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Posts posted by MeteorDragon

  1. I think Aura Sensory was fine as is. I'm not sure if this version makes it so when people cast around you you can't move as well or what


    I also see Permanence as a spell not really worth using. It costs one extra emote to do but without severe effects. I've personally never seen anyone use abjuration to destroy spells due to it's complexity. Neat concept but I don't see it being too useful, especially since 3 magics are unaffected by it


    Forcing connection to be 2 emotes is a no go for me as well. While it gives the bonus of double range, I don't think it's a good trade off


    Voidal Eminance does need to have additions and slight changes to it but I don't think this is it, it takes away from the whole "I am power" feel by making you more weak than strong

    5 minutes ago, ᴜɴᴡɪʟʟɪɴɢʟʏ said:

    why do you have a don juan complex as a mental effect



    It's on the og lore page

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Elexia Savur


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Air Evocation


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Air Evocation is rather simple as it's another Elemental Evocation. The basics are that one will be able to pull air from the void and manipulate it, NOT ACTUAL AIR. When one casts with air, it is commonly heard with whooshing sounds as well as the conjured air seeing streaks of color within the air to let one know that it exists. In addition to this, the makeup of the air itself can be changed, to making it warm and cold, or altering the humidity of it. It can also help sounds flow, though they will generally sound rather airy. An air evocationist is able to compress their air to send it at targets as a basis for most of their abilities.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    There is one Subtype for Air Evocation, that being the creation/manipulation of sound. This is generally seen through the use of Sound Blast to create a sharp noise that's used to stun those who are close enough to hear the noise. Making sound is as easy as twisting the conjured air to your will to force it into vibrating to a specific noise. This is heightened to a severe degree with Sound Blast, but can be used with normally just summoning air. It's uses include letting air drift sounds along it, like a whisper, or clap.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Air Blast


    Elexia would raise her hands up as she let off a light breath. A beautiful light blue aura flickering to life in her eyes, dancing to life upon the tips of her fingers.


    Elexia pulled her hands towards herself as a mass of winds collected between the palms of her hands, a loud whooshing sound being heard. The air collected into a ball shape, streaks of light blue flowing through the air.


    With that, Elexia pulled her hands back before thrusting them forth to send the ball of air at her target! Light blue aura flew along with the air blast, trailing from tips of her fingers.



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Air Blast


    Elexia would speak to her student, "Today, we'll be learning a spell called Air Blast. It works similarly to gust, but it'll pack more of a punch rather than a push." With that, the elfess' eyes would start to glow with a brilliant light blue hue.


    Student nods their head as they speak in return, "Got it. I'll follow along with you." After speaking, Student's eyes would take on a lilac color as they connected.


    Elexia nods her head as she brought her hands up to her chest, cupping them close to one another. "You'll want to start with making a gust, but compress it as much as possible into a ball sort of shape. If you need, close your hands like this to help keep it all in one place." After that, she'd let off a light breath, winds starting to pick up between her hands as a loud whirling sound was heard. Between her palms, a ball of voidal air formed with light blue streaks flowing around in it's mass.


    Student did as their teacher said and copied the actions, bringing their hands up. A lilac fog started to form between their hands before it quickly started swirling and condensing into a single, compressed mass. They kept their ears open for the next instruction.


    Elexia hummed lightly as she called over, "Very good. Now, I want you to push your hands forwards and release the blast, send it straight forwards!" She turned to a tree in front of the two, hands thrusting forwards as she opened her palms to let the ball slip through. It sailed through the air, blue streaks following it until it struck the tree with the force of a punch.


    Student gritted their teeth before they shifted a bit, finally pushing their hands forwards as well. Just as Elexia did, they sent their air blast for the tree's trunk, lilac mist following it as it sailed. Once it struck, it would hit the tree with the strength of a punch.

    Elexia let her hands fall down to her sides, nodding her head once again. "Perfect! Now, I'd like you to go home and practice that spell on your own. When you feel like you're getting better with it, I want you to try summoning more blasts than just one. I'll come find you soon to check up on you." She smiled lightly to Student as her light blue aura faded away.



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I'd likely DM them about it and ask what happened. Once hearing what happened, if I were to confirm that they had powergamed, I'd see if it was an accident or on purpose. Either way, I'd make sure they they correct their behavior and help clarify anything that needs to be clarified. Like, if they do wrong emote counts, I'll make sure tell them the correct amount of emotes and ask for them to give me an example of the correct amount. In the end, I'd report what happened between myself and the student to the ST who first contacted me(if such had happened) to make sure they know what's up


    (copied from my other TA)



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  3. Shifting Gates: Combative


    Shifting one’s self and a group has been practiced for generations, though one can always improve. Similar to Half-Expatriation, the mage will create two portals in the world, only these are made to shift people from one place to another and stick around for a while. Once the two portals are made, they are unable to be moved, but do allow for a great many things to pass through them.




    To create a Shifting Gate set, one must first create their anchors in two different locations around them. Secondly, they will activate the gates and allow their mana to passively uphold the gates. Due to the need for a passive supply of mana from the mage, they will be rendered incapable of casting other spells while the gates are active. Once placed down, these gates will remain completely stationary and no longer be able to be changed, moved, or altered. When made, the  portals will take up an area of one block long and two blocks tall, when passing through, the person will always be facing the same direction as when they went in. ie: Enter through the right and come out the left, facing right.


    Connection -> Create Anchor 1 -> Create Anchor 2 -> Open Portals/Item Passes Through


    T4: Range 5 Blocks, Portals last 4 Emotes, 2 Casts before Exhaustion

    T5: Range 7 Blocks, Portals last 6 Emotes, 3 Casts before Exhaustion


    Example Emotes:



    Jeremy's eyes shifted to take on a deep red hue.

    Jeremy lifted his hand as a red dot appeared in the air five meters in front of him.

    {!] His hand shifted to point at his left as another red dot appeared five meters in that direction.

    Jeremy clapped his hands together before the red dots properly expanded, turning into pillars of fog, capable of being walked through.



    Avon would run through the first rift before exiting out the other one, throwing a stone as he exited.



    - Cannot use this to travel the vertical axis drastically (Cannot shift where you cannot reach mechanically aka atop of walls or into a very steep drop that would kill you on impact).

    - Voidal Shifting is the only exception in which you can swing a weapon in the same emote after casting a spell. This is because active focus is not required after you have teleported in contrast to having to constantly upkeep focus on a fireball or earth spike.

    - Cannot use this to reach places you cannot get to MCly. You may ASK, during an event, the event leader if you may use this ability to reach the place you cannot get to MCly and with their permission do such.

    - EVERYONE can see your anchor. You must CLEARLY emote it. It will take on the color of your aura, a visible distortion, or a black mark. Anchors can only be made within line of sight.

    - If an anchor is warded/destroyed mid cast, the spell will be canceled. Should a “Gate” be warded/destroyed, anything passing through will finish passing through. You can not cut things in half.

    - There can not be a barrier between any set of “Gates”.

    - While this spell is active, the mage may not cast any other spells, use enchantments nor move more than 3 blocks per turn, though they may still perform actions.

    - The “Gates” have no effect on spells, those will just pass right through. Anything else may go through the “Gates”.


    OOC Purpose


    Translocation has one “Portal” based spell that is visible and that’s it. Having one more could add to a bit of fun with people being able to walk through portals that are placed around an area, acting as a combination of Group Teleport and Half-Expatriation. In addition to this, Translocation gets no spells at Tier Four so having this would allow for someone to still have a new thing to learn within the later tiers that isn’t just aesthetic.


    Credits of the father Lore: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/192239-%E2%9C%93-magic-reformat-voidal-translocation-dlc-2999-usd-patch-notes/

  4. 4 hours ago, MrTurtleGod said:

    His Excellency, The Inquisitor-General, The Viscount Rev Vuiller of Vuillermoz and his kin


    Kristain Vuiller would glance over the feast invitation. A sigh came from him as he snapped his fingers. "Shame I can't make et.. would be a lovely feast ta take Rosy ta." He leaned back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling.

  5. Sulieronn sits with his staff resting simply in his hand, the end of it resting on the ground while he remained hunched over, reading over a missive that lie within the grasp of his left hand. A snort passes from the elven fellow's nose as he comments. "Fools claiming thrones is not something new. This group of moronic bandits should walk into a hoard of undead drones for only there would their smarts start to match up with the crowd. I've seen none as pathetic as they within recent years. Relinquish the name you claim to hold, bandits."

  6. A Magi scribbles down in his notes as he heard of the battle. Sulieronn scoffed and spoke to himself. "Clearly they wish not to fight those whom are simply too stupid to see that this world isn't made for them. Grow Up. Pathetic, truly pathetic, raiders. You are unable to grab an ounce of power so stop trying to make yourselves out to be those born of gods." The elven man had taken a visit to the city he'd once lived in many years ago and took note of how a specific person was banished from that city, curious. Even while feverish, he shook his head and decided to travel to the city once more to ensure that harm would not befall it. "Call them cowardly all you want, but in the end, it's a tactic to keep themselves alive. Simply, you are too stupid to see that."

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