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gwendolyn ashley

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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Daenestra Gwaelon
  • Character Race
    High Elf
  1. gwendolyn ashley


    Born in 1499 to pure High Elven parents in the Silver District of Haelun'or, the nationalistic ideals of racial purity and superiority were ingrained into Daenestra as a small child. Because of the constant cycle of war during her early childhood, her identity as a high elf was reinforced by racial tensions between High Elves other Elf sub races. Growing up she was consistently overshadowed by her older sister, who seemed to be better than her at everything. Due to this, she's developed a debilitating fear of disappointing the community and being a failure to her parents. She tends to overstep her bounds at times, and can self-centered, but she looks for the good in others and likes to view the glass half full. More than anything, though, Daenestra wants to have a family, though the curse of infertility is a damper on her wishes. She excels in anything and everything academic, but often struggles with creativity and art.
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