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Everything posted by Britannicvs

  1. I hate the taxman I hate the taxman
  2. “Huh - who let yer in here Yrrok.” A dwarf raised a fist at the strange foreigners interjection.
  3. "I don't think I can do this." A dwarf sweats.
  4. "Fock ye Bakir, but otherwise I'd agree." Thalgrim grumbled at the missive.
  5. “Aye I’ll believe this over some bizarre farce written by a man named regulus mane. Doesn’t he know his name sounds like ‘regular man’, codswallop!” A Goldhand grumbled, nodding at the sensible missive.
  6. "Sorry, lads, Agnar was too sleepy to get the keys distributed, mine is closed." Thalgrim shrugged as he read Dwarves Daily in the tavern.
  7. guys cowman is at prom please be patient for his return

  8. it happened 8 years ago but we'll never forget you kowaman

  9. rip kowaman, killed in a car crash returning from prom

  10. Sorry every1 Kowaman has prom tonight, we have to wait!

  11. 14th of Malin’s Welcome, 131 S.A ((01/06/23)) To the HONOURED Dwedmar In the year since I founded the northhold of Tal’Grim, much work has occurred in service of the Worldmaker to ensure our people would have a home on the island of Failor. In honour of the contributions made by several dwarves to this noble endeavour, I shall be hosting a feast to commemorate their services next stone day. To the honoured Dwedmar, your services to the greater good of our people shall not be so lightly forgotten. I make special mention of the most significant contributors, Firstly, to Relon Irongrinder @Relon, who perhaps has been my right-hand Dwed. His talent for logistics has been of immense use, while he was always around to lend me a hand with whatever I needed. To Duren Ireheart, who has provided our people with a steady stream of food and other supplies through his animal pens, while simultaneously striking the earth by constructing a hold for his clan. To Dimur Mythrilborn, a lad of immense enthusiasm, I much admire his spirit and dedication to our people, not to mention he was exceedingly helpful in construction and other things of note. To Dor’Nal Hammerfist @Charles The Bald, whose infrastructural contributions in regards to the Bald Highway were key for speedy movement, not to mention his kind donations to the coffers with vast amounts of underminas. And many, many more. The feast to the honoured Dwedmar shall be held on the 10th of the First Seed, I pray Belka will bless this day of merriment. Thalgrim Eivorsson Beloved of Armakak Clan Lord of the Goldhands Lord of Tal’Grim
  12. what are we? some kind of The Suicide Squad (2021) Fr tho next time just handle this matter privately, and resort to taking it to a public space if absolutely necessary.
  13. 11th of the Sun's Smile, 130 S.A ((29/05/23)) A Call for the Dwedmar To the citizens of Tal’Yrro, I bring good tidings. On my adventures to the lands above, I have discovered a suitable location for a new hold. With aid of several of our kinsmen, we built Camp Dwed to host our peoples, and slowly began to excavate into the mountain. Yet we cannot strike the earth alone, I call upon all Dwedmar to join us in our northern outpost, to venture to the lands above, able-bodied labourers and craftsmen are in sore need to build ourselves a new home. Come forth, let us honour Yemekar together. Rock and Stone! Thalgrim Eivorsson Beloved of Armakak Clan Lord of the Goldhands Lord of Tal’Grim
  14. “Shame, thought the lad had potential, yet he forgot his duty!” Thalgrim agonised at the missive.
  15. "Didn't quite expect that," Thalgrim spoke in surprise at the missive. "Then again, Ulfar was always close to Grimdal..." The dwarf began to speculate.
  16. "I'm with yer Ulfar." Thalgrim promised as he read the missive in Barrowton, eying his Legion armour.
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