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Everything posted by SoulReapingWolf

  1. SoulReapingWolf


    I am happy to inform you that you’ve been Your journey has only begun, adventure awaits in the lands of Arcas! If you have any other questions feel free to message me through the forums or discord WolfKnux (IdleSoul)#1674, you can also join our New Player Discord, where you can talk and ask questions to other players from the server. If you have any doubts on how the server works make sure you use our New Player Guide! this guide is filled with tons of useful information to help you understand the server during your newcomer stage. Upon your arrival to Arcas, the monks from Cloud Temple will be there to guide you towards your desired destiny.
  2. SoulReapingWolf


    Changed Status to Pending
  3. SoulReapingWolf


    Changed Status to Under Review Hey there, your application is almost there, for the time being, it has been placed on, For the following reasons, Your Biography is a bit short I’d suggest making it a bit longer, with complete sentences and including at least two more lore mentions. You can’t join the server being a Knight, this is a rank you’ll need to earn through Roleplaying with the player base you desire. The following links can help you with the latter. Human Wiki Human Empire Human Religion Creatures Flora Arcas Your description should focus on your character’s physical characteristics, make sure you describe him so that we might picture him in our heads. Your interesting facts should be complete sentences and follow the following format (Your last one is a bit obvious) Positive (strength, skill, achievement) neutral (likes, dislikes hobbies) negative (Fears, flaws, weakness) Make sure you make these corrections on the following 24 hours If you need any help you can contact me through my discord WolfKnux (IdleSoul) #1674 you can also join our New Player Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Application team, and meet other server players.
  4. ~*~♣~*~The Treebeard Clan~*~♣~*~ ~♣~History~♣~ The Clan of The Elder Tree or more commonly known as the Treebeard Clan gets its name from Gloin, Urguan’s seventh son which unlike his brothers chose his name from one of his interest instead of naming it after one of his deeds or talents. Gloin Treebeard heard the call from nature and turned his strong connection with nature and his strong faith in Anbella into the seed of this Elder Clan. He took his clan and settled in the woodlands resulting in the subrace now known as forest dwarfs. After living in the forests for a time, many Treebeards returned to the mountains finding themselves unfit to live in the forests in wooden huts and cottages. Whilst many ended up back home in the mountains, the remaining Treebeards left for the elven forests where they settled peacefully in wooden huts and villages above the surface and on top the trees. After living there for a time, some Treebeards found themselves influenced by the elves resulting in some taking to the Aspects the elven religion and even fewer becoming druids. After hundreds of years living in the forests, the Treebeards became scattered across the woodlands of the world, resulting in the clan becoming mixed with other sub-races and giving rise to mix breeds with the name Treebeard. With many Treebeards becoming mixed, it was rare to find a pure blooded Treebeard. As the Treebeards kept to their forests they became disconnected from the world and dwarven politics, and slowly as time passed they dwindled and disappeared, some hiding in their forests while others ventured into the far reaches of the world. Treebeards came and went as they thought their stone kin needed them, in their darkest times a Treebeard would often come back into the Dwarven Kingdoms spread the word of Anbella and return to the forest. Axios It was during Axios that some of the Treebeards of old decided to return from the forests and live in a small village in a valley belonging to the Third Grand Kingdom of Urguan, a village built by Grojak Treebeard, son of Gloin. It was in this village that Grojak wished for the Treebeards to follow his fathers teachings, pursuing knowledge and growing closer to the Brathmordakin and to nature, finding the link between Anbella & The Aspects that generations past had failed to find. Atlas During the time of Atlas the Treebeards emerged once again within the lands of the Kingdom of Agnarum founded a small shrine to Anbella under the guidance of Ozneat Treebeard who brought back the clan itself under a more religious influence casting out the ideas of druidism and brought pro Anbella, leading to the the Treebeards adopting a lifestyle of peace and silence isolated upon the mountain tops of the Kingdom of Agnarum. The clan would then join up with there other Forest Dwarf kin known as the Cottonwoods with this unification the Village of Hefrumm was formed where the Treebeards stayed and oversaw the activities of there younger kin and guide them through their religious inquiries. Arcas The Treebeards have been living side by side with the Cottonwoods since their arrival into the new continent of Arcas in the new Village of Hefrumm, the community is growing and the members that had chosen to remain in the forest are begining to come back to by the side of their kinsman. It was during Arcas that their numbers dwindled. Suffering some losses and going through a cultural schism that brought two different cultures to present their claims for the Treebeard name, the followers of Gloin kept their Clan name, and those who followed a different path would be known from that moment forward the Leafheart clan. Almaris ~♣~Culture~♣~ The Treebeards have not been known in the past for their skills in the combative arts or the ability to sell wares from here to there, this clan is known for trying to get the most out of life, living happily and making sure their tankards are always full. The ways of the Treebeards show that they are known for the great respect and compassion they show for one another, always ready to lend one another a helping hand. Throughout history, many Treebeards have been masterful lumberjacks, farmers, woodworkers, healers, bards and are especially known for their brewing skills, applying their knowledge on nature and its produce to make the most out of it. Treebeards are also known to kick their legs up by the lake while casting out a rod or sitting with their pipes by the fire at night to tell a story to all of those who want to hear. It’s been known for some members of this clan to seek the knowledge given by the Order of the Druids, given their close relationship with nature. ~♣~Religion~♣~ Treebeards are well known for their faith in the Brathmordakin their understanding of Anbella’s teachings is unmatched and their love for seeking out more of her knowledge the elders and scholars are tasked with this. Their presence in the clergy is well noticed given their love to spread the dwarven beliefs, teaching all those interested in learning about the Brathmordakin and each individual god. The Religious practice of the Treebeards is heavily based around The Brathmordakin, most importantly the Hearth Mother Anbella. Of times of old the Treebeards once followed the religion of the Aspects and of The Brathmordakin however, since the new reformation of the Treebeards they have only accepted the worship of The Brathmordakin, considering the Aspects followed by the Druids to be representations of Anbella instead of being separate deities altogether. ~♣~Clan Sygil~♣~ The Elder Tree ~♣~Patron Goddess~♣~ Anbella, The Hearth Mother ~♣~Military & Stance in war~♣~ The Treebeards don’t result often to the use of violence the path chosen by Gloin as one of peace and balance with nature, always looking at problems from a different perspective and trying to . This however does not mean that they do not train their bodies and seek to master combative arts, a consequence of a Treebeard’s curious nature. If one were to find themselves in a battlefield where the dwarves have been fighting one would probably find a Treebeard tending to the injured or in a ranged squadron. After a battle is fought its not uncommon for a group of Treebeards to walk around the battlefield with a wagon of sapplings behind them, bringing back balance to Nature not only for the lives lost but also for the resources used. ~♣~Appearance~♣~ The Appearance of any Treebeard is the same as all Forest Dwarves. Ranging of heights of 4,0 - 5,0 ft weighing at 150 - 250 lbs. Their hair and beards would be ranging from dark browns to gingers. The Treebeards often have fairly large noses and their skin tone ranges between that of a mountain dwarf to an earthy brown. Their eyes are usually colored by shades of different variants of green Most Treebeards are actually quite slim compared to their mountain-dwelling cousins. The reason may range from naturally a faster metabolism to a generally increased amount of exercise. Treebeards often dress as adventurers and wear whatever they see fit or comfortable. Those that follow the path of Druidism often take to robes. However, they mostly wearing clothing of green and browns. ~♣~Leadership~♣~ The leadership of the Treebeards is very similar than other Forest Dwarf clans where they have one to rule them all, the name for this are as followed, High Elder, Clan Father, and Clan Chief all meaning the same thing to the Treebeards. The Treebeards are also governed by the Chief and the elders appointed by the chief in every matter of which is needed to discuss. ~♣~Existing Members~♣~ Clan Chief Thorin Treebeard (SoulReapingWolf) Clan Members Kildrak Treebeard (Disturbo) Beardlings Hjolron Treebeard (TMoore) Missing Garrion Treebeard (goblinguy17) Grojak Treebeard (Armakak) Logguc Treebeard (Nitroflak) Dlunâr Treebeard (HedgegogHugger) Konin Treebeard (wewe_wewe) Selsi Treebeard (Rhuyne) Flynn Treebeard (Loshdesem) Hakhaestr Treebeard (ESTatomic) Aodhan Treebeard (PINKYPYRO) Dead Ozneat Treebeard (Crim_Crim) Dutesli Treebeard (Hearth_Mother)
  5. SoulReapingWolf


    Changed Status to Pending
  6. SoulReapingWolf


    Changed Status to Under Review Hey there, your application is almost there, for the time being, it has been placed on, For the following reasons, Your powergaming and metagaming definitions are right, however I suggest both expanding on them or using some examples to show understanding of the concept. The following link can help you with this. Metagaming & Powergaming Your Biography is a bit short I’d suggest making it a bit longer, with complete sentences and including at least two more lore mentions. The following links can help you with the latter. Human Wiki Human Empire Human Religion Creatures Flora Arcas Your interesting facts should be complete sentences and follow the following format Positive (strength, skill, achievement) neutral (likes, dislikes hobbies) negative (Fears, flaws, weakness) Make sure you make these corrections on the following 24 hours If you need any help you can contact me through my discord WolfKnux (IdleSoul) #1674 you can also join our New Player Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Application team, and meet other server players.
  7. SoulReapingWolf


    Changed Status to Pending
  8. SoulReapingWolf


    Hey there, your application is almost there, for the time being, it has been placed on, For the following reasons, Your powergaming and metagaming definitions are all right but I suggest using some examples to show understanding of the concept. The following link can help you with this. Metagaming & Powergaming Your Biography is a bit short I’d suggest making it a bit longer, with complete sentences and including at least two more lore mentions. The following links can help you with the latter. Human Wiki Human Empire Human Religion Creatures Flora Arcas Your interesting facts should be complete sentences and follow the following format Positive (strength, skill, achievement) neutral (likes, dislikes hobbies) negative (Fears, flaws, weakness) In this server you learn magic thru RP so it’s important you make sure that your desire to learn is just that until you get a teacher and you go thru the proper process. Make sure you make these corrections on the following 24 hours If you need any help you can contact me through my discord WolfKnux (IdleSoul) #1674 you can also join our New Player Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Application team, and meet other server players.
  9. SoulReapingWolf


    Changed Status to Under Review
  10. SoulReapingWolf


    Changed Status to Denied
  11. SoulReapingWolf


    I am sorry to be the one to tell you this but your application was unfortunately But don’t give up just yet, you can make another immediately! You’ve posted two apps, I’ll review the one you posted more recently. Make sure you add the corrections I said on my previous comment before you post another application. If you have any doubts, please don’t hesitate to contact me through a message in the forums or via the New Player Discord.
  12. Changed Status to Accepted
  13. I am happy to inform you that you’ve been Your journey has only begun, adventure awaits in the lands of Arcas! If you have any other questions feel free to message me through the forums or discord WolfKnux (IdleSoul)#1674, you can also join our New Player Discord, where you can talk and ask questions to other players from the server. If you have any doubts on how the server works make sure you use our New Player Guide! this guide is filled with tons of useful information to help you understand the server during your newcomer stage. Upon your arrival to Arcas, the monks from Cloud Temple will be there to guide you towards your desired destiny.
  14. Changed Status to Under Review
  15. SoulReapingWolf


    Changed Status to Accepted
  16. SoulReapingWolf


    I am happy to inform you that you’ve been Your journey has only begun, adventure awaits in the lands of Arcas! If you have any other questions feel free to message me through the forums or discord WolfKnux (IdleSoul)#1674, you can also join our New Player Discord, where you can talk and ask questions to other players from the server. If you have any doubts on how the server works make sure you use our New Player Guide! this guide is filled with tons of useful information to help you understand the server during your newcomer stage. Upon your arrival to Arcas, the monks from Cloud Temple will be there to guide you towards your desired destiny.
  17. SoulReapingWolf


    Changed Status to Pending
  18. SoulReapingWolf


    Hey there, your application is almost there, for the time being, it has been placed on, For the following reasons, I’m glad to see a Treebeard, I’m one myself, you’ll need to perform certain trials in character to become a full member of the Clan, for the time being you’ll be a Beardling. Your powergaming and metagaming definitions are all right but I suggest using some examples to show understanding of the concept. The following link can help you with this. Metagaming & Powergaming Your interesting facts should be complete sentences and follow the following format Positive (strength, skill, achievement) neutral (likes, dislikes hobbies) negative (Fears, flaws, weakness) Make sure you make these corrections on the following 24 hours If you need any help you can contact me through my discord WolfKnux (IdleSoul) #1674 you can also join our New Player Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Application team, and meet other server players.
  19. SoulReapingWolf


    Changed Status to Accepted
  20. SoulReapingWolf


    I am happy to inform you that you’ve been Your journey has only begun, adventure awaits in the lands of Arcas! If you have any other questions feel free to message me through the forums or discord WolfKnux (IdleSoul)#1674, you can also join our New Player Discord, where you can talk and ask questions to other players from the server. If you have any doubts on how the server works make sure you use our New Player Guide! this guide is filled with tons of useful information to help you understand the server during your newcomer stage. Upon your arrival to Arcas, the monks from Cloud Temple will be there to guide you towards your desired destiny.
  21. SoulReapingWolf


    Your powergaming definition and example are not quite right and the sentences you’ve added neet some corrections within them. (They are a bit hard to understand) and your description should focus on how your character looks, his physical aspect and what his clothes look like, avoid having personality traits here.
  22. SoulReapingWolf


    Changed Status to Pending
  23. SoulReapingWolf


    Hey there, your application is almost there, for the time being, it has been placed on, For the following reasons, Your powergaming and metagaming definitions are a bit short and are missing some of the concept’s main points. I suggest you use examples to show understanding of the concepts. The following Link can help you with this. Powergaming & Metagaming Your Biography is a bit short I’d suggest making it a bit longer, with complete sentences and including at least two more lore mentions. The following links can help you with the latter. Human Wiki Human Empire Human Religion Creatures Flora Arcas Your interesting facts should be complete sentences and follow the following format Positive (strength, skill, achievement) Neutral (likes, dislikes hobbies) Negative (Fears, flaws, weakness) Make sure you make these corrections on the following 24 hours If you need any help you can contact me through my discord WolfKnux (IdleSoul) #1674 you can also join our New Player Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Application team, and meet other server players.
  24. SoulReapingWolf


    Changed Status to Under Review
  25. Changed Status to Denied
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