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  1. BasicallyPrime


    Gerald was born in 1550, in Johannesburg, the heart of the Orenian Empire. Growing up, Gerald spent the majority of his time in the Church, practicing his Canonist Faith. His parents lived on a farm outside the city walls. His father was never there for Gerald, though his mother persevered through many hardships. Gerald's mother, Tonna, home-schooled him, which would help him in later attending college in the city of Johannesburg. Gerald's life was going well, though at the age of 23 an explosion hit the capital. His mother and many others died due to the blast, though Gerald survived. Gerald was depressed, his loving mother had died, he dropped out of his elite college, and he moved to the capital of Haensti-Ruska where he lived out many more years. Gerald was lost and unaware of what to make of himself so he sailed to the new land in a search of prosperity and hope. Gerald is now 32 and only just arrived at Atlas, seeking a better life.
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