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  1. Pandamence


    Magnus is a young character in the progression of his life. He had a hard upbringing losing his father at a young age and spent time learning to battle for himself. He was bullied due to the scare under his left eye which he received from a training fight at the age of 10. Although he lives in vengeance, he strives for greatness and wishes to please both his mother and his fellow Highlanders. His goal is to be recognized across Atlas and will do this in any means possible. Throughout his life, he wishes to conquer the barren lands of the last hope and learn about the ancient civilization of the Elven. During this adventure, he hopes to come across fellow adventures and create bonds that will last a lifetime. Magnus has learned the importance of bonds as he has lost before and aims to create meaningful relationships whenever possible. He is a driven, passionate and loving character with an ability to slay when needed. Although he recognizes his curse of a short life, he aims to make use of any and all time he has. In addition to exploring lands, he wants to be recognized in the Church of Cannon. His mother raised him to believe in the creator and he will spend his life worshiping him and practicing Cannonism. Magnus looks forward to the potential adventure he could embark on and hopes he can become a part of the world of Atlas.
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