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  1. Rodzac


    I added examples to both. I tried to write a little more, but whenever I edit it, it cut the text.
  2. Rodzac


    Rod was born in a merchant family, in the middle of a journey between Sutica and the Kingdom of Haense, so, even his parents aren't so sure about where exactly he was born. He had the luck to be the son of a wealthy family, so he studied different kinds of craftmenships and read lots of books about art from many cities. In his mind, he always wished to make his own fortune, so, as soon as he turned 18, Rod grabbed a backpack, said goodbye to his parents and started travelling across the land, looking for any chance to make a profitable business. But, despite his best efforts, he could barely make enough money to keep travelling without starving. That was the moment when Rod decided that he should make an all-in bet, so he started his journey to the nearest big city, which was in the Kingdom of Marna, hoping to finally get the luck on his side.
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