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Everything posted by BlueF0x

  1. BlueF0x


    Robb Emmerich is a hardened frontiersman. Much of his life has been spent in a struggle in getting food and supplies in order to keep himself alive. He is very built because of his harsh lifestyle and is a very capable fighter. He belongs to a family line of former Hanseti and plans to join the militia once he connects to the locals more. Robb had been traveling for much of his time heading North towards the snowy mountains of Anthos were he intends to make a permanent home for himself. Robb is a man of honor and has very good morals helping those in need and having a positive attitude. He had lost both of his parents when he was 17 while attempting to cross a river. His father dove in to save his mother who was drowning but something in the water attacked them both and they never surfaced again. This has lead Robb to be very cautious and afraid of large bodies of water and because of this is a very poor swimmer. He relies on himself to get jobs done and has been alone ever since his parents deaths. He wears an aged breastplate with a faint image of a fox on the front that he received from his father for his 16th birthday. It appears heavily modified in order to still fit him. He carries a worn long sword and heater shield on his back. Both seeming to be older then himself. He has a scar on his right cheek and right arm from practice sparing with his father when he was younger.
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