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Status Replies posted by Britannicvs

  1. what's something that immediately tells you someone's going to be really annoying or frustrating to CRP with and you're about to waste hours of your life over?

    1. Britannicvs


      @Apotolofothats funny because I’ve genuinely seen someone wield three swords at once

    2. (See 33 other replies to this status update)

  2. Dwarven Fanfic just dropped

    1. Britannicvs



  3. sabrina carpenter son or chappell roan daughter 

  4. sabrina carpenter son or chappell roan daughter 

  5. what's something that immediately tells you someone's going to be really annoying or frustrating to CRP with and you're about to waste hours of your life over?

    1. Britannicvs


      Paragraph emotes - there’s nothing wrong with simple actions, so long as you aren’t blatantly powergaming (death to quip roleplay)

    2. (See 33 other replies to this status update)



  7. which character, lore or player has the most aura


    i fw the wandering wizard heavily

  8. I'm so absolutely sick of seeing the same drama going on in Urguan with the same problem player and the Urguan staff/community leaders/whatever doing nothing about it. How is it that NOW is the final straw? How is it, after so many obviously apt complaints about this guy, has he not already been ostracized in some way? The only thing I agree with the problem player about is their distaste of older, jaded ST members. 


    I'm very open about my distaste with ST as an "institution" within the server, but I feel like if I get into it I'll probably get shat on into oblivion because people love most of them since they scratch that itch of making players feel important just a smidgen of the time.


    Regardless, I'm a wee gnome and I do a funny little dance.

  9. +1 has a good sense of humour and singlehandedly generated more memes than Cheese did

    1. Britannicvs


      Thanks man! 😀

  10. -1 this gamer needs some serious improvement. not a fan.

  11. About to disconnect Azdrazi because the “community needs time to reset and resettle with fresh perspectives”

  12. Can someone remind me why we got rid of the casues belli system 

  13. so guys i have this lore idea for a dragon based family

  14. All my homies Love Oren. When are we getting another Oren? I'm going through withdrawls again.

  15. "I'm sorry for evicting you," said the King Ivan VIII.

  16. An Inferi sits in the underdark. Waiting the 2 hour timer for escape from the Underrealm. The Dwarves won this round.


    1. Britannicvs


      No match for dwarves engineering 

  17. josh and arockstar28 running the server. who wouldve thought

    1. Britannicvs


      Arcadians have taken over lotc

  18. One day House Horen will rise again.

    1. Britannicvs


      god ******* no let that cursed family die

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. Been on the server for 10 years. Almost 11. First time I ever heard the name Xan. 

    1. Britannicvs


      Legoboy the Paladins were your vassal are you a dumbass

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. what was the most or least enjoyable CRP/pvp encounter you've ever had?

    1. Britannicvs


      @LobsterLarrywhy exactly does that reflect on the community?

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  21. hi javer can you make a plugin where if someone emotes *Blinks. it gives them a 30 minute ban? Thx buddy

  22. without naming names, what are some aspects of nation/settlement communities that either draw you in or push you away? what kind of things do you like to see and engage with, or what makes them undesirable to play in?

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