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Kha' Targher

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  1. Kha' Targher


    Character Description: He has a very bright and shaggy grey hair, his eyes are orange and he has an scar next to his eye. Biography: Targher's patta was an albino Kha'Tigrasi warrior and his munna was a strong Kha'Cheetrah, he was raised by their parents until he was 17, his father died in war and his mother could not overcome, she stayed inside her house for the rest of her life until she died when Kha' Targher was 17, in her deathbed, his munna told him to be something else and don't become just another usual Kharajyr. He got his eye scar when he was training with his father in his youth, he almost got blind but everything ended up well. At the age of 18, Targher decided to find a new way for his life and travel through Atlas with no fate foreseen. Skin:
  2. Kha' Targher


    This is my apply, when i made it I forgot to sign up, sorry.
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