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Everything posted by NebularisRyder

  1. NebularisRyder


    Carol lives in the rougher corner of the world as one of the highlanders in the Duchy of Ruska. She tends to dye her hair from time to time when she hunts for food but she always ends up back to her natural blonde colour. Raevir blood flows through her veins as she knows to craft sets of armour and she wonders what it would be like in the south. She was raised by her parents in the mountains and they taught her the basic skills required to survive in such a rough part of the world. As she turned 18, her parents left her with nothing but a bow and several arrows and they departed down south to see more of the world as they had heard numerous things about the places outside their little corner of the world. She spent 6 years roaming around the Duchy of Ruska learning her craft which eventually turned into her crafting leather pieces for other people in the area. She used the tiny amount of profit to sustain herself and whenever lucky, she purchased a new book for her collection.
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