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warlord of filth

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  1. whatever balancing to crp is made will forever be eclipsed by average encounters and events taking literal hours out of ur day

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seannie


      normalize pve 

    3. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      @Unwillinglyive wanted to play again for a while, and obviously I prefer combat style characters rather than slice of life


      issue is, if I get in a combat encounter I know I will lose unless it’s me and friends vs like 1 dude. because I can’t play games for more than like an hour or two at a time tops.


      it sucks that I sympathize with pvp for the sheer fact I know encounters would be over quick :///

    4. argonian


      pve is the obvious solution 


      crp lasting hours was never great but it worked a bit better back when the average player was a middle schooler. now any player u meet is more likely to have kids than be a kid. ppl actually have shit 2 do in the morning and can't stay up all night doing dull crp even if they had the masochistic streak necessary to want to

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