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Everything posted by Britannicvs

  1. Stop bullying pvp goons fms

    1. rukio


      Square up lad

    2. sneLf


      pvp default


  2. I have an idea, maybe instead of 'reworking' the nexus system the DEVS could replace it with anew system where you have to EMOTE to create stuff. Like in blacksmithing you have to emote how you create a sword or something or in cooking you emote preparing a meal. Etc etc

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gameingg


      Sounds really good on paper,but how could you program a plugin that gives you items every time you emote?Impossible.

    3. CosmicWhaleShark


      Every system is able to be abused eventually, assuming you use something like keywords or something or word count it would just come down to up arrowing or spamming the specific key words for an item. Similar to how enchanments or alchemy regents were first implemented. It would start out as a secret but quickly become widespread and we'd be back where we started as far as the issues we face with nexus. 

    4. InfamousGerman


      im a coder on a minecraft server, not a wizard 

  3. Which sister do you prefer ty

    1. excited


      Good men treat all their family equally.

  4. Oh these are the incest twins? ;)
  5. I'm sorry for all the pain and **** D&D put u through. 

  6. BaD pEdO hOuSe

    1. OzYmandi


      Not pedo, I just fancy children under the age of 16, what's wrong with that?

    2. Britannicvs


      BaD hEbO hOuSe

  7. AMA's = instant rep machine 

    1. mitto


      if you have friends, same with staff applications 

  8. What is the hardest human house name to pronounce in lotc?

    1. _pr0fit


      paliolageous... err... paleolagous.... maybe its spelled paliologous....

  9. When does Stauntism towers open

  10. Supreme Leader LadyRebecca of LoTc


    1. drfate786


      What do you mean? We don't need a staff reform, we need a player reform.

    2. Britannicvs


      I'm talking about a roleplay reform, (aka player reform)

    3. drfate786


      Ah, I agree.

  12. You've Got a Steve in Me

  13. did you just tell me to stop withering


    help I'm dying of tumours

  14. ((Wait... Rohirrim that live in mountains... How do you even support your horses.. o_O, but sure does that seem cool))
  15. CHARACTER DESCRIPTION: RACE: Heartlander GENDER: Male SKIN COLOR: Beige BODYMASS: 6,1 HAIR COLOR: Golden Blonde HAIR STYLE: Long FACIAL HAIR: Beard EYE COLOR: Ice Blue CLOTHES: (Image at the top)
  16. Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland Courland 

  17. Better than Stauntbucks



    1. Britannicvs


      (it's from zootopia)

  18. I think you can declare a Casus Belli now lmao

    1. Chimp


      Don't do it he's tricking you into no cb'ing and getting -5 stab and 50 AE.

    2. Vege


      -3 stability

    3. Chimp


      -5 if in hre 

  19. Theresians are coming


    1. Medvekoma




      Theresa May is ruining a beautiful legacy.



  20. Hello :)

    1. Killmatronix
    2. Britannicvs


      When you going to reapply kill??

    3. Killmatronix


      When I'll have inspiration, time and I won't be sick.

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