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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Fuyuki Takara
  • Character Race
  1. FuyukiTakara


    Growing up as aHighlander in a traveling rag tag camp, Fuyuki spent his youth surviving out in the wilds. However, he had always yearned for something more thrilling in life, and fishing and hunting was not enough to satisfy his needs. One night on a surprise bandit ambush attack, Fuyuki had no choice but to fend for himself and his camp. In a fit of desperation, he had accidentally stabbed the bandit with his hunting knife, leaving the intruder to bleed out and die. As the rest of the bandits fled, the kill had filled the last missing piece he was looking for. It was the thrill of the kill, the challenge of fighting bandits and miscreants by the grit of his teeth. From that point on, Fuyuki decided to travel to city after city, offering his services for a “reasonable” price. Fuyuki is now a traveling mercenary, accepting the highest price from any client willing to pay.
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