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    Chef #2051
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    Dark Elf
  1. Aventhorn


    Just realized it says "screenshot of skin" not "file of skin", so here is a picture of my skin.
  2. Aventhorn


    Aventhorn was born on the outskirts of Caras Eldar, the populated capital of the Elven dominion. His house resided on the edge of a forest. He never knew his mother, and his father disappeared one day, leaving 11-year-old Aven to fend for himself. Aven began stealing in order to survive. Three weeks later a grain farmer stumbled upon Aven, curled up in a ditch on the side of a wagon path. The farmer took the boy home and cleaned him up. The boy quickly fell asleep, and the farmer searched Aven's belongings, pulling out a rare, highly sought after coin. The elf boy was a thief. Unsure of what to do, the man returned the coin to Aven's cloak and went to bed. When the farmer woke the next morning, Aven was gone, leaving no trace of where he was headed. Months passed and the farmer continued with his seemingly obsolete life, working the fields by day and resting at night. One night he heard a sharp rapping on the door. He opened it to Aven's deep-set purple eyes, except this time the boy wasn't just overexposed. He was bloodied, a deep slash painted across his chest. The farmer quickly recognized the young rogue, and rushed him inside to heal his wounds. "What did you do this time!?" the man grumbled. Aven said nothing, his eyelids fluttering as he grasped the blood-covered table. His pulse weakened. He reached for the farmer's hand as his vision blurred. Only when the man bandaged Aven, and gave him some medicinal herbs did the boy stop gasping for air. Two days later, he woke. The farmer nursed him back to health, and after asking him about his life, decided to take him in as his own. For the next 7 years the young elf would sneak out of his keeper's house to satisfy his need to steal and deceive. Pickpocketing came naturally to the young rogue. and soon deceit was like breathing for him. Soon, his habits would catch up with him. A series of four jail sentences only hindered his aspirations, and soon his keeper had no choice but to cast him out. Aven returned to the edge of the forest where farmer found him, and disappeared into the greenery; this time it would take more than a commoner to find him.
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