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About Tacashisora

  • Birthday 08/06/1993

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    Storytelling and animations.

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  1. Dear journal Uh.. day 1?  (2018-05-01)

    ((So tested out my first mini RP after getting a tour... really cool,))

    I hid from this knight looking guy on a horse then spoke to him shortly; he was surprised at my manners it seemed, was I too friendly perhaps I don't know. Apparently respectfully calling people sir doesn't work everywhere, then again I'm used to handling customers at the tree farm back in Norland. 


    I went over to a odd nun with the word Raven inscribed on a stick in her hand, she wanted to show me faith when I asked for a healer... I hope all outlanders aren't like this; I miss Norland, for now I need to get myself a small base to work from until I can find myself a healing master.

    I got a one day job chopping trees but payment was the wood itself, scary thing is; when I was working this guy invited me into an army or something; I thought I was gonna die I was so afraid... I mean I get it, there's like wars and stuff heck even the highlanders have an army, can't remember the specifics as my mom tried her damnedest to keep me away from fights. "You're so fragile dear, you can't fight dear..." I mean my mom isn't wrong... Ah I miss her... Hang on father, I will become the best healer and heal you and anyone else that is ill in Norland!

    Guess I'll be sleeping in the cloud temple tonight... They're friendly here but all talk of this god thing... and academy... I don't even know where to start *yawn* so many new things... I hope the next time I write I atleast have a place to stay, hanging out in a small bar or something now.



    Edited by Tacashisora
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tacashisora


      (( As in I'm not allowed to write that here or? ))

    3. AGiantPie


      (( You can if you want - but status updates aren't generally used for RP and it's pretty hard to find old status updates on your profile since they get buried underneath other forum posts etc and don't have a permanent URL link. It's a lot easier to keep your diary entries published on a forum post or in a google document that you can keep bookmarked and have them all in one spot. ))

    4. Tacashisora


      (( True, this is mostly for personal use but thx for the advice I appreciate it ? ))

      Edited by Tacashisora
  2. Tacashisora


    Born 1643 in Norland Atlas and raised on a Birch tree farm; young Tacashi grew up knowing nothing of the world, he had little interest in it. Not long after he turned 18 however his father suddenly turned ill, normal medicine had no effect so Tac had to set out to try to find someone to teach him healing magic while his mother cared for his dad. He likes writing everything from songs, poems to novels, but due to the nature of the highlanders he's forced to hide his love for the art of this kind of writing. Sad his father is sick but secretly happy that on this journey from home perhaps he will get some time to write while he searches for a healing master.
  3. "Remember; have fun playing..." - Irori



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