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Everything posted by Britannicvs

  1. Narvi pens his own letter, trapped in a solitary cell. "The Irongrinder Clan has also aggrieved me, Darid Irongrinder assaulted me and falsely imprisoned me, slandering me as a cultist of the Harrower. I am currently held against my will, but petition the Kingdom Authorities to charge my captor with the following crimes- 3. Impersonation of a Public Official 3.1 Impersonation of a Public Official is the crime of assuming the identity of a public official of Urguan or another government, assuming a title to which one does not have right, or falsely acting as a representative of a public official of Urguan or another government. 3.2 Impersonation of a Public Official is a second-degree crime. 7.. Slander 7.1 Slander is the crime of spreading known mistruths about a citizen of Urguan. 7.2 Slander is a fourth-degree crime. 8. Assault 8.1 Assault is the crime of physically and unlawfully attacking a citizen of Urguan. 8.2 Assault is a second-degree crime. 9. Kidnapping 9.1 Kidnapping is the crime of unlawfully holding a citizen of Urguan against their will. 9.2 Kidnapping is a second-degree crime. I probably won't be able to attend court. -Narvi the falsely imprisoned."
  2. Literally 1984 

  3. Narvi sweats, feeling Jorvin's beady eyes settling on his nearby forge.
  4. Narvi pens a letter to Ulfar, eagerly announcing his intention to joined the reformed Yemekar's Workforce. Your Name: Narvi Age: 75 Clan: Clanless
  5. "I wish ye good luck, Grimni, with your endeavours," Narvi commented appraisingly at the missive, still not a Goldhand.
  6. "Yeah, he definitely lost." A dwarven scholar replied.
  7. 171 S.A ((08/03/24)) ISSUED BY THE OBSIDIAN THRONE THE FEAST OF KINGS To the citizens of Urguan; the Lord Regent Norli Starbreaker invites you to the Feast of Kings, Hosted in the city square. ________________ A feast held to commemorate the Worldmaker and all the kings of legend. Figures of yore such as Thorin Grandaxe, Simppa Ironbane and Urguan Silverbeard, our progenitor; to remember Yemekar’s teachings of Akhoral. Food and beverages shall be coordinated by the young Narvi, in cooperation with the Dwedmar corporation. A short speech shall be given on the legacy of the Grand Kingdom, before the talley of the votes shall be presented to the public, and the outcome verified by the High Moot. After the election has been verified and the regency officially concluded, a ritual of gratitude to the Gods for seeing the kingdom through a period of transition shall be done, and the Grand King elect shall announce his coronation. NARVOK OZ BRATHMORDAKIN —----- Signed Norli Norvarsson Starbreaker Lord Regent of the Obsidian Throne, Grand Champion of Urguan, Preceptor of Yemekar, Rhunlord, Overseer of Khron’Hundmar, Herald of the Brathmordakin, Father of the Articles of Urguan, Elder of Gotrek’s Folk
  8. “Like Azdromoth rising from the ashes. . .” Narvi’s eyes bulged comically.
  9. “An impressive pedigree.” Narvi admitted, nodding at many of the sensible proposals. “But we must address our nations declining industry, that is the most pressing matter!” He declared, brooding in thought.
  10. “Grelu makes a fine case, though he could’ve formatted it better. . . Never mind, I wonder what the other candidates are thinking.” Narvi commented approvingly at the proclamation.
  11. "His decision to step down when the time was right makes him a better King than any we've had since the days of Norli and Levian!" Narvi harrumphed contently.
  12. “As the Paragon Hogarth intended.” Stated the dwarf Narvi.
  13. I hope he finds what he’s looking for
  14. I love europa universalis of the craft though..
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