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    Kakuzo #7811
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  1. Kakuzo


    Kakuzo was born into a poor snow elf family in the city of Fenn, her dad had little care for her and spent his days at the bar, and her mom was always working in order to feed the family. One sad day, she woke up to her house ravaged and her mother and father missing. She was left alone and with no parents, she had nobody but herself. At the age of 18 she worked as a hunter and lived in the house left to her by her parents. She didn't like the environment the city had and eventually chose to live in the wilderness knowing she could survive with her hunting experience. By the time she was 20 she was a veteran to the wilderness and knew mostly everything on how to survive. She lives in complete isolation and has little interaction with traveling merchants. She then becomes interested in the mystery of her parents' disappearances and begins a search throughout all of Atlas in hope for any leads.
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