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Top Shitter

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Everything posted by Top Shitter

  1. Top Shitter


    Alkuhul was born with no family the only thing he had close to one was the priests who raised him. As he was a baby he was left on the front door-step of the church and left with nothing but a small note saying to take him in,as his life would truly be far better without his birth parents. The priests among the church raised him as a bold canonist man able to praise the faith like no other with undying allegiance to the one and only almighty god. As well he was trained to defend himself in swordsmanship as the priests could only teach so much about the art,Alkuhul was not far skilled in it but "decent" regardless. He hit the nye age of 19 and decided to travel from the church and discover the world from himself and if need be praise god to those of atlas.
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