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Everything posted by Britannicvs

  1. Thalgrim could only wish he had voted for Tunnelsmasher, alas he was dead. ((TUNNELSWEEP))
  2. Thalgrim Eivorsson cried out for his uncle before he too, perished.
  3. A GOLDEN MASSACRE Tales of conspiracy abound in the Goldhand Clan Hall, as Thalgrim Goldhand sat in his chair. When all had gathered, a sudden challenge for leadership rang out to his left from the lips of his cousin, Torsun. The younger dwarf looked at him shocked, but asked what the challenge would entail. With a look of malice, the betrayer answered that it would be his death and struck. Taken offguard, Thalgrim fell to the floor as he was wounded by the mechanical Dwed. He scrambled back, attempting to escape his impending doom as Goimbar, Conan and Barundin rushed in defense of their kinsman. “Why.” Was all he asked, in a weak and feeble voice, the betrayal incomprehensible to the Eivorsson. But to no avail, a blasting potion thrown by the betrayer ended the plight of the Clan Lord who collapsed from his injuries. His uncle Conan fell by his side, succumbing to his own injuries inflicted by a second assailant, a mechanical demon. Barundin was struck unconscious by him, while Goimbar was taken captive. Striding over to the corpse of his kinsman, Torsun ripped it in half and departed, after looting Thalgrims body of its valuables. Thalgrim Eivorsson Goldhand was dead, struck down by betrayal from within, joining his uncle Conan Goldhand murdered mere moments before.
  4. “Aye well done lads! Gave them a proper thrashing.” Thalgrim cheered.
  5. "Vigilantism? That were downright attempted murder of one of our allies! " Thalgrim spoke briskly at the missive.
  6. “It’s just a thing Goimbar.” Thalgrim answered.
  7. Thalgrim Eivorsson plans a visit to his friends over yonder in the Lemon Hill.
  8. Name: Thalgrim Eivorsson Age: 150 Race: Cave Dwed Nation: Urguan
  9. "Here we go, here we go, here we go." Dagmer Cleftjaw sang.
  10. The Wronged: Tundo Goldhand and the Goldhand Clan. The Assailant: A Mogg Companyman and the Mogg Company. The Wrong: That he did accost, rob and debeard Tundo Goldhand without provocation. Date of Wrongdoing: Two years past. Terms of Settlement: That the Companyman shall part with his head, to be gold-casted.
  11. “Good on young Balon! Knew him since he were a wee pup.” Dagmer declared drunkenly in the tavern at the news, to anyone that was listening.
  12. Goldhand: Sale and Acquisitions (TM) approves this message.
  13. "Let's fockin' go lads!" Thalgrim smiled, reading the missive on his travels in the east.
  14. Thalgrim breathes a sigh of relief, relieved at the peace overture offered to his former home by the Kingdom it once inhabited. "Let us hope, this prevails; and proves longlasting." The dwed spoke with optimism.
  15. “Aaunbelievable.” Thalgrim quipped, shaking his head.
  16. The Wronged: Thalgrim Goldhand The Assailant: Lilliana of Talar'Nor The Wrong: Insulting Thalgrim's honour, calling him a Iblees consorter with the result of negatively impacting his business dealings. Date of Wrongdoing: 24th of the Amber Cold, Year 133 of the Second Age. Terms of Settlement: Lilliana's slanderous tongue shall be ripped out and goldcasted.
  17. "Oi Uncle, Garedyn. Stop arguing about the election, we're in a hunt right now!" Thalgrim called over nearby with a grumble, fending off a raptor attacking Goimbar Goldhand with an axe.
  18. Thalgrim looks at the missive in confusion, incapable of comprehending it's strange words.
  19. “Good luck Garedyn!” Thalgrim nodded at the missive, finding a few ideas quite sensible.
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