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  1. Tricky


    Thrak was born in the lands outside Krugmar where he spent the first few years of his life inside the city where he lived in relative comfort. By the age of seven his war loving father decided Thrak would be a master swordsman and that words didn't matter, so he was pushed into sword training while his education suffered. By the age of 12 he brought down his first Greymane Boar, making his father proud. He learned how to gut and skin the boar with his father and after removing the skin his father cured it and he was given his first trophy, proudly wearing it like a cape. After a few more years learning different one handed weapons, at his 17th birthday, his father took him out on a two week long hunting trip were he learned how to track his prey and successfully kill it, completing his basics for being a hunter. Thrak spent the next few years with his father perfecting his skill for tracking, making him a proficient hunter but with only having basic language skills he was more on the uncivilised side. He trained for the next 10 years Thrak worked on perfecting his hunting and training more with combat, with the goal of perfecting his reflexes and combat skills. A few months after his 27th birthday his parents house was burned down by a stray dragon, burning them both alive and burning down his childhood home. Thrak, while watching his house burn swore he would have vengeance and would protect others from magical creatures which he sees as abominations. Thrak used his years of training to track down the dragon that slayed his parents, and as he found it's cave he started setting traps and preparing himself. He knew that taking out its wings was the best course of action, so he set up with his rope that was tied as a noose and waited for it to exit its cave. As it exited the cave he got ready to pounce, not realising this dragon was smaller then it was supposed to be. Before he knew it, the dragons mother swooped down on his position and slashed at him, thankfully his years of training developing his reflexes he managed to dodge a fatal swipe at his head but at the cost of his eye. The dragon had cut a nice chunk out of his face, taking his eye. Thrak, despite his need for vengeance, knew this fight wasn't going to end with him on top, darted back to where he had set his traps and hid in a narrow cave nearby, narrowly missing the mother dragon. As it come down to finish him off a screech came from it's young, drawing it back to the nest. Thrak used this time to make a break for it. After arriving back to Krugmar he spent the next 10 years of his life training his body, getting ready for his face off with the dragons. He also knew he needed to learn more so he sort out someone that could teach him to read so he could study these monsters weaknesses, determined to become one of the best monster hunters this world had seen, he set out to learn all he can...
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