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  • Character Name
    Ievos Orirel
  • Character Race
    High Elf
  1. Xenon


    During the first few years of his life, he was taught to live his life to the fullest, find the positive in most things, even in books, even if they were boring. He was also taught to be trustworthy for others, and expect the same to him. During the second decade of his life, he would often visit the Library of Draugr to learn more, most often learning with his family, who all sought knowledge. During the fourteenth year, he would be taught to cook, make jokes, and would begin training up his stamina and agility. At one point during the fourteenth year, he found himself being kidnapped, but he ran away a few days after when he got the chance. During his sixteenth year, he was taking care of a younger sibling of his, who would happen be one, and this sibling had made his parents ask him to learn more about saving those who choke, and other life saving things. During the second generation of his life, he'd be caring for his ill parent, still living healthily. Ievos during this time would be gaining a lot of stress, and depression. These years almost drove him to insanity and ruined his life. Fifth decade of his life was a time of him being confused, as he didn't know where to go, but he wanted to go somewhere, and his main choice was to explore, and use a map to find a place to stay. Age sixty to eighty: He'd be looking around, still exploring, hoping to find a job that could use his agility. When he turned ninety one, he'd find a place to stay. When Ievos turned one hundred twenty, he'd start visiting places all around the world of Atlas; Marna, Dominion, Markev, and many other places.
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