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warlord of filth

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  1. whatever balancing to crp is made will forever be eclipsed by average encounters and events taking literal hours out of ur day

    1. Unwillingly


      the big crp event in celia'nor lasted for like 9 hours the other day. like if people can give the time of day to do crp for that long, it's whatever, but people who expect others to tolerate CRPing for that long are actually insane and inconsiderate. it's why I loathe that we just got more rules to give people an even better reason to type in OOC during the already ongoing 3+ hour CRP to go "ermm why did you do 3 emotes for ur longbow instead of 4. please void and make another emote" because people who do this make up about 80% of people you'll ever CRP with 

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