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  1. shout


    Oliver Crolecz is a simple farmer who lived with his family around the farmlands of Senntisten. Oliver and his family would get suitable income as a large majority of food was bought by lords of Renatus-Marna who need to supply food for their men during the wars against the NAA and the USA, especially the siege of Norlands capital. But on this day of farming, Oliver was in the fields when he noticed something was off. He could feel the ground shaking and rumbling and suddenly a group of horses with men on them, weapons ready riding at full speed at our town. Oliver noticed who those men were, they were part of the members of the USA, the tabards show the Kingdom of Haense and Kingdom of Norland (prior to the siege of Norland). Oliver ran in to his house, to only attempt to search for my parents. Oliver shouted their name, and I would see my mother Charlotte come running in the house, but Oliver was too late to warn them. The door burst open and a Norlander charged in sword swinging. Oliver was cut deeply in the shoulder only to pass out with the shock and blood. But the last thing he saw was how the sword swung down by the Norlander on his mother, Charlotte's, neck. When Oliver woke up, he was still bloody but what he saw was even worse. His mother’s dead body, he ran out to check on his other family members to see the whole village ransacked and gone. Oliver ran into his house once again filled with rage and sadness, he took his families sword that seemed to have fallen but still be in pristine edition. He ran in to Renatus-Marna demanding and shouting for revenge, only to notice that there were soldiers marching out to siege Norland. Oliver without any notice or recognition joined behind a group of peasant soldiers ready to fight the Norlanders. For whatever the outcome. The fight begins to only notice that a stray arrow catches his left shoulder and he fell down once again knocked unconscious. From whatever happens when he wakes up depending on the outcome of the siege will depend on Olivers path.
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