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Everything posted by Hakakuro

  1. Hakakuro


    As a child of High elves, she was born into the district of Valleinor. The ideals of High elf superiority was forced on to her until the age of 18, she rejected the thinking of the high elves and left the city of Valleinor, seeking equality and new friends. Roaming the lands of Atlas now at an age of 25, she seeks out knowledge of the world and of the Druidic order, hopefully, to learn the healing power of druids. she has always felt a connection to nature from a young age and she realizes this is her chance to indulge in the teaching of order. through the years she have studied arcane magic in the particular subject conjuration. but with just reading books she hasn't learned any real magic yet, leading to her actively seeking out a teacher. she believes in the equality of all races and wants to do her best to help everyone. sporting the traits of benevolence, order and innocence, she has the potentiality to evolve the white aura
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