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About iJim

  • Birthday 01/05/1967

Contact Methods

  • Minecraft Username
  • Website

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    England (North East)
  • Interests
    Minecraft is the only game I play. I like to build and explore worlds. At the moment I am seeing if I can build a medieval city in single player. I also have my own blog where I write about things like horror movies and theories as well as a few "how to" posts.
    I am married with 4 kids all of whom are gamers and horror movie fans.
    I also share my house with 5 dogs all are rescue dogs, 2 cats and a tortoise.

Character Profile

  • Character Name
  • Character Race
    Wood Elf
  1. iJim


    My name is iJim Loresh. I want this letter to serve as my application to join the noble seeds of Laureh 'lin. My seed history? Yes, of course. My seed was a small one, we lived on the borders if what you now know as The Dominion and Krugmar. As far as I know, my seed is dead. I was not more than 15 years old when my father told me he was going to introduce my to the local Duidic grove to ask that I receive my seeds tattoo and possibly join their grove.The next morning instead of meeting with my father I went fishing. I was there from sun rise until the sun was high in the skies. That's when I heard their feet as they moved through the woods toward my village, the noise they made with their clumsy footsteps was as loud as screams in the night. These were NOT Elvin footsteps. When I got back to my village it was in flames, the ground stained with the blood of my seed. As far as I know my seed is dead. I will join with the Elvin of Laureh 'lin and follow the wishes of my Father and join the Druids of the Dominion of Malin before continuing the search for any surviving members of my seed. ...if you will have me. Great Mother and Father protect you iJim Loresh
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