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    Snow Elf
  1. hisao


    Changes have been made
  2. hisao


    Made a mistake in forgetting to make an account before doing this, also I missed a field requirement. New one is posted.
  3. hisao


    kelso grew up in a small out of the way human port city located on the shoreline of atlas. He faced alot of discrimiation and never really felt at home with the others in his community shunned and orphaned by his parents who left him at the door step of the local temple he grew up bitter. It wasn't long after his 19th birthday that he saw them come, Pirates that had come down from the other human factions seeking to plunder his small town. Faced with the adversity of an enemy far to great to withstand he did what he could to kill off the few pirates that made their way to his orphanage. Seeing the injuries sustained by such a young warrior the captain of the ships decided it best to recruit him for the future raiding party. So started kelso's life of crime and war living off the work of others and caring for none. After about a year of sailing with the pirates he managed to escape them on a raid and set out to forge his own destiny as a pirate. make his own way in this world and no one was going to stop him.
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