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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Orym Iliris
  • Character Race
  1. Bman0206


    Orym was a small child growing up, the runt of his generation. As he wasn't the biggest, the tallest, or the strongest he spent his time elsewhere studying academics whereas the other children would play, or take up apprenticeships. This time studying did not last long, as a child he was forced into military training just as all the other elves were, but his liking for academics at an early age would prove to be a great attribute which carried into adulthood. As he finished up his military training, Orym would return home to his parents only to find them slaughtered in their beds from a Snow Elf purge, conducted by High Elves several months earlier. Fearing his life would be lost in the next purge, Orym set off to the tundra and would spend the next hundred-fifty years of his life in an abandoned citadel.
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