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Everything posted by EvoKnight1

  1. EvoKnight1


    Hey did you forget about my application? It has already been a day since I first posted it. Please answer me.
  2. EvoKnight1


    Just added the edit. Long live Bastion!
  3. EvoKnight1


    Thank you for the help and sorry for the orcs, I am very new to Lord of the Rings and barely know anything about the books. I hope you find a way to include me in your server. Thanks!
  4. EvoKnight1


    My story starts as a humble baker working for my father. Our bakery was located in the capital of the Kingdom of the Westerlands until it was besieged and taken by the undead. They killed my family and friends while I just hid in a cupboard. I felt so bad for not doing anything to help my father, mother, brothers, and friends. That is why I have been traveling to find small and odd jobs to work up money and find a home. Since then I have to rely on inns for my food and rest. I do want to help out Bastion by joining their army and fighting off the undead minions, and maybe even retake Bastion once and for all.
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