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  • Character Name
    Storm Z.
  • Character Race
    Dark elf

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  1. jessOK


    Autumn springs, a halfbreed with a High Elf mother, and a Wood Elf father, grew up in her mother’s homeland of Haelun’or. She has been overly insecure, due to the fact that she isn’t a full blooded High Elf, since that is a staple part of their culture. Despite that, she tries her best to express herself, and prove to her fellow peers, that she is fully capable of being given the title of a respected High Elf. In her free time, Autumn is seen stacking up on magic books in, trying to learn every single spell. If not seen at a library, she can be seen in the wilderness, running with all her fellow woodland companions. She is very aware of her surroundings, and is extremely good at agility, and handling a bow. She aims to improve her sword skills, and adventure around Atlas. She’s been eager to get the Camoryn Seed, to stay grounded to the culture of wood elves, since she does indeed value knowledge. Whether it’s sticking her nose in a spell book, or running in the woodlands, Autumn never fails to look stunning, her Forest green eyes, dark, velvety skin, platinum blond hair, slim build, and angular features, all tie in together to form this gorgeous half breed beauty. She always stands with perfect posture, holding her head up high, always making sure that she remembers, being a halfbreed doesn’t degrade her.(edited)
  2. jessOK


    Autumn was born to two loving parents in Haelun'or. her parents were kidnapped and enslaved by orcs. Her parents were taken due to their prices compared to other races. Evidently, she had always been targeted being a High Elf so as her parents Unfortunately, she never saw her parents again, eventually considered an orphan and sent to an orphanage in Caras Eldar, where she was adopted by two wood elves. Despite his growth and development as a young High Elf, he never felt a certain superiority compared to other Elves. On the contrary, he always felt inferior to all Elves. Being an orphan as well as a High Elf, he wasn't treated greatly by most around her. she struggled to blend in with the other Wood Elves; struggling to fit in to their accustoms and cultures. following the teachings of her parents, a teaching that views High Elves in a higher light than the other 'lesser races'. Many wood elves wanted to take their hatred for High Elves .
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