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  1. Katalyse


    As a small child, Thea was drifted from the world, living with just her mother and her pet chicken. She knew very little of the world, and could not go beyond the fences that surrounded her mothers owned land. Though after a nasty accident a fire had engulfed their home and land, causing Thea and her mother to quickly leave. Along with their chicken. They had refuged in a small town a bit far from their home, though there were strange races Thea and her mother had not seen or been exposed to before, who had passed a disease onto Thea's mother whom had a weak immune system as for being old. After Thea's long four years of grief she had managed to pull herself up and recovered as she turned 17. From there she set foot into the world once again to train and become more skilful. She now is a believer of 'The Red Faith religion and hopes to find someone to teach her more information on the religion. Thea is now turning 18 and wishes to find a place to start a life with other people and learn all she can.
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