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  1. jamsd22


  2. jamsd22


    James was raised by elves in a small hamlet in Northern Atlas with a name he cannot remember, he trained with the sword and bow from a young age and studied herblore alongside his martial training. His past is gloomy and clouded, as when he was 18 he ventured from his Guardians home in the north, determined to find out the truth of his real parents, who he never knew. Shortly after striking out on his journey he was ambushed by bandits on his way to Caras Eldar, after sustaining a nasty blow to the head he wandered aimlessly for days, waking up in a field and being taken in by monks with an empty scabbard on his waist and a bloody ring with a missing stone attached to the necklace he was wearing. He remembers little now, only occasionally remembering minor details from his childhood, like the soft voice of his elven mother or the stern but gentle teachings of his elven father. His only goal now is to survive and recover what he has lost. Even after all his hardships, he is still kind-hearted and gentle, slow to start a fight but quick to end one, no matter the situation
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