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Cornelius Tudor II

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  1. Cornelius Tudor was born into a upper middle class family based in Senntilten. His father was successful trader who does much of his business with the government of the Kingdom of Marna. His mother was not born into great wealth, however what she lacked in coins she made up for in character and compassion. She worked at a school teaching the blind and poor children of Marna. She hoped to instill her values of compassion and generosity onto her son. Unfortunately for her Cornelius is more concerned with making money than helping the poor, but she has her hopes that he will come around to her way of seeing things. Cornelius received a very good education and can read and write in High Imperial. His father taught him all he knew about making deals and how to work with the government of Marna to win contracts and gain favor. This privileged upbringing has led Cornelius to look down on members of the lowers classes and to adapt the view that one must pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. This viewpoint has led Cornelius to come into conflict with his mother but he loves his mother dearly despite for her views on the poor and inequality. Cornelius is not a perfect man by a long shot, he can be greedy and self centered at times and is often in a state of anxiety due to the enormous amounts of pressure that he puts on himself. Despite these flaws Cornelius is a well intentioned man who is loyal to his friends and family.
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