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  1. Syrtyr


    Jackson Spares used to live in the slums of Adelburg as he grew up. His parents had died through the after effects of the thanhium bombing was quite brutal on his parents and the cold wintry atmosphere was horrible for them which caused their death. But nonetheless Jackson being young had survived in the slums of Adelburg with pickpocketing and selling small stolen wares to vendors who would buy it for extremely cheap prices. Jackson was able to survive for long periods of time till he noticed his biggest fear was spreading. The Thanhium was spreading throughout the lands causing him and any others living in Adelburg to get on the ships provided by House Horen and go to the land of Atlas. When Jackson reached Atlas he was unsure of what becomes of his life but his time being a simple thief was over. He would want to start fresh and anew. Jackson then went ahead and followed the large group of humans to Senntisten where he bumped in to Martius Horen (I have permission from Charlemagne to include his RP persona). Martius inspired Jackson, being at such a young age but still ready and able to fight. He decided he must be a loyal soldier, not a street beggar who steals of people who serve House Horen. He should be the one who fights for House Horen.
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