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    Raamsal The Wanderer#0538
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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Cato Raamsalus
  • Character Race
  1. boxing_wasp


    A tall man standing six foot two with short dark hair, haphazardly cut as to keep it from obstructing his view. A thin man, far more fond of the woods and road less traveled than that of a crowded city street. Cato was raised a cautious man, his father teaching all he truly needed to live, how to cook, how to fish and how to thrive. The world provides all that one may need, more than those of the cities would find, more than is needed for him to have. His mother taught him how to sew, how to hunt and how to forage safely. His family resided within the walls of Markev, safe and well enough off, but for how long? He knew all to well of the results of the Northern wars, how long before another tried to claim his freedom or life? He did not wish to live out his days waiting for some other threat to try and claim his peoples freedom, he would not wait like a tied lamb for the wolfs to draw near. He would carve his own path forwards, and much like the rising sun, he raced to greet the new horizon as tho it would be the last.
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