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  1. PoiBoi


    Savin growing up, In late Athera and early Vailor, as child he was often told to stay at home, for his mother was very protective of her children. This in turn, caused the children to become very close to each other, not having many others to talk to. All 3 of them, Anna being the oldest, Arwin being the middle child, and Savin being the youngest of the bunch. He wasn't too keen on being told what to do and would most likely disobey his mother's warnings of what would happen if he were to step foot outside of his families land. He was told stories of beasts and such; of course he did not listen, for he wasn't going to put thought into what might be out in the forest. He would usually believe only In facts, but still enjoyed his Mother and Father's stories. The others and Savin usually tried to make the most of what they had, they weren't born rich, nor middle class. They were on the low end of the community, in terms of currency. They used the land to plant crops and would have a decent income of food every year so they wouldn't starve. As well as, their Mother going out to the town, selling the crops for enough money to keep their land and house. They'd sometimes even all go into the town together and would try to eat somewhere nice, so that they could get away from their life for a span of maybe 2 hours before evening. When Savin turned 30, after both of his older sisters; he decided to go out own his own to gather information of where they might be better off living, where they could get more food, they wouldn't have to worry so much about money, and of course to not worry about him. All three of the children wanted to help their parents before they all went their separate ways. So finally after days, weeks, and months of hard work; Savin and his sisters finally made enough to support their parents life after they were gone, and they were able to get enough for each others journeys ahead. So they all said their goodbyes, and all three of the children left; at first Savin's sister Anna stuck by him at all times for the next year. Savin wandered around in Vailor with his sister for most of the time he was with her. Mainly looking for a bite to eat, and possibly a drink for the road ahead of them. Then when they arrived at Axios, Savin settled down in the Dominion as well as his sister Anna. He quickly got bored and tired of the scenery, and moved on to Atlas Then finally he reached Atlas, now searching for a home. A permanent home most likely by himself, since he wasn't one for marriage or relationships. Arwin disappeared into the forest instantly, not looking back after the three said their goodbyes. After time passed, Savin was 35 and and Anna had to go figure out what she was going to do, being the protective sister she is, Anna gladly gave Savin some of her earnings before she went. Savin was very grateful, and would return the favor another day, when their paths crossed again. Two years passed, Savin found himself in trees as shelter most of the time; but like Elf Savin Is, he didn't mind at all. He had a decent amount of earnings still on him, and would spy and watch people from a distance, hoping to get information on food, clothes, weapons, basically anything that could get him into the middle-class at most.
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