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  1. TheRed1337


    Adrian Grzesiak was born within the kingdom of Haense. His father was a soldier in their military, and his mother was a barmaid. He grew up fairly well, and always aspired to become just as good a fighter as his father. Life was good for him and his family - Haense was growing rapidly, although conflict with the Northern Atlas Alliance was beginning to develop. However, Adrian did not agree with Haense’s politics and stance. When he turned 18, he left home to go exploring and see different lands especially Kingdoms that are part of the NAA, preferably to join a nation that is part of the NAA to fight against Haense his home, as he disliked its political stance and actions they are taking. Adrian made his way forward down the roads before encountering a group of mercenaries or bandits known as the Reivers. He had offered them a bit of minas and they let him go before he travelled to Marna. Upon reaching Marna he stopped… shocked at what he saw. Hundreds of armoured soldiers strapping their armour, ensuring their swords were sharp as it seemed they were heading out for war. Only until then he noticed a specific man, Antonius Horen. (I have permission from 7lo to use his name as well this conversation we had) He approached Antonius, and asked him where are they heading and he stated “We go for war against the Red Faith Heathens of Norland.” After further dwelling he understood that Norland is a friend of Haense. On that notice, he had asked Antonius to pass him a sword as well as armour as he was ready for battle. Without any experience Adrian was ready for what he believed in he thought was the best course of action. And from there the battle then hence began on a hill of a biome the battle was short and was victorious but Adrian was injured. A arrows had struck him from one of the Norlanders. Until then Adrian was knocked unconscious hopefully picked up and aided but hopefully his journey in Atlas can continue!
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