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Everything posted by Britannicvs

  1. “Mayhaps they’ll finally leave their gates open.” Narvi grumbled.
  2. final victory 

  3. Narvi shed a tear at the demise of the last Ruhnlord.
  4. Thank you Beamon4

  5. Narvi read the missive with trepidation, silently praying that the great Starbreaker clan would find reason and reconcile.
  6. "Tae King is dead... long live tae King!" Baldur Stonehammer declared in a solemn voice.
  7. Free _TieAndSuit_

  8. "Eh, thought he were jokin'!" Baldur 'Sigrunsson' Stonehammer scratched his head at the missive, wondering if he would be summoned.
  9. I’m starting to understand why the milkman was so feared

  10. Hey bro don’t let it go to ur head


  12. Kaz Ulrah once again web da ZKAH
  13. Signatory of Region: Gotrek UnionUser: UnusualBritPersona name: NarviPersona ID: #83991
  14. Far away, if he ever received news of the Greybeards passing. Aghal Frostbeard would recall meeting Zahrer Irongrinder, noting he hadn’t seemed all that bad.
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