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  1. Wojtek


    Henry Arthur was a simple merchants son, who had suitable income and used to live in a small town in the outsides of Senntisten with his father Geoffrey Arthur. Being a merchants son Henry was able to have more luxurious items and living materials than other villagers as his family was the richest for several miles other than any lord or ladies that cross by. Henry is always keen of learning the way of being a soldier and has constantly been practicing the sword and shield with a trainer his father had hired. Henry’s goals are to one day serve under Antonius Horen the Marshal of Renatus-Marna and serve in the army. On a usual day of training with the trainer. There was sounds of hooves and scraping of steel in the inner cities of the village. Henry living in a small manor with walls, he was unable to see what was occurring in the village. But his trainer understood, as he was a trained veteran he new a battle was occurring. Without further adieu he told Henry to follow him to battle against the bandits. But as they approached there were no bandits but trained soldiers. Men of Haense were charging down with their horses it seemed that the United Southern Alliance was doing an attack on lands of the nations in the Northern Atlas Alliance. The town/village was getting pillaged and destroyed. Henry went to go swing a soldier busy burning down a home, he hacked at his neck and the head came clean off. But before he could continue Henry was trampled under horse hooves before he was knocked unconscious. If he were to wake up it will depend his future to rescue his village and avenge his family and townsmen!
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