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  • Character Name
    Anhel Kyrawn
  • Character Race
    Wood Elf

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  1. AnhelKyrawn


    She was found when she was just a baby in a basket outside of Laureh 'lin down by the water. A nice old wood elf by the name of Eva found her and took her as her own. She raised her in her small house to be strong, smart, and independent. When she was just 10 she was already the fastest elf of the 10 years she beat them in a race every time. Around the age of 17 she was the smartest in her age group. She learned of many things in that time with her mentor but what she didn't know was soon after her 20th birthday her mentor would be murdered. Eva sent her out to do her daily gathering and other chores. She felt as though something was wrong so she finished her gathering and started walking back. She got close to the village and one of her friends run up to her and told her to come quick and that there had been a raiding of the villa and all of the raiders were gone but so was her dearest mentor Eva. She had been killed in the attack by a arrow to the throat. She mourned for many days. She then one day swore revenge on all of the raiders that came through her villa taking away her precious elder. She looks for any clues that could lead her to her mentors murderer while she travels far and wide taking on quests for gold. Ever since that day she has been cold hearted never letting anyone near to her heart so she doesn't have to bare the pain of loss again.
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