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  • Character Name
    Arlon Wessel
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  1. MewingChief


    Born on the outskirts of Renatus, Arlon was raised to a middle-class family. After his birth, his mother and father began to have marital issues which led to his father drinking heavily. Once Arlon reached the age of 6, he began to notice his father was doing more than just drinking. One night after his father returned home, heavily intoxicated, Arlon witnessed his father physically abuse his mother, and once his father noticed Arlon, his father began to physically abuse Arlon. From this abuse, Arlon gained the fear of leaving home and communing with other beings besides his mother. After years of physical and mental abuse from his father, Arlons father left him and his mother when Arlon reached the age of 10. Once Arlons father left, he began to lose more and more trust in all other humans because of his father. Arlon and his mother lived a peaceful and quiet life for the next few years. Once Arlon turned 15 he decided to put his mind towards joining the military, to be the man his father could never be. A week after Arlons 16th birthday, his mother took her own life for unknown reasons. Arlon would soon find out the following day from a passing traveler who found his mothers body, and read the note inside of her pocket labeled, "Find my son, Arlon Wessel. Let him know he was a better man than his father ever was and ever will be." Arlon than lived the next 6 years inside of his mothers house, which was eventually raided and burned by oncoming bandits. Now at the age of 22, Arlon is now living at friends houses, looking towards joining the military to get his life back into shape.
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