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Posts posted by MeteorDragon

  1. [!] A crow would make its way over to Cain, the writer of the grand letter. It held a letter within it's talons that it then placed next to the man. Afterwards, the crow offered one sole 'caw' before it become enveloped by a pure white aura that caused it to fade back to the void. The letter had been written in rather neat handwriting, not a smudge upon the paper, making it look rather clean and pristine. It read:


    "Dear Cain,

              I scribe to you as I heard of the prospect of being able to learn something new, something grand. Never before have I given up the choice to pursue knowledge that could be useful or quite fun to behold. Simply, my reason for learning is my reason for learning all together, knowledge makes the world run. With the lengthened lifespan that all elves hold, my time in this world would be wasted if I did not spend that time learning and doing all that I could. The one thing that has escaped me has been the knowledge of alchemy and what it has been able to do, what one is able to accomplish with such brilliance. Thus, to expand what I already hold and to create more throughout this usually boring life, I seek to learn and grow along with the path of Man and Machine. Already I know the creation of faux life, but machines are something new, something interesting. Humbly, I ask that you consider taking me on as a student.


    The Void-Walker, Sulieronn Ashwood-Uialben"


    [!] Every word upon the page had been written with the utmost care, each letter having been written with significant detail, making sure that it looked almost printed. In fact, quite little flaws were seen within the actual writing process of the letter.

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Dark Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Transfiguration, like all magics, is gained via a Voidal Connection, this being done through guidance of the teacher through a ritual that requires a greater mana source: obelisk, tear, voidstalker. A connection is what allows any mage the ability to cast and wield spells at their whim. When using Transfiguration, a mage will utilize the mana within all things to manipulate it in specific ways, be it changing something's color, to destroying a spell. In general, this magic is mostly utility based, really only being used in out of combat situations to give flavor to what the mage wishes to do. However, there are some spells that do have some more combative uses. Transfiguration, unlike other Voidal Magics, takes up [2] magic slots.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Voidal Feeling

    In short, Voidal Feeling is the process in which a mage will expel mana from themselves and flow it into an object in order to gain knowledge about the properties of the item in question. This can only be used on inorganic or dead organic matter and will relay the information of chemical, physical, and voidal properties of the item in question. Generally, this can include things such as learning how an enchantment works, knowing the temperature of a cup of tea, or even learning the flammability of a piece of wood. In addition to that, an Alchemist may also learn of the Reagents of any specific thing they Feel, that usually being picked herbs. The larger the area a Voidal Mage wishes to feel, the more amount of emotes, and the more tiring the spell becomes. This is the building block to Transfiguration as if one does not know an item, they may not manipulate it.



    Should one know the properties of a material, usually gained through Voidal Feeling, then they may begin to shape the world however they please. Via flooding the innate man within something, the mage may then will it to manipulate to their desire, changing such factors at temperature, color, shape, the position it sits in, and more. Similar to the art of Voidal Feeling, the mage may only cast such spells upon inorganic or dead inorganic matter, meaning such things as rocks, hair, stray feathers, a picked flower, etc. While they have free range to control the makeup of different things, the mage is incapable of breaking the law of equivalent exchange as all changing something, such as density, will also cause the size to decrease and the weight to increase.



    Enchanting is a staple in the arsenal of a Transfigurationist. Using the ability to pass information through mana, a mage is capable of imbuing, or impregnating (if I had to read it on the lore page, so do you), an item with a spell. This can be something as simple as having a ring shoot fire balls or making a cloak change colors. Not all spells are created equal, however, as the higher the spell's tier, the higher of a cost the creation of the enchantment is. In addition to all of this, all enchantments must have a Trigger, a way for them to be activated or deactivated, examples including: phrases, buttons, gestures, or levers. Of course, Transfigurationists may also utilize their mana to trap spells in bottles, use other's magic to aid in enchantments, and even create Ley Lines to spread the mana being pushed out of an obelisk, for example.


    Warding and Abjuration

    Warding and Abjuration is the absolute destruction of spells, rending them back to the void. A mage must first, as per all parts of Transfiguration, know what they wish to manipulate. This means that in order to destroy a spell from a specific magic, the mage must also know that magic and have an active MA in it. Warding is the shield of destruction, capable of protecting a mage against whatever spells come their way, each type taking chips off of the shield until it shatters. Abjuration is the sword of destruction as it's a specific spell designed to target one magic type in particular rather than all magic types that the mage knows. An Abjuration spell is designed to be the exact opposite of what they wish to destroy, making the mana cancel each other out. This can also be used to break enchantments or other such things.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Voidal Feeling


    Sulieronn would take a seat at the table and grab the apple in his left hand. As the man looked it over, his eyes became shrouded in a pure white hue, a strange fog starting to seep out of his body.


    The man would let off a slow breath as he brought his right hand up in the air, pointing it at the apple. Sul began to focus upon the object, forcing a whirl of white fog to start bellowing from his fingertips, extending forwards until it covered the object, the aura seeping through every part of the apple.


    Finally, Sulieronn would pull his hand away, the weaving white aura being pulled from the apple, strands breaking from it as the fog flowed back into his hand. The man's eyes would blink a few times, his body pausing momentarily to take in the new information he'd learned about the fruit.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Alter Color


    Sulieronn would take a seat in front of his student and place pieces of paper in front of them. The man's eyes started to take on a bright white hue as he let off a slow breath into the air. "Alright, we've done other alters, but today, we're going to practice changing color. Please connect for me"


    Student shifted in their seat, nodding simply as they looked on at the paper, placing a finger upon it. A faint green hue flowed over their shoulders and in their eyes as they waited the next instruction.


    Sul would place a hand on top of the paper, though only his fingers touched it. The white aura of his started to flow into the paper, giving it a faint glow as he spoke. "Now, just as we have before, think of what you want to do, imbue the idea into your mana and weave that into the paper. Influence the innate mana within it to alter." The magi spoke, occasionally glancing to his student to see their progress.


    Student focused even more upon the paper, brows furrowing as they worked. Green aura started to flow from their right hand as they waved it in the air above the paper, willing their mana to seep into the object. Along with that, the paper gained a soft green glow as they thought of the color they wanted to change it to.


    Sulieronn would slowly pull his hand off of the paper, causing white aura to flow from it. As the aura faded away, the color of the paper would have changed to a vibrant red hue, almost neon in nature. "After that, slowly pull your mana away and make sure that the paper doesn't revert back to how it was. Ensure that the idea of your color does not leave."


    Student's lips pursed as they maintained concentration, eventually slowly pulling their right hand away, seeming to grab the green aura. As the hue was pulled from the paper, it would reveal that it had shifted to take on a dirty yellow color rather than the white it used to be. They huffed tiredly, leaning against the table.


    Sul's head nodded simply as he looked over the colored paper, clapping his hands a few times. The man spoke, "Congrats. Now, I'd like you to practice changing the color of different things you come in contact with until our next lesson. There, I would like you to share your experiences and demonstrate your strength to me once more. Until then, you're free to go."


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I'd likely DM them about it and ask what happened. Once hearing what happened, if I were to confirm that they had powergamed, I'd see if it was an accident or on purpose. Either way, I'd make sure they they correct their behavior and help clarify anything that needs to be clarified. Like, if they do wrong emote counts, I'll make sure tell them the correct amount of emotes and ask for them to give me an example of the correct amount. In the end, I'd report what happened between myself and the student to the ST who first contacted me(if such had happened) to make sure they know what's up


    (copied from my other TAs)


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  3. I think part of why people might have some anxiety with CRP, dealing with villains specifically, is that they always assume the worst and that they'll be killed and their stuff taken. An important reminder to all is that if a character dies, you don't have to pk (unless you're under a lore imposed pk clause, duh). If people would like, I think I'm going to do something sort of like this, explain your intentions to the person you're going up against! Not to the point of meta, but maybe just say "I'm here for the rp, I won't take your stuff if I win," or something along those lines. Of course, only do this if you plan to keep to your word

  4. 7 hours ago, Laeonathan said:

    There is something else in this regard that I really think that needs to be mentioned. I will not go into the Twi topic - I'm personally biased here because she's my friend.


    Regarding Liobiletti, Hugh and Ryan, Nectorist, KP:
    KP got banned after years of knowledge about him doing bad things. Nobody seemed to care. Okay, better late then never. Kinda weird though.

    Nectorist and Lionbiletti profitted from that, though haven't caused it. Nobody complained besides KP. Obviously. Though it still seemed like a power grab.


    Next, Lionbiletti basically lost his civil war to Hugh. He reported Hugh for racism. A long time friend of his - really? Let's say Hugh was actually racist - I do not know, I can't tell. But simply the fact that a person waits till it benefits them in mineman politcs is really weird.

    Same story with Ryan...


    If you think people are so bad, report them the moment you have evidence, but don't wait till it benefits you.




    Bad people should remain banned. If they do some actually bad shit that isn't just like pugsying a few people (should still get banned for that). Being racist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, etc. should all be good reasons to kick someone off of the server indefinitely since there is a low likelyhood that they will change, which is what you're meant to do over the course of your banned time. This thing generally is my thoughts on the Lion, Nectoris, Hugh, and KP situations. No clue about Twi or Ryan


    Oh, and make sure there is proof before a ban takes place, especially for something where someone is acting like a truly shit person

  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Mana Obelisk


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  6. A man would catch wind of the news, another death in the Vuiller household. Though, he did not cry, he did not weep. Simply, he took a sip of a pleasant bottle of red wine before speaking to himself. "All et takes es one spark ta burn the nest. Et es a shame the fire started, per'aps soon, the water will come." He went back to sipping on his wine, fingers drumming against the redwood cane that lie across his lap.

  7. An aging man would sit within his home, head tilted down towards the ground as he muttered. "Another I knew was taken.. a shame, but such is life." Sulieronn let off a tired sigh into the air, slowly shaking his head. The man grasped onto a bottle of mead and pressed it to his lips, taking a long, slow swig of the drink. "And to think he was almost a Voidal Mage."

  8. = A Flame in the Eagle’s Nest = -



    Art by Tithi Luadthong




    Screams of terror flowed through the city of Balian as flames bellowed from the windows of the main floor of the Vuiller Household. The smell of burning wood was heard alongside the crackles of the structures that held together the inside of the building. Flames burst out from the room with a scalding intensity. Though, there was not a sound of human life coming from the building.


    Those who tried to enter were met with a jammed door that had been coated in flames and yet this wasn’t the worst to come. Mere moments after the roaring fire had been noticed, a loud BOOM rocked the home, stone crumbling within the home. With the explosion, flames burst out from the window for but a moment, shards of glass being flung from the building.


    After a while, the flames had all but died down, only a few cinders remaining. Once the Balian folk were able to enter the building, they could find three things, a destroyed building, a completely charred corpse that had been destroyed beyond all recognition, and a leather bound book with notes written within. Such a notebook’s first page wrote the following, “In Case of My Death, By Kristian Harald Vuiller.”


    Some reports after the events stated sights of a few folk running from the flames right as they’d started. However, no one could be sure of who they truly were.




    The following are the different pages in the Notebook, each one holding a title as to whom it’s addressed.


    To Rosemary Vuiller, @SapphirePool


    Dearest Love, I truly am sorry that something's happened. I wish I could have lived to be a grandparent with you, we were so close to it as well. Do note, I never regretted my life with you, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. My only wish is that I was able to bake more sweets for you.


    To Johanne Vuiller, @tadabug2000


    To my beloved daughter, I know you'll make for a great head of the family as well as a great Mother to some amazing children. Wish I was able to see what you will become, though you've made me proud with who you've become so far. Greatness lies ahead.


    To Samuel Vuiller, @ScarletFrisket


    To my beloved son, your goals to become a Holy Knight will not be in vain. I wish I was able to see you succeed in such, but it appears I am too late.


    To Rev and Diane Vuiller, @Harald @PrettyCuteAnna


    To my beloved parents, I'm sorry you'll lived longer than I, but I hope you both have a more peaceful life after. Forever, I am grateful for being your son, even if I didn't seem so. I'll miss you, but try not to miss me too much.


    To Kristofer Vuiller, @Cjmate


    To my brother, it's a shame we never did much together, but I'm glad to have been confused for you on several occasions even though we're not twins.



    OOC: Thank you for reading, though I must reiterate that I never said it was a PK post : )


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