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Posts posted by MeteorDragon



    Rp Name: Sulieronn Ashwood

    Age: 119

    Role Interested In: Teacher (mainly)

    Classes Interested in(For Students): Voidal Magic

    Qualifications for role (Only for Teachers, this includes magics they want to teach, and if they have taught at an establishment before.): Translocation, Conjuration

    Reason for wanting to join the Academy?: You know why



    MC Name: Meteor__Dragon

    Discord: Meteor Dragon#8579

    Time Zone: CST

  2. It's weird because some days I will be rping the entire time I'm online but other days I can sit around, run to like 5 different cities and either see a lot of people or no one but just get no rp. Even if I'm doing emotes that could instigate rp during those days, strangers almost never take up the opportunity

  3. I've been using conjuration for a while now and my main thing is yeah, conjuring things for Out of Combat purposes is a rather slow process and should be changed to be smaller. In addition to that, I believe that the range for Plant Conjuration should be raised because, as it stands, the area of effect is the block you're standing on and one block out from that. That is a miniscule and useless range to have - my opinion is that it should have sizes as the Animal Conjuration does.

    1 Plant/Flower - 2 Emotes

    1 Meter Radius - 3 Emotes

    2 Meter Radius - 4 Emotes

    3 Meter Radius - 5 Emotes

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):

             Dark Elf


    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Phantoms are what all ghosts fall under as they all draw the same general things from them, albeit in different ways. A Phantom is created when a mortal who has died does not find themselves at peace, be it through traumatic experiences when they died, or other such things. This will cause them to be brought back to the mortal realm as a Revenant. All Phantoms are made up of a thing known as Ectoplasm, a material that's the combination of life force and mana, and this is what allows these creatures to perform mystical feats. It's what gives them the ability to perform their Abilities as well as the thing that changes their color and shape. Though, it also is responsible for their weaknesses. While mundane objects and weaponry will pass harmlessly through them, they can be struck by Sunlight, Voidal Magic, Aurum, Shamanic Lutaumancy, Mysticism, and the holy Paladin Magic. The Mental State of Phantoms also in large effect, though it is something that also is inflicted upon the other types of Phantoms. All of these ghosts will suffer from Social Anxieties as well as from Depression, though other mental ailments may be brought to life in their mind, such as OCD.

    Revenants are the most basic of all Phantoms. Whenever one is stuck in the mortal plane, they are generally first a Revenant. They are weaker than the other two subtypes and they hold a light gray figure to them. They tend to have mental illnesses that link to their deaths and tend to want to look for the cause of their deaths. These beings also have a lot of confusion when it comes to their new 'lives' as some may even not know that they're dead. These are the weakest of the three of them as it takes 2 OOC days to heal as opposed to 1 for the others and also have a weaker tolerance to pain to the point where they will have fits upon feeling such. Geistreach is used once they learn of their death to progress to the next form.


    Poltergeists are an evolution of Revenants that occurs when a Revenant learns of it's death and has used Geistreach, though they become spiteful of their death, angry. These types take on a redder hue or a black coloration and are built upon rage, this being shown through their unnatural abilities as well as the constant aura of unease around them. This is also shown with the fact that they tend to not feel any source of joy or happiness and in fact feel the opposite more prevalently, rage, anger, jealousy, etc. When it comes to pain, they feel it less than their other counterparts and will become filled with rage when they feel pain, usually. Though, just like Specters, they will be able to regenerate themselves from non-fatal injuries throughout the course of 1 OOC day. Their abilities are a lot more brutal as they can create a Haunt area in which their abilities will be significantly increased in that area.


    Specters are another evolution of Revenants that occur similarly to Poltergeists, though they are more accepting of their demise and will become more caring. While they could move on, most tend to not as they feel they still have something to offer to the world at large. These ones take on a more blue or yellow tone as they're built upon happiness and relaxation. They are quite a bit more sorrowful than Poltergeists and will tend to feel the opposite to them. Their emotions deal with almost anything, only their feelings of anger, rage, jealousy, etc, are hardly ever present. In addition to that, they are more pacifistic than Poltergeists to a point where most won't fight while they become unattached from mortal life. Unlike Poltergeists, they will feel pain closer to that of normal Phantoms, though they can feel it less or more depending on their motivation. Similarly to Poltergeists, though, they will regenerate non-fatal injuries over the course of 1 OOC day. Their abilities are a lot more calm and can create a Sanctuary  where they can also have an increase in their abilities within that area.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Revenants are the pure gray or light gray forms of Phantoms who are somewhere in the middle. They will appear with injuries upon them, albeit not as prevalent as Poltergeists. Luckily, these beings tend to look like their old selves, though not as much as Specters do. They are the most transparent of the three main ones and will have hollow voices that seem rather distant.


    Poltergeists are easily the worst looking of the different creatures. Their bodies are wither black or red and will take on the extreme of what what their corpse would have looked like, showing bones and torn flesh. Some times, these creatures will be completely unrecognizable to others, also holding more animalistic features like sharp teeth and claws. Their voices are rather unpleasant as they can be whispers, growls, or other such guttural noises.

    Specters will have a more blue, white or yellow look to them and will be more resistant to sunlight than the others. Their bodies generally appear to be without flaw, though some parts of them are a little unsettling to the eye, almost creepy. The voice of a Specter will also be more pleasant on the ear.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  5. Synchronous Casting Ritual [C]


    This is a ritual that involves, at least, three mages rather than two. Using Focus Crystal powder, one will make a T shape with two circles made at the ends of the cross and one at the back/bottom of the shape. The two casting mages will stand in the middle of the circles resting at either end of the cross while the leader of the ritual will stand in the middle of the circle at the back. When performed normally, the two casting mages will simultaneously cast a spell while the leader charges their mana and as the casters finish their spells, the leader will meld them together before sending it forwards as a combination of abilities.





    -There must be a T shape of focus crystals placed on the ground in which the mages will all stand upon. This can either be with the rough powder itself or with a stick of chalk made from the powder.


    -All participants must be standing in the middle of their respective circles in order for it to work. They are small enough to turn in, though any attempts at dodging will cause a mage to step out of the circle and end the ritual.


    -As the ritual is being made, the powder will glow with each of the 3 mage’s auras. This tell must be emoted.


    -This will take the amount of emotes as the person with the longer spell plus two. Ie: One mage has a 3 emote spell and another has a 5 emote spell, the result will take on the 5 emotes + 2 for a total of 7 total emotes.


    -The spell must be approved by the Story Team: either by the Event Member running the event or by the Lore Sect as a whole


    -If any of the participants break their focus on the ritual (sudden disconnection to the void) or the ritual lines are broken by any means the ritual will fail. If the ritual is half way through the half-made spell will explode outward harming the participants, the damage depends on the affinity of the spell. (Up to the discretion of the ritual leader)


    -All the mages involved suffer the exhaustion from the highest tier spell plus one tier, maxed out at T5. Others may join the ritual by placing their hands on the focus crystal lines in order to help take the burden off of the three mages. Should at least two mages join, they will eliminate the addition of a tier of exhaustion. Should four or more mages join, they will change it to the highest tier spell minus one tier. Even those just being used to subtract exhaustion will also suffer the exhaustion of the spell, no matter what.




    -You must have at least 1 leader and 2 casters in the ritual.



    -You must draw proper ritual lines. If the lines are broken by any means the ritual will fail.



    -All participants and the ritual leader must have valid MAs in voidal magic. If their connection to the void is broken the ritual will fail.



    -The spell being created must be approved by the Store Team: Either the Event Team member running the event or the Lore Sect as a whole. The leader must have a valid MA related to the spell being created.



    -In the event a ritual fails if the casters are half way through the required emotes the spell will explode outward harming the participants, the damage depends on the affinity of the spell. (Up to the discretion of the ritual leader)


    OOC Purpose


    The purpose of this is to add something new to Voidal Rituals. Being able to cast giant spells with the Enhancement ritual is great, though it is limited to just having one magic be cast at once. This provides the ability for mages to cast multiple spells at once with help from their friends, creating something fun for events where a combination of abilities can be cast. This could be used to combine water and fire to create a temporary steam-like spell or even recreate elemental conjures for a limited amount of time.




    Meteor Dragon - Writer

    Toxcat - Original Lore

  6. Sulieronn sighed as he caught wind of how Air died in the Hollow. Moments before, he had been standing with the mage and had cast the same spell, only to end up in the crater of an old city rather than still in the Hollow. "Seems I got lucky."



    What a stupid way to die. No chance to still live at that point. Instant death.


  7. [!] A letter is sent around Almaris via a flock of crows. Letters fall down upon each city and settlement they’d be able to reach to spread word of the strange phenomenon.


    Missive on the Red Rain



    An image of the blood raining down on Almaris.


    Dear Descendents of Almaris,


    I write to you on the topic of what in our realm can see, the recent Blood Rain from the skies. From experience and viewing what has happened to others, this Rain is causing mass madness as well as horrid visions to enter the minds of its victims. Hear my words:


    Do not walk below the Red Rain.


    If you touch it, make sure to wash yourself from its crimson stain. My missive served two purposes. For one, if anyone knows anything about the Red Rain, please refer this information to myself, Sulieronn, or another who is well acquainted with magic or alchemy. We have yet to run proper tests on this rain as of right now, it mostly remains a mystery.


    Report the Red Rain.


    My second point is simple. It is a cause for action, or inaction! I ask that all conflict between nations be put on hold for the time being so we may all join forces to deal with what this Red Rain has yet to bring to us. If we allow ourselves, as mortals, to attack one another when a new threat is on the horizon, we will fall swiftly.


    Join forces to stop the Red Rain.


    We must work together. Peace, even if temporary, must be achieved so we may all survive to progress through to the next day. When this is all over, perhaps we will see each other in a new light, and if not, then resume as if nothing happened. Though, one thing remains true, We must work together to ensure the survival of all races. We must stop what treachery the Red Rain brings to us.


    Sulieronn “Void Walker” Ashwood-Uialben

    Chancellor of Voidal Arts in Elysium

    Archon of the Spire of Ilandria

    Adeptus Majoris of the Mages Guild

    Court Mage of the Ex-Arcanic Court of the Empress

    Master of the Voidal Arts

    Master of Conjuring Voidal Creatures

    Master of Void Walking

    Wielder of Evoking Voidal Winds

    Last Son of the Ex-Clan Leader of Clan Ashwood, Xavis Ashwood-Uialben








  8. 1 hour ago, _Leyd said:

    the Horde will engage ceasefire


    Sulieronn would let off a sigh as he got word of a one day ceasefire. The magi would look out over the city of Elysium that he so served, speaking to himself. "If only a ceasefire was permanent. I'd rather this war have not happened in the first place." The elven man turned and started shuffling to his home as he continued speaking to only himself. "I shall see what I can do make amends. There are other things to war against, like those of threat to the world at large rather than our own neighbors."

  9. 22 minutes ago, annanicole__ said:

    I've been on LotC since 2018, and this is the most oocly hate I've ever seen. And I believe that certain issues exaggerate people's emotions a little too much. But, ideally, if everything settles down, the friendships I've lost can be repaired.


    I too joined in 2018, albeit in December and this has been the worst I've seen stuff get for war. Sadly it's hard to repair friendships, if not impossible. People need to learn to keep ooc in ooc and rp in rp.


    Losing friends is always just terrible and while this isn't the worst that's happened on the server, especially for me and Derfey, it is still bad. Losing friends over mineman means it's almost certain things won't repair themselves. Hell, I still have friends I lost in 2020 when I left that I've not made up with.


    I've generally tried to keep out of war stuff and the only Oren discord I'm in is Vuillermoz so I know know what happened to them. My vision on it is skewed and I've not dealt with wars much in the past besides being an outside observer.

  10. First Meteor Skin Auction




    This happens to be my first ever skin action! Decided to do it when people took note and interest in paying for skins, so I went on a grind and pumped out some, 10 to be exact


    I’ve got both Alex and Steve skins for sale with reference pictures for all of them, though the skins were modified to better fit LOTC. I’ll be taking both Mina and USD during the auction, prefer USD but either or is fine. If paying USD, I have Venmo and PayPal, though Venmo is preferred


    To make a new bid, send in a new message! Try to remember to quote the old bid to show you’re raising it - edits on comments will not count!


    Bids start all at 125 mina or $6 - when raising, the minimum is 25 mina or $1. USD is prioritized, so once a bid is changed to USD, it can not be changed back!


    Example: 225 mina = $10 - 150 = $7


    If, after the skin is bought, you wish for a Recoloring on a part, it will cost 50 mina or $1

    If, after the skin is bought, you wish for me to put the outfit on an existing skin of yours, it'll cost 75 mina or $1


    Thank you for bidding! This will end on the 23rd



    Bidding Format


    Skin name:






    Alex Skins


    Black Widow









     Blue Stars









     White Robes









     Blue Pirate









     Heat Walker










    Steve Skins


    Cyan Adventurer









     Crimson Scarf








     Blue Scholar









     Pale Traveler









     Fantasy Jacket








    Sorry if the names suck, I usually only name them "Outfit#"

  11. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Kristain Vuiller


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Housemagery - Domestic/Culimancy


    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self-Taught - Vortice Book


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Self-Taught - Vortice Book


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  12. Kristian Vuiller would go to comfort his wife after the attacks, sadly having not been able to be there to help out. His head shook, speaking out about the atrocities later on, "Why have we come to be so barberic as far hard the innocent of this world! Ta raise arms against our young and ta harm the ones who help raise them. Dressed in not armor but dresses and these men brutalize them. If that doesn't let one see how they act and what terrors they wish ta place upon Oren, then I don't know what will."

  13. Sulieronn leans back in his seat, humming lightly as he spoke to himself. "I do believe that one of our own was slaughtered just the other day and another person of ours was maimed and we're made to be the racists?"

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