in the center of CIC. “Major Fletcher” The hologram said with a nod, “Colonel Cole” the major responded in kind as he delivered a smart salute. “I trust you have nothing new to report at this time for your monthly check in?” Colonel Cole said with an elated tone. “Major fletcher rubbed his temples softly as he shook his head “No and for the last four days the humidity control catalyst has been acting up, We are relying on meeting a shuttle every other month for food and supplies but its taxiing the ship greatly to not be able to….to well shut it down, bring it in for a landing and conduct overhaul!” Fletcher dragged the hologram from the cic table onto his tablet as he floated out of the compartment and down the tunnel to where his quarters rested, “The men need time Colonel, I know we've been getting 10 off on every trip past Pandora but it is still not enough.” The Major finally relented letting the tablet drift in front of him as Edward Cole began to speak. “I know Jonathon, believe me I know, I will press hard to try and get another gunship at least sent out here, a year is too long and while you are breaking endurance records, we don't want to fully break the ship.” It was clear already to both men that in order to properly guard and defend their own system as well as other American enterprises in the local cluster of stars, they would need AT LEAST, several gunships and in a perfect world, multiple gandhi equipped larger vessels such as destroyers. Major Fletcher rubbed his chin as he exhaled into the tablets view “Well, were awaiting docking with the CH-121 for unrep, Ill talk to you in another month Ed.” Colonel Cole nodded firmly “Keep safe up there my friend…” and with that the small compartment in the gunship fell dark and silent once more. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Actions: 3m and 6000c is spent constructing a refinery. As per orders the USSF begins immediate construction of a second shipyard for: 4m and 8000c. The USSF also begins construction of the USS Doris Miller for 5m 2s and 8000c. The USSF Also hire the use of two japanese transports to carry materials to China and Australia for 5000. 3000 is spent renting out the shipyard of Anzoc for this year 5m and 2s as well as 8000c is spent building a gunship. 2000 is spent renting out the Chinese shipyard this year to build 5m 2s and 8000c is spent constructing a gunship. The United States Space Force sends a return probe to the Pentagon on Earth confirming the completion of their assigned objectives by the end of the present year and further signifying they are ready for new orders. {{MOD}}
  18. United States Space Force _____________________________________ ________________________________________ 2090 The United States Space Force, originally becoming its own branch separate from US Air Force Command on the 20th of December 2019 the branch was now only just 71 years in existence. The United States Space Force spent its birth years languishing in the throes of Congress, considered a wild and wasteful expenditure by a lunatic one term President many in government viewed the United States Space Force as but a ploy to distract from the real problems the nation felt and funnel off even more money into the silver lined pockets of politicians, for all intents and purposes the Space Force should have lived and died a short life and quick death. For one reason or another perhaps just the red tape of bureaucracy the United States Space Force struggled onwards however, while it remained the butt of many jokes having nothing more to do with space than operating communications satellites, the Space Force became a dumping ground for flag officers who had made enemies within United States Armed Forces, the career ender armed service had been dreadfully dubbed, retirement row as many who were transferred in quickly found themselves DD214 in hand and a bus ticket in another. This spiral of officers, enlisted and the force budget circled the drain year after year, It would not have lasted much longer if it had not been for General Samuel Mccarthy. Great Grandson of the disgraced senator Joseph Mccarthy, General Samuel Mccarthy Joined the United States Marine Corps in 2020 seeing action in the South China Sea Conflict of 2029, Samuel Mccarthy quickly rose through the ranks as a stellar officer and to many it seemed as though he would one day find himself at the head of the Corps. This vision however, was struck away painfully and without warning when a United States Marine Unit based out of Twenty Nine Palms California which had engaged in drug trafficking began a shootout with California Highway Patrol and the ATF. With thirty marines and forty five federal agents dead in Southern California someone's head was to be presented on a silver platter and it was none other than General Mccarthy commander of the base. Though publicly the Pentagon could not try and dismiss a popular man and war hero they decided to send him to ‘Retirement Row’ as the head of the United States Space Force. General Mccarthy found the Space Force in a truly sorry state when he arrived at the largest duty station in Fairbanks Alaska. Carelessness, lack of attention and sloppiness had turned the billion dollar facility into the equivalent of a southern Texas trailer park. Perturbed at his treatment by the Joint Chiefs and the Pentagon General Mccarthy began an almost immediate systemic set of general orders to be passed down within the Space Force, within a week all facilities were sparkling, the proverbial trains were running on time and over four thousand troublemaking soldiers and officers had been relieved of their duties. The United States Space Force finally got its first action during the Armstrong Crater Riots. The small detachment of Space Force Troopers that manned a communications outpost, who had been ordered to stand aside and await USMC reinforcements from Earth received private orders from General Mccarthy to engage the armed rioters which had been holding the bases oxygen recycler hostage. The brief firefight and assault was played out live to the world as US Space Force Troopers stormed the rioters positions without a single casualty. Albeit basically trained soldiers versus civilians with a few rifles and handguns was nothing special, the spectacle played out on every television set in America suddenly solidified the Space Force in the eyes of many, The next session of Congress saw Joseph Mccarthy leverage the recent actions on the Moon with his own personal status as a war hero to achieve a record breaking budget for the Space Force, Although nowhere near the other services the Space Force would quickly begin operations to establish off world presence and security in the solar system. It had never lost its stigma fully but when the time came for the first extrasolar expansion the Marine corps fought long and hard for the slot but ultimately the first extrasolar military force would be the Space Force.... ______________________________________________________________________________ The ship shuddered slightly as the Gandhi device disengaged and a quiet fell over the crew which had for weeks been training and preparing. Edward Cole looked out over the bridge to see the system ahead of him as several probes were discharged from the colony ships docking bay, shooting out the first scans of the system he took a step backwards to the holo table behind him where the civilian administration team and other officers awaited him. “Alright people let's get to work, we should have our colony under preliminary setup procedures right away, I think it's no secret our primary candidate should be the moon in orbit of the gas giant, It will provide a valuable starting point for our expansi-” Cole was quickly cut off by his major annoyance in the mission so far, Civilian Administrator Nicole Saunders, the former Governor of Illinois immediately cut in to interrupt the Captain “I believe we shouldn't make these choices with too much haste. Why have we ruled out the desert planet?” Captain Cole blinked twice before finishing immediately “As I've stated several times Administrator, you are responsible for civilian matters. The location of the colony has been officially granted to military command as has the first two years of the mission. All evidence points to the moon being our primary choice and that is where we are going to settle, if you have any concerns feel free to send a comm buoy back to Sol.” Having nipped the snarky administrators' useless commands right down Captain Cole Hit the button on the holo console to transfer the navigation data to the helm of the ship, striding out of the door to the command hallway outside he felt Commander Atkinson approach him from behind as the pair walked. “Two months of that woman and Im ready to toss her out of the ******* airlock.” Lara Atkinson quipped as the pair continued to walk along the corridor avoiding moving civilians and Space Force Troopers alike as they walked to the large hangar bay of the colony vessel, They arrived in the viewing area just in time as the hangar was being vacated by air and the large doors opened to reveal the gas giant that loomed next to the ship in orbit. “Just look at it” Cole remarks, hands on hips, the swirling blue and green gasses rippled throughout the atmosphere putting Jupiter or Saturn to shame. Atkinson remarked “It certainly is a lot different than Ganymede.” Below the pair in the viewing room the expedition's Gunship with crew aboard deftly left the hangar venturing out and away from the bigger ship as it started its own engine to begin its patrols of their new home system. The colonists of Pandora watched in awe as the large colony ship seared through the atmosphere lighting up the sky in an orange streak. Engineers had been hard at work clearing trees along an open plain near a coastal river delta for the large colony ship to touch down and begin to be disassembled into the colony's first structures. After several minutes the double sonic boom sounded from above the gathered people, large engines firing as the massive craft began to slow down gently moving over the open water before coming to a gentle touch down a small brush fire quickly being extinguished by approaching crewmen and technicians, The next weeks would see a flurry of activity, the ships reactor was cut out and lowered into a concrete cast on the ground and cables began to be laid out for the powering of the colony. Thousands of prefab shelters had been set up around the adhoc city and a large fence erected around the border as the colonies barracks, shipyard, extractor and storehouse prefabs began assembly around the grounds. Dirt paths were quickly graveled over and then paved over in the first month as the 12,000 colonists worked night and day to assemble their new home and within the first four months the colony ship had been wholly disassembled. Their first months successful Captain Cole sent the first comm buoy home indicating the colony was fully underway and ready for tasking if needed. Various groups had formed and sunny ways were upon the horizon for Pandora. ____________________________________________________________________________ Actions Almost Immediately upon arrival word of the expedition's successful arrival is sent back to the United States. Strong images of Space Force Troopers setting up the American flag with various shuttles landing in the background are sent home to a hopeful nation. The messages indicate the colony is ready and available for tasking if needed. Furthermore the United States Space Force Announces it is ready and willing to assist any colonies who might suffer an emergency and is prepared to uphold International law if needed. An extensive survey is carried out over the moon of Pandora on which the colonists have settled! 2000c The Singular Gunship USS Kidd commanded by Major Jonathon Fletcher begins the first system patrols of the colony ensuring safety and security. Two civilian factories are produced for 8000c and 4m 12,000 is spent on six construction yards. Another storehouse is immediately produced for 1M and 2000c 12,000c and 6m spent on three financial districts. Planetary Stats: PANDORA Buildings 1 Shipyard producing: 1 ship point 1 Storehouse storing: 15m 4g 1 Barracks producing: 1 company 1 Extractor producing: 10R Population 12,000 Finances: 4000 credits in reserve. Military: 1 Gunship 100 Space Force Commandos (Space Marines) Upkeep: 1000c for Ship expenses 1 ship point 1000c for extractor upkeep x1 2000c for shipyard upkeep x1 500c for barracks upkeep x1 ________________ 4500c total upkeep.
  19. Discord: You got it , if you dont tho its Taketheshot56#2728 Name (colony): United States Space Force Archetype (choose one): NCM Mother Nation: The United States of America Sponsoring Space Agency (you may choose one): Spaceforce/nasa Colonial Leadership: Democratic civilian representatives and standard military hierarchy. Mission Military Add. starting equipment: 2 points 40k cash 2 for 20m 1 for 2000 settlers Background: The progress of the various colonies of the United States reaching into space set the need for security from those who would seek to harm the nations interests. The first real venture of the US Space force in a tangible military role would quickly set the bar for security of its colonies and its fellow americans. Answering to the relevant military officers in he COC as well as the President, the 1st EXPEDITIONARY FORCE of the United States Space Force is deployed, beginning to establish its military presence among the stars with many servicemen and women and their families looking forward with fierce determination. Their destination is Alpha Centauri
  20. Remember when player nations used to be able to fight each other? I sure fuckin do.
  21. Literally no one ran around with preloaded crossbows this is a perpetual gripe spawned by people to use against gunpowder, in my 5 years on this server Ive seen one person run up to and shoot someone with a preloaded crossbow they were promptly removed the RP was voided by staff and sorry, a crossbow is designed to pierce mail and armor, the fact I need 5 emotes to do that with an arablest and a bow can do it in 3 is dumb.
  22. I really love that humans developed an entire culture around crossbows. Only for staff to say LOL and nerf them into ******* oblivion.
  23. Hmm it looks as if staff truly thought this through with a long review process based on countless amounts of feedback from players who use each weapon and adjusting them accordingly instead of destroying years of RP.......they did do this right? Right?
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