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  1. MasterisVodka


    Born in 3 kid family, 2 males and a female. As I remember i was the youngest one, but not much. Didn't really saw parents often, but they always had time for us and came from time to time to check if everything was ok. And so we lived like this for a few years in the Huckery Highlands. After some time we started to see our parents less often more and more till one they they stopped coming back. On top of that few months later we started to feel presence of some kinds that we never had before and it was tough to see what kind if things were there because we were almost unable to defend ourselves. well we really wanted to move somewhere else, but still had hope that one day they will surely come back to us and so we held onto that hope until one day I woke up all alone. at first i thought that those two made up their courage to go outside and check what kind of people ,if u can call them, were Lurking near our home. i went downstairs just to see that our whole first floor was a mess stuff broken all over the place and a Note on the main door that was written in the language i never heard of . From everything I assumed that they got kidnapped by the unknown. I did not wanted to believe that at first but 2 weeks later they still did not came back to me . So having no other choice i packed up everything i needed and went to search for a clues about that note left behind. years went and not giving up i struggled to find atleast one clue. And one day i arrived at Warhawkes. The mood of the people living there towards me was not that of loving one , but what can u expect from people that never saw me . Not giving up to the atmosphere i still was asking people if they knew about that language which was used in the note. either people walked past me or did knew nothing about it. one day while i was packing up stuff , this old lady comes from nowhere and says that she knew someone who could help me, but that man is always somewhere outside of the village and rarely showed up here. but atleast she knew where i could find him. so i took some food and went out on a journey to find that old man who would maybe help me to learn something about that note.
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