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Everything posted by TwinTails99

  1. TwinTails99


    Matt Kirin is a simple human boy. He was raised in a small hamlet in the kingdom of Renatus/marana as a baker's son. Matt spend most of his life dragging flour to and from the bakery, as well as cooking a fair amount of the bread (and more than the occasional sweet.) His village was of no importance to anyone but those who resided within it. Matt's father was a big man with a large pot belly and a deep hearty laugh. He and Matt got along well and life was good...albeit hard working. One day, a stranger came to the town visiting from far away lands of a different kingdom. When asked why he had come, he stated he was looking for new ingredients for his 'alchemy.' Never having heard of such a thing, the villages grew quite weary. All but Matt, that is. Mat said he wanted to try and master this art...he was enthralled. Figuring that the man was lying, he was rather surprised when the man agreed so long as Matt's father agreed to feed him during his stay. After a big of begging and pleading, his father agreed and Matt tried to make what he thought was a 'potion.' The results...were worse than abysmal. What Matt had created looked closer to gravel than fluid, and smelled worse than fresh manure. After laughing at Matt's failed attempt, the man simply went about his business, then, a month later, he left. Mat tried to convince him to let him try again, but it was to no avail. The man wouldn't be moved. Now, four years after the man left, Matt was leaving too. He wanted to find someone to teach him the art or 'Alchemy' as the man had referred to it. Matt was finally leaving his safe life, and leaving it for one reason, and one reason only...excitement. The man that had shown up four years ago had lit a fire in Matt, one that egged him forwards and onward to set out on his own and see what he was capable of. He decided this 'alchemy' would be his profession. More than that, a thing he could be passionate about. With such a drive, and a few supplies from his father, Matt set off walking, not knowing where he'd end up.
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