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    Forget Me#6065
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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Aurielle Celeste
  • Character Race
    High Elf

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  1. Peachyye


    Aurielle Celeste, an agile, inquisitive, gorgeous young lady, towers over most elves at 5'11". She has long, flowing blond hair, with icy white streaks, half of it tied into a neat braid, decorated with a golden head piece; perfectly complimenting her refined jawline, cat-like lavender eyes, a dainty little nose, and her long, pointy ears. Her skin appears silky smooth, being soft and supple to the touch. Whether she's basking in the sunlight, or focused on learning new spells, the light always seems to make her look like a glowing goddess. She has a straight posture, holding her head up high, proud of her long, prestigious line of artists and scholars. Attending Haelun'or College, Aurielle mainly focuses on magic, the concept of spells and magic itself intrigues her, so she has aimed to perfect it, being wise and powerful is one of her many goals. Born in the thriving land of Haelun’or, Aurielle spends most of her hours in the Eternal Library of Haelun'or, where she is very distant, tending to keep to herself. She keeps the demeanour of being emotionally devoid and insensitive, this is due to her belief of only showing her true side to those who were capable of uncovering the many layers of her intricate personality. Being extremely respected by her peers, and people around her, does not only come from her bloodline, it also spawns from the many skills she was able to perfect over the course of her life, such as writing and reciting poetry, painting impeccable realism, her skills with a bow, and her angelic voice. You may think she's all that, but with great power, comes great responsibility. Her judgment is very rash, and something she tries her best to maintain, along with her emotions, being pressured to be proper and perfect, takes its toll. She feels as if she's missing something, and is going above and beyond to fill the void.
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